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The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of comparability between the WISC and the WISC-R over time. Hypotheses were tested using a sample of 276 mildly mentally handicapped children enrolled in special education classes who had received a WISC (Trial 1) and a WISC or WISC-R (Trial 2) after an interval of approximately three years. The sample was grouped on the basis of test administered in Trial 2. Group I contained those children who received the WISC on Trial 2 and included 183 children, of whom 121 were males and 62 were females. Mean age at time of initial testing was 8–10; mean age at second testing was 11–8. Group II was composed of 93 children who had been posttested on the WISC-R and included 72 males and 21 females. Mean age at initial testing was 9–5; mean age at posttest was 13–0. The study was conducted in five school districts and one county department of education. Verbal IQ, Performance IQ, and Full Scale IQ for both instruments administered were transcribed from the special education folders of the children. The design used to test hypotheses was repeated measures analysis of variance. Data analysis resulted in rejection of the hypotheses that the WISC-R yields mean Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ scores greater than or equal to the corresponding mean IQ scores of the WISC. It was concluded that the WISC-R may unfairly penalize special education children who are reevaluated with this instrument. Fluctuations in IQ scores due to the instrument of measurement must be recognized, and appropriate action should be taken to insure that children are evaluated for special class placement on comparable bases.  相似文献   
Strategies implemented by 12–13 year olds to solve electricity problems are examined. Three factors account for observed strategies:
  1. type of problem representation, itself dependent on the knowledge base;
  2. cognitive personality dimensions;
  3. form of problem statement.
Individual interviews were conducted. Each problem statement contained a perceptual ‘trap’ designed to induce contradictory responses. Strategies were coded for accuracy, latency, justification and control. Five types of problem solving strategies were observed:
  1. a strategy based on misconceptions such as the vanishing current model;
  2. a similar strategy but greater verbalization of doubt;
  3. rush to use formulas;
  4. sequential analysis of circuit;
  5. application of principles learned in class.
Analysis shows that the target problems fell into two classes: problems that triggered automatic (canonical or calculatory) responses, and problems which were much more disruptive. The latter differentiated students who could handle contradictions and control their responses. Mention is also made of difficulties caused by the signified/signifier relationship.  相似文献   
About one-third of adolescent mothers receive inadequate prenatal care, and babies born to young mothers are more likely to be of low birth weight. The objective of this study is to evaluate a peer-centered prenatal care program for adolescent mothers. Pregnant adolescents were randomly assigned to an experimental or control group in a mastery modeling peer-support intervention designed to improve long- and short-term perinatal outcomes. A sample of 282 urban pregnant adolescents (94% African American, 4% Caucasian, 2% other) participated in the study. Participants were recruited from five clinics located mainly in Detroit, Michigan. Participants in the experimental group received care in a small group setting and learned to perform critical measurements with a peer partner during prenatal visits. Participants in the control group received individual prenatal care in the same clinics. Outcome measures included birth weight, years of schooling completed at one year postpartum, planned and unplanned pregnancy at one year postpartum, and employment and school attendance at one year postpartum. Mothers in the experimental group had a lower rate of low birth weight (6.6% vs. 12.5%, p=0.08). The rate of unplanned pregnancy was also lower for adolescents in the experimental group (13.4% vs. 15.9%), although this difference was not statistically significant. Adolescents who participated in the intervention were more likely to have continued their education during the pregnancy and the postpartum year. The mastery modeling, peer-centered, prenatal care program produced some positive pregnancy outcomes for adolescent mothers.  相似文献   
The needs of ESL students do not end after the first year. Paulette Henderson describes one community college's approach to supporting ESL students throughout their academic career.  相似文献   
The inclusion of children with disability in regular classroom settings has been identified worldwide as crucial to the provision of effective education for all children and to the creation of more inclusive societies. To this end there has been significant focus on pre-service and in-service teacher education to ensure that teachers are adequately prepared to teach in inclusive classrooms. When delivering a unit on inclusive education in the Seychelles, which was developed in Australia, we considered it essential to determine the suitability of the unit in supporting Seychellois teachers to teach inclusively. Teachers’ attitudes and beliefs about people with disability are two aspects that have consistently been shown to impact on a teacher’s willingness to include children with disability. Therefore, the Seychellois teachers were asked to complete questionnaires in the first and final weeks of the semester in which the teachers undertook the unit. The two sets of responses were analysed to determine significance and effect sizes of any change in attitudes and beliefs. Data revealed that the Seychellois teachers reported more positive attitudes and beliefs about the inclusion of children with disability in regular classrooms after completing the unit, suggesting that the unit of study was suitable for the Seychellois context.  相似文献   
The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a significant challenge to higher education and forced academic institutions across the globe to abruptly shift to remote teaching. Because of the emergent transition, higher education institutions continuously face difficulties in creating satisfactory online learning experiences that adhere to the new norms. This study investigates the transition to online learning during Covid-19 to identify factors that influenced students' satisfaction with the online learning environment. Adopting a mixed-method design, we find that students' experience with online learning can be negatively affected by information overload, and perceived technical skill requirements, and describe qualitative evidence that suggest a lack of social interactions, class format, and ambiguous communication also affected perceived learning. This study suggests that to digitalize higher education successfully, institutions need to redesign students' learning experience systematically and re-evaluate traditional pedagogical approaches in the online context.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • University transitions to online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic were undertaken by faculty and students who had little online learning experience.
  • The transition to online learning was often described as having a negative influence on students' learning experience and mental health.
  • Varieties of cognitive load are known predictors of effective online learning experiences and satisfaction.
What this paper adds
  • Information overload and perceptions of technical abilities are demonstrated to predict students' difficulty and satisfaction with online learning.
  • Students express negative attitudes towards factors that influence information overload, technical factors, and asynchronous course formats.
  • Communication quantity was not found to be a significant factor in predicting either perceived difficulty or negative attitudes.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • We identify ways that educators in higher education can improve their online offerings and implementations during future disruptions.
  • We offer insights into student experience concerning online learning environments during an abrupt transition.
  • We identify design factors that contribute to effective online delivery, educators in higher education can improve students' learning experiences during difficult periods and abrupt transitions to online learning.
The present study investigated the strategies involved in the Kohs Block Design task from a cognitive point of view. One purpose was to improve the classical distinction between syncretic and analytic strategies. An other goal was to determine whether subjects show the same strategies according to their field dependence level. Finally, we analysed the way the subjects described their own strategies in order to assess their metacognitive skills. The subjects (17 year-old pupils) were first given a field dependence proof (G.E.F.T.), then the Kohs Block Design task and finally were interviewed about their strategies. Each pupil was tested individually and videotaped. The strategies were drawn by four indicators. The results indicated three strategies: syncretic, analytic and synthetic strategies. The degree of field dependence clearly distinguished the strategies in the Block Design task: more independent the subject is, more he used a synthetic strategy. Finally, the subjects’ verbalizations were more closely connected with their behaviours. In a general way, the subjects appeared to be steady in the use of a particular strategy.  相似文献   
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