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大学生返乡创业是乡村振兴战略的有益补充,也是加强乡村治理的积极力量。鉴于此,构建向量自回归模型分析大学生返乡创业与乡村振兴之间的双螺旋耦合机制。研究发现:大学生返乡创业对产业技术支持、产业要素优化和产业结构升级有积极意义,这些要素又会作用于乡村振兴,促进乡村振兴的发展;乡村振兴又有利于创业意识驱动、创业网络拓展和创业模式丰富,对于创业活动的积极意义不言而喻。通过乡村振兴和大学生返乡创业活动的相互促进,二者形成了可循环的螺旋上升关系,各要素在内部的持续改进,使得整体的发展水平不断提升。  相似文献   
我爸爸长得实在“帅气”,朋友们说他像李小龙,可我常常叫他小头爸爸。瞧,他的头比我的小,嘴却比我的宽,怎不是小头爸爸?但笔直的西装、鲜红的领带,使他看起来的确有点“酷”模样。其实,爸爸最“酷”的是外语。教外语的舅妈说他讲的英语美  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION The convenience of wireless communications has led to increasing use of wireless networks for civilian and critical applications. With the advent of Internet technology and the increasing popularity of wireless data devices, the wireless industry is evolv- ing its core networks toward IP-based networks. It will be necessary to integrate the wireless networks and the existing wired networks into the Internet. TCP has been the predominant transport protocol used in the wired …  相似文献   
Resource reservation protocols allow communicating hosts to reserve resources such as bandwidth to offer guaranteed service. However,current resource reservation architectures do not scale well for a large number of flows. In this paper,we present a simple reservation protocol and a scalable admission control algorithm,which can provide QoS guarantees to individual flows without per-flow management in the network core. By mapping each flow to a definite time,this scheme addresses the problems that limit the effectiveness of current endpoint admission control schemes. The overall admission control process is described. Analysis is used to explain the reasonability of our scheme and simulation validates its performance.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONJPEG2 0 0 0 (LawsonandZhu ,2 0 0 2 )isanewlypublishedstillimage codinginternationalstandard .Itsintroductionmeantthatforthefirsttime,thediscretewavelettransform (DWT)wouldbeusedforthedecompositionandrecon structionofimagestogetherwithanefficientcod ingscheme.IntheJPEG2 0 0 0coder,beforeanywaveletdecompositionisperformed ,theimageispartitionedintonon overlappingtiles.Thesetilesareofequalsizeexceptpossiblyforthoseadjacenttotheimageboundary .Thenwavelettransformisappliedtotr…  相似文献   
文章首先分析了"社区工作"课程教学现状,然后论述了应用型人才培养目标背景下地方院校"社区工作"课程教学改革策略,包括建立教师长效培养机制、加快本土教材编写、转变教学思维、促进课程融合、改善行业生态环境.  相似文献   
地上覆盖着一层厚厚的雪,就像盖了一层白白的棉花,踩上去软绵绵的,“咔吱咔吱”的声音,像动听的音乐,美妙极了。树上和房顶都挂满了雪,我站在银色的世界里,深深地吸了一口气,啊!空气真清新,这就是今年冬天的第一场雪。我走过兆麟公园时,看见那些工人叔叔都在认真地制作美丽的冰灯,筹备着冰雪节的到来。再过几天,美丽的冰灯就做好了,全国各地的朋友都会来哈尔滨参观冰灯。冬天的景色太美了,太迷人了,我喜欢冬天,尤其是哈尔滨的冬天。(黑龙江省哈尔滨市兆麟小学二年级赵泽华指导教师:杨宇航)冬天$黑龙江省哈尔滨市兆麟小学二年级@赵泽华 $…  相似文献   
通过前期拍摄和后期制作等的难度来评估艺术摄影作品的优劣在艺术摄影这门自摄影草创时期就形成的摄影门类中有着漫长的历史.光阴荏苒,百十年过去了,这种错误的评估方法并没有得到修正,反而愈演愈烈,大有成为“潜规则”或者“行规”之势,进而成为一种世界艺术摄影界共有的“坏习惯”.本文将通过对这种坏习惯的溯源、分析进而列出正确的艺术摄影评估方法,使读者了解这种片面强调难度的评估方法是草率而浮躁的,是需要改正的.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION The current Internet only provides a simplebest effort service where the network treats all datapackets equally. In this manner, the network keepssimple so that it can scale. Best effort service issufficient for traditional Internet applications, suchas email and web browse. But, with the advent ofvoice/video stream media and other real-time ap-plications over the Internet, there is great demandfor enhanced service on the Internet. IntServ (Braden et al., 1997) …  相似文献   
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