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In relation to the size of its population, Wales has a relatively large number of higher education institutions, several of which are small and located in rural areas. Compared with other parts of the United Kingdom, only a small number of higher education students are taught in Welsh further education colleges. Nevertheless, efforts have been made to increase higher education provision in the colleges, beginning in the late 1980s with the encouragement of franchising arrangements by the Wales Advisory Body and later with a joint initiative by the Higher and Further Education Funding Councils for Wales to expand some sub‐degree higher education in the colleges by direct funding. These developments represent just one strand of activity linking the higher and further education sectors in Wales and have not been a subject of major or regular policy attention. For reasons of scale and geography, and through the enabling structures and processes serving both funding councils, cross‐sector initiatives and collaboration have generally been given high priority in strategies to widen access and build progression. The administrative devolution reflected in these arrangements has been increased by political devolution since 1999, with as yet unclear implications for the future development of higher education in the colleges.  相似文献   
The literacy skills of students is an issue of great policy importance which has attracted considerable interest in the literature. At the same time, much recent work has been done on the efficacy of learning communities. This paper examines the extent to which fostering learning communities can improve literacy skills. It is shown that it is possible to achieve large improvements in writing and reading by fostering a community of learners that focuses on scientific inquiries utilizing computer technology. The results lend support to the hypothesis that learning communities may be an important instrument in enhancing the reasoning, problem solving and learning strategies of students. This suggests that more work needs to be done in this area of educational research.

Les compétences des élèves en lecture sont un sujet d'extrème importance qui a provoqué un intérêt considérable dans la littérature. Au même moment beaucoup de travaux récents ont été menés sur l'efficacité des établissements d'enseigement. Cet article examine jusqu'à quel point il faut encourager des communautés d'apprentissage peut améliorer les compétences en lecture. Il montre qu'il est possible d'obtenir des améliorations importantes pour la lecture et l'écriture en développant une communauté d'apprenants qui se concentre sur les résultats scientifiques des enquêtes utilisant la technologie de l'ordinateur. Les résultats confirment l'hypothèse que les communautés d'apprentissage peuvent être un instrument important pour améliorer le raisonnement, la solution des problèmes et les stratégies d'apprentissage des élèves. L'article suggère qu'il faut travailler davantage dans ce domaine de la recherche en éducation.

Die Lese- und Rechtschreibfähigkeit von Studenten hat einen hohen politischen Rang, der auch ein entsprechendes Interesse in der Fachliteratur erzeugt hat. Gleichzeitig ist in der letzten Zeit viel Arbeit in die Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit von Lerngemeinschaften gesteckt worden. Dieses Papier überprüft, in welchem Umfang die Förderung der Lerngemeinschaften den Bildungsgrad verbessern kann. Es wird gezeigt, daß es möglich ist, große Verbesserungen im Schreiben und in der Lesefähigkeit durch Förderung einer Lerngemeinschaft, die sich auf wissenschaftliche Anfragen per Nutzung von Computertechnologie konzentriert, zu erreichen. Die Resultate stützen die Hypothese, dass Lerngemeinschaften ein wichtiges Instrument zur Verbesserung von Argumentationsfähigkeit, Problemlöseverhalten und das Entwickeln von Lernstrategien der Kursteilnehmer sein können. Daher sollte die Arbeit in diesem Bereich der pädagogischen Forschung verstärkt werden.  相似文献   
Attention to core concepts in science and engineering in early education has grown recently, and understanding levers as force amplifiers can be recognized as one of these. Previous studies focused on two-sided levers and do not provide sufficient information about children's knowledge of levers as force amplifiers, nor about their learning and its support from an education perspective. It is important to consider load distance and force distance separately, as may be done in one-sided levers, to understand children's knowledge of levers as “simple machines” thoroughly. Moreover, children's zone of proximal development and the possibilities to foster their knowledge should be explored to understand important features of teaching. We thus directed two studies with 6- to 7-year-old children. In study 1, we conducted a paper-and-pencil test in the context of wheelbarrows (N = 370; age M = 6.62). We investigated whether it is possible to empirically separate the features load, load distance, and force distance as well as to determine their level of difficulty. Our study showed that children's concepts of the three aspects load, load distance, and force distance are fragmented, with children finding it continuously more difficult to judge load, load distance, and force distance correctly. In study 2, we developed a 20-min intervention with a controlled 2 × 2 pre-post follow-up design for exploring the zone of proximal development of 304 6- to 7-year-old children in the domain of one-sided levers as force amplifiers, focusing on force distance and load distance. We implemented a structured learning environment that encouraged the children to manipulate wheelbarrows and supported them with pictures and/or verbal prompts. 6- to 7-year-old children had a higher learning gain when they were exposed to scaffolds that combined pictures and verbal prompts in the posttest as well as in the follow-up test four weeks later compared to the control group.  相似文献   
