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古老的中国文明 中国是世界上最古老的文明发源地之一,我们的文明源远流长、生生不息。当那些同时期的文明早已销声匿迹或日益被同化时,中国文化却在历史的长河中,经过一次次的洗涤坚持到今日。中国人永远摆脱不了那些从儿时就被灌输的故事,那些奇妙的想像让我们作为拥有高贵血统的后裔而骄傲无比,中国的议论底蕴已经成为我们的一种标志。  相似文献   
在圣托里尼岛与一位摄影师结为好友。聊天中,他说他偶尔也会为一些新婚夫妻在伊亚拍摄婚纱照,拍摄过程中他发现一个很有趣的现象。“每个人都想要拍蓝天、大海、教堂的十字尖顶,以及号称世界上最美的日落。我对他们说,再走下去一点,会有很漂亮的巷子和小花,却很少有人愿意去拍。”  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION Dynamics of carbon and water vapor fluxesexchange between the atmosphere and the ecosystembiosphere, depend on complex and non-liner interplayamong physiological, ecological, biochemical andedaphic factors and meteorological conditions (Jarvis,1995; Leuning et al., 1995). There are many studiesquantifying the fluxes across different time and spacescales as well as assessing the environment con-straints on them by some kinds of biophysical orempirical models whose resul…  相似文献   
英制尺寸对世界长度计量之影响众所周知,但其由来恐怕就鲜为人知了。它们的由来都很有趣,下面让我讲给你听。码的由来英皇亨利一世在位时,曾亲自组织有关人员讨论一码(yard,合英尺约91.4cm)到底应该定为多长,  相似文献   
The present paper is divided into eight sections:introduction,the global diffusion of English,perceptions of the new varieties,the issue of intelligibility,features that cause unintelligibility,need for a broader pragmatics,and pedagogical impli- cations,and conclusion,followed by the references.Not surprisingly,the global spread of English has generated varying perspec- tives on the nature and functions of its acculturated varieties.Broadly speaking,the debate has divided scholars into two camps holding diametrically opposing views on the multiple versions of English.On the one hand,some scholars view variations as symp- toms of linguistic degeneration and deterioration;on the other hand,some scholars legitimize them as inevitable manifestations ne- cessitated by the demands of the new cultural contexts.The normative view of the former camp stems,at least partly,from the problems the new forms of English pose in terms of international intelligibility.It is in this context that the paper examines the traditional,one-sided,native speaker-centred idea of intelligibility and the recent two-sided view of intelligibility that places the onus on both the native speaker and the non-native speaker.The argument of the latter camp is based on the premise that the new varieties require a broader pragmatic framework,because universal pragmatics is inadequate to describe them satisfactorily. Thus,the camp advocates a need for a language specific pragmatics,and a comparative pragmatics,in addition to the traditional universal pragmatics.Logically,the debate on phonological,lexical,grammatical,and discourse structure variations,and their le- gitimacy has prompted English language teaching specialists to have a fresh look at the goals and objectives of teaching English in the countries of the outer and expanding circles,and accordingly prioritize the teaching of national and regional varieties over that of the so-called native varieties.Thus,the paradigms of independence and centrality of the new varieties are replacing the paradigms of their dependence and marginality.  相似文献   
日本文部省職業教育局近嘗調查補習學校實施職業教練之成效。及其進展之程度。蓋日本改府發展其教育制度而致力於此點。已歷多年。而其制定職業教練之规程。亦且在一般西方国家討論此問題之前也。一八九○年。日本頒佈尋常小學校令。同時卽頒佈實業補習學校規程。越三年。又別頒一種規程。至一九○二年加以修正。但现在之制度  相似文献   
波兰波蘭教育以南部西部为最发达·中等農業學校分佈於其各邨落者·約有四十所·各擁大宗農場·以为表演試驗之所·承郡政府之管轄·而受國庫之補助·入学年龄十二歲至十六岁·通常四年畢業·每校容學生自六十名以至一百名·波蘭小學課程·鄉邨與都市絕異·鄉邨小学以來學者之將來·类为農民·故教授趨重于农艺·一面在師範學较加入农业選科·俾鄉邨小學  相似文献   
英人对于补习教育年来极为注意.推原其故.约有数端.普通知识程度提高。一也.个人愿望扩大.二也.职业与地位之竞争加烈.三也.欲利用余暇时间.从事有趣味之研究.四也.受欧洲大战教训.对于日常事物.希望取得广博之认识.五也.行政当局谋所以适应此要求.则对于补习教育之设施.力加推广.而以伦敦尤为发达.兹就其含有职业教育性质者述之.此项补习教育.即基于上述第二原因而成立.更占重要地位.  相似文献   
怎样爬升到极顶.这便是一个要教那纽约两位营业界人物答复的问题.他们俩都是从楼梯底下慢慢儿走到顶上去的.新近都当选了他们公司的领袖.所以他们自己讲历年的进程.很有价值.这两个人中的一人.在十七岁时候.便从苏格兰渡海到美国.要试探他的幸运.他起先做一家公司里的听差.还有一人.从二十一岁到纽约.身边只有一枝速记用的铅笔和一本记事簿.他们都是用自己力量  相似文献   
This study was an initial attempt to investigate the relationships among self-efficacy, outcome expectancy, behavioral intention, and actual behavior over time in a beginning weight training class. A total of 109 participants completed questionnaires assessing their self-efficacy, outcome expectancy, and intentions for future weight training. Their attendance and workout logs were calculated as a measure of actual behavior. Correlation analyses revealed significant positive relationships among all the variables during both program periods. Multiple regression analyses indicated that outcome expectancy initially played a more important role than self-efficacy in predicting behavioral intention and actual behavior. However, self-efficacy appeared more influential at midprogram. Findings of this study can enhance our understanding of the determining factors for individuals' motivated behaviors in college physical activity classes.  相似文献   
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