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Two groups of gifted adolescents solved two similar intelligence tests with differing levels of task difficulty in reverse order. Under both conditions the performance level on the less complex test was much lower, a result not observed in a control group of average intelligence. Behavioural observations revealed that the low performance of the gifted students was combined with lack of effort. This performance pattern is discussed with respect to recent postulates of achievement motivation theory, which empasize the impact not only of the achievement motive, but also of the informational value of a given task for evaluating own level of ability. It is argued that the perceived informational value of the easier test was not high enough to create an incentive for the gifted students to perform at the highest possible level  相似文献   
This study aims to ascertain student and staff attitudes to and perceptions of audio feedback made available via the virtual learning environment (VLE) for summative assessment. Consistent with action research and reflective practice, this study identifies best practice, highlighting issues in relation to implementation with the intention of redesigning activities in the light of the findings. It utilises four case studies where audio feedback was provided to students using the Wimba voice authoring tool within Blackboard Learn+ for various types of summative assessment. The intention was to identify how and in what context audio feedback via the VLE is effective and why. The research was undertaken via a combination of techniques, including a student survey and staff reflective logs. The findings indicate that students liked the convenience, effectiveness, flexibility and personalised nature of this feedback, but raised concerns with some aspects of the technology. This paper also makes practical recommendations for the use of the feedback mechanism, focusing on the most effective use of the digital medium, and highlights directions for future research.  相似文献   
证明了每一个等幂和sum from n=1 to ∞(i~n)(n为自然数)都可以表成k的n+1次多项式f_n(k),并给出了f_n(k)关于n的一个递推公式。  相似文献   
The assistant workforce is a constituent presence in all schools. Progressive reconfiguration of the role has resulted in a hybrid position, with assistants customarily navigating power relationships in the hierarchy of the school. This paper employs Bourdieu’s theory of social fields, in particular, his system of relations, as a means to consider the intersection of habitus and capital amongst assistants in special schools in Northern Ireland. Using this analytic approach, focus group interviews with Classroom Assistants and Health Assistants explored their current deployment, their interaction with each other and with teachers. Data was collected from 47 participants across 7 special schools, with interviews transcribed and thematically analysed. Findings revealed assistants as a workforce in transition, whose conventional habitus has been steadily disrupted by a supply and demand culture often at variance with the origins of the post. Whilst such divergence has the potential to create a site of struggle, the burgeoning social and cultural capital held by assistants has, instead, re-configured their perceived position within the special school environment, creating more porous professional boundaries and an increasingly fluid professional identity. These explanatory insights offer a fresh perspective for further research into this pivotal yet under-researched group in Northern Ireland.  相似文献   
This article seeks to contrast two constructions of teachers and teaching in England. The first construction is to be found in government documentation, which privileges a technical‐rational approach. The second is to be found in film and advertising for the profession, where the teacher is represented as an altruistic and charismatic subject. In their contrasting ways, both these constructions can be regarded as fantasies for teaching held by the government and wider society, which the teacher has to deal with. The article examines both constructions and the tensions that have been created by their presence in Teacher Training Agency ‘texts’, by drawing on data from trainee interviews as well as examples from the media which give rise to these disparate fantasies. Employing psychoanalytic theory, the article seeks to examine the ways in which teachers and trainees are faced with the paradox of fulfilling both seemingly contrasting fantasies while in the meantime the Government works to annex personally felt fantasies into its codes. It is suggested that trainees need to be educated into these tensions and that practitioners overall need to maintain their fantasies for teaching as well as accommodating these codes.  相似文献   
大学入学考试制度的改革,一直以来是海内外讨论的热点和焦点问题之一。台湾大学入学考试制度从20世纪90年代以来进行了精心改革,取得了一定的成效,但也存在一些问题。分析、评价这一制度的成效与问题,对大陆的高考改革具有借鉴价值。  相似文献   
The relationship between home and school is an integral feature of how pupils learn and parents have a central role to play in their child’s education. Philosophical and practical discourse around inclusion has informed and directed inclusive policy in recent years. In Northern Ireland, it has latterly been conducted under the auspices of emerging and revised legislation that is intended to promote the rights of children with special educational needs (SEN) and their families. This paper will examine provision for SEN within the evolving continuum of education in Northern Ireland. The paper will explore findings from the qualitative phase of recent research (O’Connor et al, 2003 O’Connor, U., Hartop, B. and McConkey, R. 2003. Parental attitudes to the statutory assessment and statementing procedures on special educational needs, Bangor: Department of Education.  [Google Scholar]) on parental perceptions of SEN provision and contextualize these within the recent changes in educational policy and legislation. It will examine the research findings and their implications within the context of school practice, institutional and professional development.  相似文献   

In some ways it now becomes too easy to compare — boys with girls, Jonathan with Michael (and other leaders), older with younger. My colleague's girls were more egalitarian than her boys; my least successful group, however, consisted entirely of 3rd year girls. Jonathan's leadership was of a notably selfish kind, but there were no other boy leaders of his age to compare with. There was certainly a feeling of development, younger to older, in terms of ability to plan, to sustain an investigation over time and draw conclusions when working together. Nevertheless one older group (3rd years) spent all its time trying to arrive at a workable social structure. The older often chose to co-operate in pairs with friends and showed considerable respect for each other's observations and ideas and care over their modification. At the same time, throughout both classes, children worked intensely in all their appointed groups on set tasks, even when no direct collaboration or conversation took place at all.

