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Résumé Souvent conservatrice et moralisante, l'éducation formelle ou non formelle ne s'adapte pas toujours ni à la dynamique culturelle ni aux besoins sociaux en mutation, responsable ainsi de la crise éducative et d'une demande croissante et insatisfaite. Les révolutions industrielle et technologique ont stimulé la généralisation de l'éducation, entravée cependant par l'injustice sociale aux niveaux national et international. Une autre contradiction réside dans la considération insuffisante des intéressés, et il serait important d'évaluer si l'éducation est facteur de violation ou de respect individuel et national des droits. La crise éducative provient également de la crise globale des idéologies, à laquelle l'éducation cherche une réponse malheureusement souvent académique. La recherche est freinée pour renforcer les dépendances, courant le risque de devenir complice ou prisonnière du conservatisme. L'éducation est en partie responsable des inégalités croissantes: là réside l'enjeu individuel et collectif de lutter contre son utilisation en instrument de domination. La conception de l'apprenant-éducateur renverse celle de nos sociétés en crise. Pour la réaliser, une approche planétaire est nécessaire, consciente de l'origine militaire et industrielle de l'éducation. Transformer le dressage et la transmission en création est un travail ardu mais plus que jamais nécessaire.
Education, whether formal or non-formal, does not always adapt to dynamic cultural change or to shifting social needs, and is thus responsible for the crisis in education and for growing unmet demand. The industrial and technical revolutions have led to the spread of education, which is nonetheless marred by social injustice at national and international levels. A further contradiction is that the interests of the participants are insufficiently considered, and the question should be asked to what extent education violates respect for the rights of individuals and peoples. The educational crisis results also form the world crisis in ideologies, to which education frequently offers a reply which is regrettably academic. Research is restrained in the interests of reinforcing dependency, thus becoming a possible accomplice or prisoner of conservatism. Education is in part responsible for growing inequalities: therein resides the individual and collective challenge to fight against its use as an instrument of domination. The concept of the learner as educator overturns that of our societies in crisis. In order to realise it, a planetary approach is necessary, aware of the military and industrial origins of education. The transformation of drill into creativity is an arduous task but more than ever necessary.

Zusammenfassung Bildung, ob formale oder nicht-formale, ist oft moralisierend, und sie läßt ihren Schülern wenig Spielraum. Sie hat sich weder dynamischem kulturellem Wandel noch sich ändernden sozialen Bedürfnissen angepaßt und ist daher für die Bildungskrise sowie für wachsende nicht erfüllte Bedürfnisse verantwortlich. Die industriellen und technischen Revolutionen haben zur Verbreitung von Bildung geführt, die trotzdem von sozialer Ungerechtigkeit auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene geprägt ist. Ein weiterer Widerspruch besteht in der unzureichenden Berücksichtigung einer wachsenden Anzahl von Teilnehmern, und es sollte die Frage gestellt werden, inwieweit Bildung den Respekt vor den Rechten von Einzelpersonen und Völkern verletzt. Die Bildungskrise hängt unmittelbar mit der Weltkrise der Ideologien zusammen, auf die Bildung häufig eine bedauemswert akademische Antwort gibt. Im Interesse einer Verstärkung von Abhängigkeiten wurde die Forschung begrenzt und damit möglicher Komplize oder Gefangener des Konservatismus. Bildung ist teilweise für wachsende Ungleichheit verantwortlich: die individuelle oder kollektive Herausforderung liegt darin, gegen den Mißbrauch der Bildung als Instrument zur Unterdrückung anzukämpfen. Das Konzept des Lernenden als Lehrer dreht das Konzept unserer Gesellschaften in Krisen um. Damit dies erkannt wird, ist ein planetarischer Ansatz nötig, der den militärischen und industriellen Ursprungs der Bildung berücksichtigt. Die Umwandlung von Drill in Kreativität ist zwar eine mühsame Aufgabe, jedoch notwendiger als je zuvor.
