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The system of higher education in the USA comprises the undergraduate programs of the colleges and the graduate programs in research universities. This distinction has no equivalent in Germany. The idea of elite education is connected exclusively with the colleges. Its meaning and functions are demonstrated with an analysis of the criteria which are used for the ranking of higher education institutions. The ranking of the colleges is addressed to the students and is based on indicators, which give expression above all to the educational priorities of the students and the alumni. The ranking of the graduate programs focuses on specific academic programs and is addressed to the members of the various academic fields and to their prospective students. A few rankings cover whole educational institutions and serve to inform the higher educational management. We use these data to identity the specifics of outstanding research universities and their role in American higher education.  相似文献   
Beim übergang von der Schule auf die Universit?t müssen sich Abiturienten u.a. für einen bestimmten Hochschultypus entscheiden. Der Fokus in diesem Beitrag liegt auf der sogenannten Berufsakademie, die in einigen Bundesl?ndern eine interessante, aber wenig beachtete Alternative zu Universit?t, Fachhochschule und P?dagogischer Hochschule darstellt. Anhand einer gro?en L?ngsschnittstudie, die in Baden-Württemberg durchgeführt wird, werden der Leistungsstand, der famili?re Hintergrund, die beruflichen Interessen und die Studienwahlmotive von (künftigen) Studierenden an den verschiedenen Hochschultypen untersucht. Berufsakademien erwiesen sich insbesondere für Abiturienten mit weniger günstigem famili?ren Hintergrund und dem Wunsch, rasch finanziell unabh?ngig zu sein, sowie für Absolventen beruflicher Gymnasien als attraktive Alternative zur Universit?t. Berücksichtigt man die schulische Herkunft (berufliches vs. allgemeinbildendes Gymnasium), so fanden sich ?hnliche kognitive Eingangsvoraussetzungen bei Studierenden wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher F?cher an Berufsakademie, Fachhochschule und Universit?t.  相似文献   
In diesem Beitrag wird der Frage nachgegangen, unter welchen Bedingungen die Freiwilligenarbeit Jugendlicher einen Einfluss auf die Bereitschaft zu politischer Partizipation besitzt. Theoretisch wird die Frage mit Bezug auf die Theorie gemeinnütziger T?tigkeit beantwortet. Diese besagt, dass nicht prim?r das soziale Engagement, sondern die beim Engagement gemachten Erfahrungen relevant sind für das Ausma? politischer Beteiligungsbereitschaft. Diese Annahme wird durch zwei Untersuchungen (N1 = 222; N2 = 1.431) bei Jugendlichen geprüft. Die Befunde beider Studien stützen die These, dass Freiwilligenarbeit nicht direkt, sondern vermittelt über die im Zuge des Engagements entwickelte Prosozialit?t und die gemachten Erfahrungen das Ausma? politischer Beteiligungsbereitschaft vorhersagt.  相似文献   
This article examines the content and methodology of studies on Tai Chi as a sport in health care. We investigate the concept behind the rather simple name “Tai Chi,” concluding that this concept is manifold and highly variable. How did researchers deal with this variability when studying the effects of Tai Chi as a health-care intervention? We then explore how scientific research on Tai Chi has been conducted to date and draw the interim conclusion that the variability was barely taken into consideration. Our analysis of seven Tai Chi interventions reveals that two interventions referred to as Tai Chi may differ considerably in their content. The variability poses difficulty in repeating the intervention and drawing causal inferences. This problem is discussed in the current literature under the term “complexity in health-care interventions.” On the basis of a summary of this debate, we discuss the challenge of researching Tai Chi from a complex perspective—with the aim of achieving solid results that can be repeated.  相似文献   
Vergleiche ganzt?giger Bildungseinrichtungen erm?glichen, ein breites Spektrum von Konzeptionen und ihrer Realisierung kennen zu lernen sowie m?gliche Effekte und Funktionen einzusch?tzen (u.a. auf Lernleistungen oder für die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf, aber auch Effekte auf au?erschulische Arbeitsformen und Einrichtungen). Deshalb werden hier die Struktur und die Organisation von — mehr oder weniger ganzt?gigen — Bildungseinrichtungen aus Finnland, den Niederlanden, Frankreich und Italien kriteriengeleitet dargestellt und analysiert. Die Sicht auf das Au?erunterrichtliche ist dabei vorherrschend. Im Hauptteil des Textes sind zentrale Merkmale der Bildungssysteme (Ausbau in den Schulstufen, Rechtsgrundlagen, Funktionen und Effekte; Zeiten, Tagesabl?ufe, Bildungssettings) auf Basis l?nderspezifischer — jedoch allein englisch-oder deutschsprachiger — Quellen kompiliert. Im zweiten Teil findet sich ein kurzer Ausblick auf weitere Vergleichsebenen (Personal, Kooperationen, Au?erschulisches) sowie eine Bewertung des Forschungsstandes und des Spektrums an Konzeptionen und ihrer Effekte.  相似文献   
Delay eye-blink conditioning is an associative learning task that can be utilized to probe the functional integrity of the cerebellum and related neural circuits. Typically, a single interstimulus interval (ISI) is utilized, and the amplitude of the conditioned response (CR) is the primary dependent variable. To study the timing of the CR, an ISI shift can be introduced (e.g., shifting the ISI from 350 to 850 ms). In each phase, a conditioned stimulus (e.g., a 400- or 900-ms tone) coterminates with a 50-ms corneal air puff unconditioned stimulus. The ability of a subject to adjust the CR to the changing ISI constitutes a critical timing shift. The feasibility of this procedure was examined in healthy human participants (N = 58) using a bidirectional ISI shift procedure while cortical event-related brain potentials were measured. CR acquisition was faster and the responses better timed when a short ISI was used. After the ISI shift, additional training was necessary to allow asymptotic responding at the new ISI. Interestingly, auditory event-related potentials to the CR were not associated with conditioning measures at either ISI.  相似文献   
The extent to which students profit from a university course depends on the lecturers?? approach to teaching, with a student-focused approach being more supportive for student gains in competences than a teacher-focused approach. Little is known, however, about how to foster a student-focused approach to teaching. In this paper, we want to investigate how to frame the feedback lecturers obtain from students?? course evaluations in such a manner that a student-focused approach to teaching is encouraged. In two studies using either a qualitative or a quantitative methodology it can be shown that providing lecturers with a feedback on students?? subjective gain in competences (output-focused teaching evaluation) is more effective in promoting a student-focused approach to teaching than a feedback on how satisfied students were with the lecturer (process-focused teaching evaluation). Results are discussed in the context of the Bologna reforms which demand a continuous evaluation of all university courses.  相似文献   
Family is the central place of socialization during childhood and adolescence. What are the determining factors of family life that are important for the health of children and adolescents and in which stages of their life do these factors take effect? The question is answered with reference to the general health of children and adolescents as rated by their parents. The analysis is conducted with data from the KiGGS study 2003–2006 which is representative of Germany (n?=?17641, age: 0–17 years). The gender-specific effects of different family factors on good health are analysed in five age groups using binary logistic regression analysis including structural, socioeconomic and origin-related factors of family as well as housing conditions and family cohesion. Bivariate analysis indicates significant effects on general health for almost all included factors (at least in some age groups). Multivariate analysis shows family cohesion to be the most important factor for good health. In boys a bilateral migration background also has an adverse effect on good general health until the beginning of adolescence.  相似文献   
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