These facts in themselves make the evaluation of process and outcomes difficult. How, in effect, did we first recognise and second assess group success? Was joint completion of a task the only criterion or could social interaction be considered too? How important, indeed, was interaction to the final result?

If we say that achievement of a result of some kind through talk and mutual help was the main aim, then most of the older children actually brought that about. All but two groups came to a point of conclusion which they were able to discuss and summarise and those groups most closely monitored, either by tape-recording or adult eavesdropping, showed an ability to work very closely together and move forward through contributive conversation which seemed to exclude no-one. If I had the space to quote more copiously from tapes and notes the intensity of some of these sessions would become more apparent — the best of the 4th year girls' groups sometimes approaching an hour during which the quality of listening and concentration is clearly as important as the round of contribution. The boys' groups and some of the pairs were often more laconic, sometimes lapsing into silence for pondering or writing or moving around, but their overall persistence and their ability to plan and co-ordinate their efforts were notable.

My colleague claims less in terms of planning and outcome. Interactions did take place in her groups, sometimes with a tangible result, like a piece of floating plasticine, but children often worked alongside rather than together — in the group rather than with the group — with the marked exception of the girls' water experiments, where they were not only contributing in close canon, but narrating for the tape at the same time.

If one includes a social value in group work it is possible that even the group in my class which most obviously failed even to set up a single agreed investigation went through some kind of social learning. They tempt one to believe that smaller groups must have been better than larger and they certainly did help some of the shyer to participate more fully. On the other hand, large groups which had good cohesion actually seemed to be able to refine ideas better, more effectively eliminate less workable ones and arrive at more practicable and communicable solutions.

Children self-monitoring through taping seems to have been immensely successful; with the older as an aid to continuity and a means of reflection; with all ages in providing an awareness of audience, — the need to shape and present the whole process and its outcome. It seems not to have affected spontaneity of contribution, even where children imposed structures for taping (such as members reporting in turn), and the whole thing was handled in a very matter-of-fact way.

For the teachers the tapes were revelatory and entertaining — providing a means of study more complete and far reaching than any other devised. Adult intervention by the visiting teacher could be equally thorough, but rarely equally unobtrusive. However, children who knew each other well and seemed to be working perhaps too intuitively together were actually forced to define things more precisely for themselves in the process of reporting to an adult. The shortcomings of groups, older or younger, may ultimately return to this fact — an inability to see the need to share surmises, either with each other or with the community beyond the group. This leads me to believe that independent learning needs, nonetheless, to be carried out with eventual accountability in mind.

The benefits accruing to the two teachers are an echo of these thoughts. The very presence of another adult, planning, observing and discussing, raised the level of interest for both of us. We each had an audience and a means of sharing current problems, discussion on a number of occasions bringing about developments like my colleague's use of music to encourage greater mutual awareness and team-work in her younger children. Our perceptions of each other's children at work were often more objective and useful because they were less involved and, as my colleague pointed out, we tended to look at each other's groups much more as groups and much less as familiar individuals in groups. In practical terms it was also much easier for a visitor to a room to give entire attention to one group for a long period than it was for the class teacher who had overall responsibility for the activity of every group and individual in the room.

Some of the tasks performed by the visiting teacher — listening, talking, guiding — could equally have been (and often were) performed by the class teacher, but the greater value came in the later sharing of impressions — a sharing which led to modification, to a better assessment of success and failure, to useful comparison between age groups and to a wider broadcasting of these awarenesses to other teachers.

In our opinion, group tasks can be made more effective by careful setting up, the provision of awareness-raising frameworks, supporting collaborative exercises, questions to be considered (‘What do you think you have found out so far?’) and precise aims laid down for each session. But these do not preclude failure or actually deliver interactive skills. They are aids to learning — learning which may continue given the opportunity (a) to go on working together and (b) to reflect on the positives and negatives of each piece of work through writing and/or open class discussion.

All that one can say of the children applies equally to the teachers.

Finally, it is now clear that under the national curriculum we shall be dealing directly with matters such as how children cope with group tasks and whether or not they can talk and listen effectively in groups. Consequently teachers will be called on to increase their awareness of various aspects of collaboration, so that they can foster and then assess them. We hope this article goes some way towards raising the level of that awareness.  相似文献   


Whilst children working in agriculture and domestic work is an inherent part of growing up and essential for survival, if boys and girls lose out on education they are less equipped to respond to inevitable environmental shocks and to negotiate agri-food value chains. This article investigates views of extension agents on children working.  相似文献   
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