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Anonymous  Aaron  Grace 《高中生》2013,(13):38-39
2009年9月,日本东近江市面向乘坐本市公交快线的居民,开展了收集废弃食用油的活动。收集上来的食用油通过提炼,最终变成生物柴油,为运营在该市1 2条线路上的快速公交车提供燃料。由于发起"油菜花"环保项目,东近江市已受到日本全国的关注。该项目涉及一系列旨在为东近江市创建基于资源循环利用的基础设施的倡议,其中包含油菜的种植、菜子油的日常食用、废弃食用油的回收和提炼成燃  相似文献   
In 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. In the midst of utter devastation and chaos, a father left his wife safely at home and  相似文献   
The Metal Trades     
Universities and schools are struggling with the critical issues surrounding teacher quality, student learning, and the gap between research and practice. This study employed a collective case-study design to explore the impact of leadership teams and school-university partnerships on teacher leadership, professional development, and overall participant dispositions of three grant-funded projects connected by their approach to implementing school reform. Analysis of interviews, focus groups, observations, and project documents yielded three primary themes: transformation of teacher roles, improved meaningful professional development, and increased collective efficacy. Discussion of the findings addresses implications regarding teacher leadership, professional development, and school-university partnerships, especially as they impact teaching and learning.  相似文献   
正本·霍根被认为是20世纪最伟大的高尔夫球运动员之一。他通过孜孜不倦地反复练习而取得了不起的成就。霍根说:“清晨我会迫不及待地起床,来到练习场击球。练习几个小时,然后休息一下再继续。”对霍根来说,每一次练习都有其目的。传闻他花费了几年时间来分解高尔夫挥杆的每个阶段,并针对每一个阶段尝试新的方法。霍根有条理地将高尔夫运动分成数块,  相似文献   
正埃隆·马斯克,工程师,现担任美国太空探索技术公司(Space乂)首席执行官。故事先从他开始。2002年,马斯克开始了他的求索——将第一枚火箭发送到火星——这个想法最终促成了航空公司"Space乂"的诞生。但之后马斯克迎来了第一个难题。他在参观完世界各地的航空制造商后发现,购买运载  相似文献   
The Lincoln‐Douglas debates of 1858 are models not of statesmanship and eloquence, as is sometimes thought, but of strategies and tactics of rhetorical invention in the context of the public forum. The debates were marked by four patterns of argument: conspiratorial, legal, historical, and moral. The dynamics of each pattern are explored and speculations are offered about the transformation of controversial questions in the crucible of public debate.  相似文献   
正西方人喜欢将古怪的行为与满月联系在一起。例如,在中世纪,人们声称月圆之夜可能会使人类变成"狼人"。到了18世纪,许多人又认为月圆之夜可能会导致癫痫或高烧。这种观念甚至还体现在造词上,英语单词"lunatic"(疯子、精神病人)的词根"Luna"就是古罗马神话中月亮女神的名字。在今天,大部分人都恢复了理智,我们不再将灾难与疾病归因于月相变化,但有时你仍能听到人们用它来解  相似文献   
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