This study, framed by the component model of reading (CMR), examined the relative importance of kindergarten-entry predictors of first grade reading performance. Specifically, elements within the ecological domain included dialect, maternal education, amount of preschool, and home literacy; elements within the psychological domain included teacher-reported academic competence, social skills, and behavior; and elements within the cognitive domain included initial vocabulary, phonological, and morpho-syntactic skills, and alphabetic and word recognition skills. Data were obtained for 224 culturally diverse kindergarteners (58% Black, 34% White, and 8% Hispanic or other; 58% received free or reduced-price lunch) from a larger study conducted in seven predominantly high poverty schools (n = 20 classrooms) in a midsized city school district in northern Florida. Results from a hierarchical multiple regression (with variables in the ecological domain entered first, followed by the psychological and cognitive domains) revealed a model that explained roughly 56% of the variance in first grade reading achievement, using fall-of-kindergarten predictors. Letter-word reading and morpho-syntactic skill were the strongest significant predictors. The findings largely support the CMR model as a means to understand individual differences in reading acquisition and, in turn, to support data-based instructional decisions for a wider range of children.  相似文献   
This study used data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and its 1997 Child Development Supplement to examine how family income matters for young children's development. The sample included 753 children who were between ages 3 and 5 years in 1997. Two sets of mediating factors were examined that reflect two dominating views in the literature: (1) the investment perspective, and (2) the family process perspective. The study examined how two measures of income (stability and level) were associated with preschool children's developmental outcomes (Woodcock-Johnson [W-J] Achievement Test scores and the Behavior Problem Index [BPI]) through investment and family process pathways. Results supported the hypothesis that distinct mediating mechanisms operate on the association between income and different child outcomes. Much of the association between income and children's W-J scores was mediated by the family's ability to invest in providing a stimulating learning environment. In contrast, family income was associated with children's BPI scores primarily through maternal emotional distress and parenting practices. Level of income was associated with W-J letter-word scores and income stability was associated with W-J applied problem scores and BPI, even after all controls were included in the models.  相似文献   
The implementation of new content and pedagogical standards in science education necessitates intensive, long-term professional development of science teachers. In this paper, we describe the rationale and structure of a comprehensive and intensive professional development program of school-based leaders, namely school chemistry coordinators. The year-long program was designed so that the chemistry teachers who enrolled in the program were able to develop in three interrelated aspects: content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and leadership ability. Several strategies for the development of these aspects were adopted from Loucks-Horsley, Hewson, Love, & Stiles (1998). The evaluation of the program focused on the changes that participating teachers underwent regarding their personal beliefs and their functioning as school chemistry coordinators in their schools.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the social history of the emergence of conservation as a profession distinct from traditional restoration. It proposes that the development of conservation as a distinct field came about through the evolution of an existing area of practice, in a changing conceptual climate which increasingly acknowledged the necessity for, and the legitimacy of the scientific model. This paper considers the changes in societal values that led conservators to hold their present ethical principles, values and beliefs, focusing on two in particular: the importance of preserving the integrity of the object, and the belief that the best way to do this is through the application of science.  相似文献   
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