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今天的地球上,形形色色、种类万千的生物使大地呈现出一派生机勃勃的景象,然而,这些把大自然妆扮成如此美丽的生物是怎样来的呢?长期以来,人们就一直在探索、了解,并试图解决这个问题。在中世纪时期,教极主义者为了维持其反动统治阶级的自身利益,鼓吹“特创”论,以“神”创万物的理论来欺骗人民。自从十九世纪杰出的生物学家达尔文根据长期的科学考察,研究了各种生物界的现象,并综合了过去的科学成就,写了《物种起源》等著作后,第一次用丰  相似文献   
The present paper is a first instalment on the Chromosome counts by the authors of Chinese ferns, representing 13 species collected from the eastern coastal provinces of China.  Our findings agree pretty well with the previous ones by botanists mainly in Japan.  The voucher specimens for the present study are all preserved in the Depart- ment of Biology, the East China Normal University, Shanghai.      We wish to thank Professor R. C. Ching for his constant encouragement andguidance in the study of Chinese fern cytology.  相似文献   
As construed here the genus. Woodwardia Sm. does not include Anchistea Presl and Lorinseria Presl of the east North America which  are considered  as  distinct genera nor Woodwardia harlandii Hook. and W. kempii Cop. of south china, which constitute a new genus Chieniopteris Ching (cf. Acta Phytotax. Sinica 9:37. 1964).      It has been proposed that genus Woodwardia Sm. is an old one, dating back perhaps from the early Tertiary in the Arctics, thence it spread to Europe, North America, and southward to East Asia with its present center of distribution in China, especially south of the Yangtze River.       The genus is now represented by 17 species in the Northern Hemisphere, of which ll are known in China and her neighbouring countries, with one species, W. unigem- mata (Makino) Nakai, ranging as far as the Himalayas, where from the previous re- cord of W. radieans Linn. Sm. of Europe proves to be a mistake for this species.       The genus is divided into two natural series: Radicantes Ching & Chiu and Egem- miferae Ching & Chiu, and the latter is further subdivied into 2 subseries: Orientales Ching & Chiu and Japonicae Ching & Chiu.       A key to the Chinese species has been provided.       In passing it may be pointed out that Woodwardia cochin-chinensis Ching (Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 2: 7. 1931) is based upon Poilane nos. 2107 and 2275 without designating the type. According to the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature we herewith designate Poilanes no. 2275 the type of this species.    相似文献   
蕨类植物一般生活在岩石上,森林內,溪溝边或阴湿的地方,由于植物体較矮小,也不开花結果,所以常不大引人注意。不少中学教师在指导学生野外实习时采来一些蕨类植物标本,要求了解这些植物在經济上的用途;也有一些中学教师平时爱好研究藥用植物,也要了解一些有关藥用蕨类植物的知識。我国民間藥用的蕨类植物种类很多,效用如何也多未証实,故不能一一列举,今將一些最常見的,医藥上較常用的蕨类植物作一簡單的介紹,以供中学教师在指导野外实习时或研究藥用植物时作为参考。贯众。Cyrtomium Fortunei J.Sm.(叉蕨科 Aspidiaceae)  相似文献   
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