摘要:主要介绍了国际足球管理机构——国际足联的管理体系,并重点介绍了足球纠纷处理体系。足球纠纷处理体系包括两个层面:一个是在足球协会内部的纠纷解决体系包括国际足联的纠纷解决委员会(DRC)和国家纠纷解决委员会(NDRC),另一个是处理上诉纠纷的外部仲裁包括国际体育仲裁庭(CAS)和国家层面独立于协会的仲裁庭。并结合足球协会适用该系统后的优点和不足,针对存在的问题需求、解决问题的方法提出自己见解。  相似文献   
This article reports the results of an observational longitudinal study carried out on four children who lived in a residential community because of their multiproblem families. The aim of this study was to apply the evaluative methodology proposed by Le Poultier (1990) in order to assess I) the processes of change in the children over time and II) the relations between educational practices and observed changes. The findings confirm I) the existence of processes of change in the children; II) the presence of correlations between the displayed behaviour of the children and adult practices. In addition, what emerges is the existence of a dimension (transgression versus co-operation and autonomy) underlying the educational project designed by the adults. The data refer to observations of the behaviour of each staff member on a weekly basis for a six-month period and, at the same time, to the self-observations of each adult regarding the behaviour adopted towards each child. The data were analysed using: I) correlational coefficients to check the relation between the children's behaviour and the social work; II) Correspondence Analysis to permit a simultaneous representation of the developmental changes observed in the four children with respect to social work.  相似文献   
For the transient response analysis of a flexible slider-crank mechanism, the coordinate partitioning scheme and the Udwadia-Kalaba formulation are herein compared. The flexibility of the coupler has been modelled by means of a single Timoshenko beam element. The present analytical treatment can be viewed as an extension of the model discussed by Shabana in his textbook.  相似文献   
Résumé Toute généralisation de l'expression vie associative devrait être évitée en raison de la spécificité historique du terme dans chaque pays. Le libellé vie associative ne peut garantir à lui seul le niveau de participation et de démocratie d'un syndicat, d'une coopérative, d'une association, etc... Toute association devrait permettre à l'individu de s'épanouir et ne devrait pas lui faire perdre ses caractéristiques culturelles, intellectuelles et scientifiques. Créativité et initiative collective sont exprimées non seulement par l'individu, mais aussi par les groupes structurés et non-structurés.En ce qui concerne le contenu de l'orientation pour l'éducation des adultes, il devrait être riche en informations sur les rapports de production, le marché du travail, l'organisation du travail qui conditionnent si lourdement la vie des adultes.L'orientation professionnelle des adultes comprend l'information technico-professionnelle, économique, sociologique et culturelle.Il est nécessaire que l'orientation s'adresse non seulement aux éduqués, mais surtout aux institutions éducatives et aux éducateurs: la reproduction de l'éducation des adultes est souvent plus problématique que la reproduction de l'école. L'orientation proposée implique le maximum a) d'informations, b) de mobilité à l'intérieur des différentes associations, c) de possibilités de connaître, interpréter et agir sur le monde extérieur et met à jour la spécificité de certaines associations telles que les associations de parents d'élèves, les syndicats de catégorie et les associations des usagers.
The expression associative living should not be applied too widely because of the different historical components of its context in each country. The level of participation and democracy in trade-unions, cooperatives, associations etc. is not to be found in the term associative living alone. Any association should enable the individual to realize himself but not to lose his cultural, intellectual and scientific characteristics. Creativity and collective initiative are not only expressed by the individual, but also by structured and unstructured groups.The content of counseling for adult education should be rich in information concerning relations of production, the work market and the organization of work, which have such strong end-effects in the lives of adults.Adult vocational guidance requires information on technical occupations, economic, sociological and cultural matters.Counseling necessarily applies not only to learners but even more to educational agencies and educators: the perpetuation of adult education looks more of a problem than the perpetuation of school. The proposed guidance implies the maximum of a) information, b) mobility within the different associations, c) possibilities of knowing, interpreting and acting on the external world and brings out the special characteristics of guidance within parent associations, professional trade-unions and users' associations.

