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There is still an obstacle to prevent neural network from wider and more effective applications, i.e. , the lack of effective theories of models identification. Based on information theory and its generalization, this paper introduces a universal method to achieve nonlinear models identification. Two key quantities, which are called nonlinear irreducible auto-correlation (NIAC) and generalized nonlinear irreducible auto-correlation (GNIAC), are defined and discussed. NIAC and GNIAC correspond with intrinstic irreducible auto-dependency (IAD) and generalized irreducible autodependency (GLAD) of time series respectively. By investigating the evolving trend of NIAL; and GNIAC, the optimal auto-regressive order of nonlinear auto-regressive models could be determined naturally, Subsequently, an efficient algorithm computing NIAC and GNIAC is discussed. Experiments on simulating data sets and typical nonlinear prediction models indicate remarkable correlation between optimal auto-regressive order and the highest order that NIAC-GNIAC have a remarkable non-zero value, therefore demonstrate the validity of the proposal in this paper.  相似文献   
正确认识现代中国武术生存发展的功能与经济价值,是关系到中国武术发展方向的关键问题。中国武术随着古代“止戈为武”的社会价值功能的消解而使其健体强身、娱乐表演功能逐渐凸现,并随着套路的完善而使其体育功能更加明显,从而为现代武术发展奠定了基础。现代武术在发展过程中其教育功能、保健功能、竞技功能等和其经济价值成为重点。  相似文献   
科学系统的教学设计离不开现代教学理论、学习理论的指导。本文从现代学习理论中的认知策略观点出发,探讨认知策略理论对多媒体计算机教学设计的指导意义。  相似文献   
基于世界知识产权组织WIPO Lex数据库的知识产权法律文本和欧盟知识产权局数据库的知识产权诉讼案例数据,针对中欧班列沿线英国、德国、荷兰、波兰、意大利5个国家的规则类知识产权政策,从政策保护力度定量化分级、政策执行重点及其演变历程、知识产权诉讼案例特征及热点等方面开展政策趋势和诉讼风险研究.结果 表明:(1)英国政策的数量和力度都居五国之首,荷兰的政策数量最低但其政策保护力度相对较高;(2)在政策颁布主体上,各国均涉及多家机构,且大量适用了欧盟理事会和欧洲议会的相关知识产权政策;(3)各国在版权与相关权利、知识产权相关法律的执行、知识产权监管机构等领域均具有较强的政策力度;(4)欧盟商标是五国知识产权诉讼重要领域,其中诉讼案件赔偿金额最大值最高的为英国、最低的为荷兰,最大值和最小值差额居五国之首的为德国,而"侵权""混淆可能性"等是各国诉讼案件普遍涉及的主题.根据研究结果,建议中国有关企业注意根据目标国家的司法体系差异,充分了解其知识产权法律法规和司法实践及其沿用的欧盟法律法规,制定综合性及体系性的知识产权布局策略,做好法律风险评估和采取规避措施,并注意了解在目标市场开展知识产权诉讼的基本策略和技巧,构建全方位的知识产权保护体系.  相似文献   
着重讨论在NOVELL网络上自动登录问题中2个关键算法,即如何获取网卡物理地址和定义DOS环境变量的算法。  相似文献   
黄庚跳远助跑起跳技术浅析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
通过对收集黄庚的比赛技术参数,从绝对速度、助跑最后10 m 的分段速度(即节奏)和快速起跳的能力3 方面与鲍威尔等世界级运动员进行对比分析,发现黄庚除绝对速度明显差于对方外,助跑最后10 m 的分段速度由于受绝对速度的影响也均低于鲍威尔等,且节奏正好与他们相反,呈减速趋势,即后5 m 的分段速度低于前5 m 的分段速度。另外,由于助跑速度利用率偏高,起跳垂直速度所占腾起初速度的比例也少于对方  相似文献   
建立区域性层级幼教辅导网络,加强幼教行政管理部门、幼教科研机构以及不同办园水平幼儿园之间的合作。是减小区域性不同级别幼儿园教育质量差异,实现本地区学前教育均衡发展的有效途径。本文探索了这种辅导网络建立的组织形式、管理制度及其进一步完善的方向。  相似文献   
The incompatible probability represents an important non-classical phenomenon, and it describes conflicting observed marginal probabilities, which cannot be satisfied with a joint probability. First, the incompatibility of random variables was defined and discussed via the non-positive semi-definiteness of their covariance matrixes. Then, a method was proposed to verify the existence of incompatible probability for variables. A hypothesis testing was also applied to reexamine the likelihood of the observed marginal probabilities being integrated into a joint probability space, thus showing the statistical significance of incompatible probability cases. A case study with user click-through data provided the initial evidence of the incompatible probability in information retrieval (IR), particularly in user interaction. The experiments indicate that both incompatible and compatible cases can be found in IR data, and informational queries are more likely to be compatible than navigational queries. The results inspire new theoretical perspectives of modeling the complex interactions and phenomena in IR.  相似文献   
电光分析天平是高等院校实验室、化学分析和物质精密测量常用的仪器 ,笔者介绍了电光天平常见故障的排除与修理 .  相似文献   
This paper focuses on document clustering by clustering algorithm based on a DEnsityTree (CABDET) to improve the accuracy of clustering. The CABDET method constructs a density-based treestructure for every potential cluster by dynamically adjusting the radius of neighborhood according to local density. It avoids density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) 's global density parameters and reduces input parameters to one. The results of experiment on real document show that CABDET achieves better accuracy of clustering than DBSCAN method. The CABDET algorithm obtains the max F-measure value 0.347 with the root node's radius of neighborhood 0.80, which is higher than 0.332 of DBSCAN with the radius of neighborhood 0.65 and the minimum number of objects 6.  相似文献   
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