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Historically, Chinese educational philosophy has been dominated by Confucianism and, since 1949, by Marxism. However, rapid industrialization, ideological demands, and loyalty to traditions have now led to a situation where various Western philosophies have been adopted into vocational education in hopes of moving the country forward without challenging the status quo too vigorously. The result is that China presently has no clear philosophical foundation that can help the country make solid decisions on how vocational education shall contribute to economic growth and social improvements. Awareness of one's philosophy, however, is important for vocational educators so that they can make well‐founded decisions about their teaching. The authors hope that by presenting an overview of which philosophies have been adopted in the past and the influence they have had on practitioners and policymakers, scholars can engage in a debate on which vocational education philosophy can help train China's workforce most effectively and support continued economic growth.  相似文献   
The automatic segmentation and classification of an unknown motion data stream according to given motion categories constitute an important research problem with applications in computer animation, medicine and sports sciences. In this paper, the scenario of trampoline motions is considered, where an athlete performs a routine consisting of sequence of jumps that belong to predefined motion categories such as pike jumps or somersaults. As main contribution, a fully automated approach for capturing, segmenting, and classifying trampoline routines according to these categories is introduced. Since trampoline motions are highly dynamic and spacious, optical motion capturing is problematic. Instead, it is reverted to a small number of inertial sensors attached to the athlete’s body. To cope with measurement noise and performance differences, suitable feature and class representations are introduced that are robust to spatial and temporal variations while capturing the characteristics of each motion category. The experiments show that the approach reliably classifies trampoline jumps across different athletes even in the presence of significant style variations.  相似文献   
Recent decades have seen a dramatic expansion in the educational attainment and occupational opportunities of German women. Both the educational and occupational positions of the mothers and those of their daughters are continuously changing across cohorts. Our study aims to detect the probability of daughters to experience maternal-line intergenerational educational and occupational mobility. Using new data from the National Educational Panel Study of adult cohorts, we analyse successive cohorts of German women born between 1944 and 1984. We demonstrate that the relation between mothers’ and daughters’ educational and occupational career has changed over time. Maternal-line female mobility has decreased over cohorts. Our results also reveal that the relationship between educational careers and female job mobility has changed. The tertiary level of education has become more relevant across cohorts in preventing downward intergenerational mobility and it has become a prerequisite for taking part in the completion for upward intergenerational mobility.  相似文献   
Summary Increasing uncertainty about economic and social developments is a definitive feature of globalization in advanced economies. However, increasing uncertainty does not impact all regions, states, organizations or individuals in the same way. There are institutional settings and social structures, historically grown and country-specific, that determine the degree to which people are affected by rising uncertainty. This paper develops a multilevel theoretical framework and summarizes the main empirical results from the first phase of the international research project GLOBALIFE. There is empirical evidence that youth in all countries are clearly exposed to more uncertainty in the course of globalization. Yet uncertainty is unequal, with risk accumulating in certain groups, generally those at the bottom. Uncertainty impacts family formation, with those in more precarious positions more likely to postpone or forgo partnership and parenthood. Youth develop rational responses to this uncertainty, which we identified in the form of diverse behavioral strategies. A notable result is that young men and women are affected and respond differently to uncertainty, resulting in an unmistakable gender-specific strategy, particularly in the male-breadwinner societies. We show overwhelming support for the expectation that nation-specific institutions serve to shield or funnel this uncertainty in unique ways and to particular groups of youth.
Globalisierung, Ungewissheit und Wandel in Lebensl?ufen Jugendlicher und junger Erwachsener
Zusammenfassung Globalisierung, Ungewissheit und Wandel in Lebensl?ufen Jugendlicher und junger Erwachsener Zunehmende Flexibilit?tserfordemisse und wachsende Unsicherheiten bezüglich ?konomischer und sozialer Entwicklungen sind ein wesentliches Merkmal des Globalisierungsprozesses in modernen Gesellschaften. Diese Unsicherheiten betreffen aber nicht alle Regionen, Staaten, Organisationen und Individuen in derselben Weise. Historisch gewachsene, l?nderspezifische Institutionen und soziale Strukturen kanalisieren diese Prozesse und bestimmen die Intensit?t, in der die Individuen den wachsenden globalen Unsicherheiten ausgesetzt sind. Der vorliegende Beitrag entwickelt eine Mehrebenen-Theorie für diese Prozesse und fasst die ersten empirischen Ergebnisse des GLOBALIFE-Projekts, das sich zun?chst mit den Effekten der Globalisierung auf den übergang vom Jugendlichen zum Erwachsenen besch?ftigt hat, kurz zusammen. Die international vergleichende Studie liefert insbesondere Belege dafür, dass vor allem Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene den Ver?nderungen durch den Globalisierungsprozess besonders stark ausgesetzt sind. Wachsende Unsicherheiten werden vor allem auf sie abgew?lzt und Flexibilisierungsbestrebungen gehen insbesondere zu ihren Lasten. Dabei kumulieren diese Risiken bei den benachteiligten Gruppen, die sich am wenigsten wehren k?nnen. Vermittelt über die wachsenden Unsicherheiten in den Besch?ftigungsverh?ltnissen ergeben sich auch indirekte Wirkungen für die Familienbildung. Junge Leute mit befristeten Besch?ftigungsverh?ltnissen, Teilzeitarbeit oder anderen prek?ren Arbeitsverh?ltnissen entwickeln neue Strategien, schieben ihre Familienbildung deutlich auf, optieren vermehrt für nicht-eheliche und damit flexiblere Partnerschaften oder verzichten sogar ganz auf Kinder. In diesem Zusammenhang zeigen sich auch deutliche geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede, vor allem in den L?ndern mit eher traditionellem Familiensystem.
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