Zusammenfassung Der Ausdruck Assoziativ-Leben darf nicht zu allgemein angewandt werden, weil seine historischen Voraussetzungen in jedem Lande verschieden sind. Das Niveau der Mitwirkung und Demokratie wird nicht allein durch Assoziativ-Leben bestimmt. Jede Vereinigung sollte es dem Einzelmenschen ermöglichen, sich zu verwirklichen, nicht aber, seine kulturelle, intellektuelle und wissenschaftliche Individualität zu verlieren. Kreativität und kollektive Initiative kommen jedoch nicht nur im Individuum, sondern auch in strukturierten und unstrukturierten Gruppen zum Ausdruck.Inhaltlich sollte die Erwachsenenberatung reich an Informationen über Produktionsverhältnisse, den Arbeitsmarkt und die Arbeitsorganisation sein, die so starke Auswirkungen auf das Leben der Erwachsenen haben.In der Berufsberatung für Erwachsene sind Informationen über technische Berufe und wirtschaftliche, soziologische und kulturelle Angelegenheiten von grosser Wichtigkeit.Die Beratung sollte sich nicht nur auf Teilnehmer, sonder in noch höherem Masse auf Bildungsstätten und Ausbilder erstrecken. In der Erwachsenenbildung stellt Verewigung des status quo ein noch schwerwiegenderes Problem dar als in der Schule. Empfohlen wird eine Beratung, die ein Maximum an a) Information, b) Beweglichkeit innerhalb der verschiedenen Verbände und c) Möglichkeiten, die Aussenwelt kennenzulernen, zu interpretieren und zu beeinflussen liefert. Zum Schluss werden die besonderen Merkmale der Beratung in Elternverbänden, Fachgewerkschaften und Verbrauchervereinigungen herausgestellt.
Although the environmental light/dark cycle is the main zeitgeber for the human species, the social cues seem to be important in the synchronization of circadian rhythms. In Brazil, the existence of two school schedules—one with only morning classes (MG) and other with only afternoon classes (AG)—allows the investigation of the effect of school activities on light exposure and sleep/wake patterns in children. Forty‐seven children wore wrist actimeters for a week for registration of light and sleep data. MG children presented shorter sleep duration on school days than the children from the AG. The results showed that during school days MG children were exposed to bright light earlier in the morning when compared to AG children. Nevertheless, there were no differences in light exposure after sunset. The results reflect the role of school schedules and artificial light in shaping light exposure, and its association with sleep timing in children.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the marketing approaches adopted by Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (KIBS) companies, whose main production factor and outcome is knowledge. Given the key role that client-provider cognitive interactions play in the provision of such services, the study adopts the conceptual framework of Service-Dominant (S-D) logic, that the recent literature considers being fully in line with the core characteristics of KIBS companies. Starting from the assumption that service is the fundamental basis of any economic exchange, this logic suggests a shift from the traditional ‘market to’ approach, which has been developed for tangible goods, to a ‘market with’ approach, where customers and providers collaborate along the whole marketing process. The research was carried out by means of a multiple case study of 20 small computer services companies in Italy, and aimed to understand if (and to what extent) the marketing initiatives of such companies are consistent with the S-D logic, and to discuss the major challenges that they have to face in order to follow the new logic.  相似文献   
The present study is devoted to the empirical endeavour of showing the structural characteristics of this claimed general dimension, its longitudinal consistency, and its causal influence on the first level organization of judgments. A content analysis of school reports of 77 Italian pupils, filled out by their own five teachers over five years of compulsory school (from 6 to 10 years) show seven major topics, which are used by the teachers for their year-scheduled evaluations. A Lisrel-based two-levels model of the organization of judgments is then presented and discussed. This model is shown to be well held by teachers at the end of the first school form and it allows to predict the organization of their evaluations during third and fifth form, as well as final judgments of each form. This model is discussed in a social psychological framework, which underlines the role played by normative aims of the school programmes and the evaluative everyday practices as major professional duties for teachers.  相似文献   
It is often argued that small–medium enterprises (SMEs) do not manage knowledge the same way as large firms, but may need appropriate approaches to capture and exploit external knowledge effectively. This paper compares two opposite approaches to knowledge management (KM): one is called ‘deliberate’ or ‘planned’, and the other ‘emergent’. These approaches are analysed with reference to the management of knowledge pertaining to client–supplier relationships, which are particularly important in the case of small companies providing knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). A case study of a small KIBS company is illustrated, which has developed two different projects, based on different approaches to KM, for managing knowledge referring to clients. The case shows that, for a small company, an emergent approach to KM can be more suitable than a deliberate one for managing such knowledge. The implications of this result for KM research and practice are then examined.  相似文献   
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