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Abstract reasoning is critical for science and mathematics, but is very difficult. In 3 studies, the hypothesis that alternatives generation required for conditional reasoning with false premises facilitates abstract reasoning is examined. Study 1 (n = 372) found that reasoning with false premises improved abstract reasoning in 12- to 15-year-olds. Study 2 (n = 366) found a positive effect of simply generating alternatives, but only in 19-year-olds. Study 3 (n = 92) found that 9- to 11-year-olds were able to respond logically with false premises, whereas no such ability was observed in 6- to 7-year-olds. Reasoning with false premises was found to improve reasoning with semiabstract premises in the older children. These results support the idea that alternatives generation with false premises facilitates abstract reasoning.  相似文献   
本回顾了20世纪60-70年代新博物馆运动思想和“生态博物馆”概念的源起,对于我们从国际大背景下深入理解生态博物馆这一新兴博物馆形态有所帮助。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of external loading on power output during a squat jump on a force platform in athletes specializing in strength and power events (6 elite weight-lifters and 16 volleyball players) and in 20 sedentary individuals. Instantaneous power was computed from time-force curves during vertical jumps with and without an external load (0, 5 or 10 kg worn in a special vest). The jumps were performed from a squat position, without lower limb counter-movement or an arm swing. Peak instantaneous power corresponded to the highest value of instantaneous power during jumping. Average power throughout the push phase of the jump was also calculated. A two‐way analysis of variance showed significant interactions between the load and group effects for peak instantaneous power ( P < 0.01) and average power ( P < 0.001). Peak instantaneous power decreased significantly in sedentary individuals when moderate external loads were added. The peak instantaneous power at 0 kg was greater than that at 5 and 10 kg in the sedentary individuals. In contrast, peak instantaneous power was independent of load in the strength and power athletes. Mean power at 0 kg was significantly lower than at 5 kg in the athletes; at 0 kg it was significantly higher than at 10 kg in the sedentary males and at 5 and 10 kg in the sedentary females. In all groups, the force corresponding to peak instantaneous power increased and the velocity corresponding to peak instantaneous power decreased with external loading. The present results suggest that the effects of external loading on peak instantaneous power are not significant in strength and power athletes provided that the loads do not prevent peak velocity from being higher than the velocity that is optimal for maximal power output.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of external loading on power output during a squat jump on a force platform in athletes specializing in strength and power events (6 elite weight-lifters and 16 volleyball players) and in 20 sedentary individuals. Instantaneous power was computed from time-force curves during vertical jumps with and without an external load (0, 5 or 10 kg worn in a special vest). The jumps were performed from a squat position, without lower limb counter-movement or an arm swing. Peak instantaneous power corresponded to the highest value of instantaneous power during jumping. Average power throughout the push phase of the jump was also calculated. A two-way analysis of variance showed significant interactions between the load and group effects for peak instantaneous power (P< 0.01) and average power (P< 0.001). Peak instantaneous power decreased significantly in sedentary individuals when moderate external loads were added. The peak instantaneous power at 0 kg was greater than that at 5 and 10 kg in the sedentary individuals. In contrast, peak instantaneous power was independent of load in the strength and power athletes. Mean power at 0 kg was significantly lower than at 5 kg in the athletes; at 0 kg it was significantly higher than at 10 kg in the sedentary males and at 5 and 10 kg in the sedentary females. In all groups, the force corresponding to peak instantaneous power increased and the velocity corresponding to peak instantaneous power decreased with external loading. The present results suggest that the effects of external loading on peak instantaneous power are not significant in strength and power athletes provided that the loads do not prevent peak velocity from being higher than the velocity that is optimal for maximal power output.  相似文献   
生态博物馆和可持续发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我们知道,发展可分为世界、国家和地区层面的发展,只有建立和保持在可持续的基础上,才能成功并持续到最后。“可持续性”的意思,我这样理解,不仅仅是要合理地管理好和利用好地球上人类的可再生资源和不可再生资源,而且要使每个人和集体都承诺,以认识和保护人类自然和化总体遗产的价值作为前提,才能进行任何其它发展项目。没有这一承诺,任何所谓发展计划和项目都将是没有根基和目光短浅的。  相似文献   
Our work extends a previous study of epistemological presuppositions in teaching quantum physics in upper scientific secondary school in France. Here, the problematic reference of quantum theory’s concepts is treated at the ontological level (the counterintuitive nature of quantum objects). We consider the approach of using narratives describing possible alternative worlds to address the issue. These possible worlds are based on the counterfactual logic developed in the work of D. Lewis. We will show that the narratives written by G. Gamow describe such possible worlds. Some parts of these narratives are found in textbooks in France. These worlds are governed by laws similar to but importantly different from those in our real world. They allow us to materialize properties inaccessible to everyday experience. In this sense, these fiction stories make ontological propositions concerning the nature and structure of the fundamental elements of our physical universe.  相似文献   
This article starts from the puzzle that although French elite institutions enjoy extremely positive and attractive images, students from these schools generally choose to conceal their academic pedigree in their daily interactions. We show that, in a context of growing inequalities of access to grandes écoles, the strategy of hiding one's student identity may be understood as the desire to avoid six core threats associated with declaring one's association with an elite school: not conforming to group norms, confirming a negative reputation, not living up to a positive reputation, reducing one's identity, losing control of one's identity, and threatening the identity of the other. The conclusions highlight the implications of this microsociological study on a host of much wider questions useful in better understanding the ambivalent relations that exist between French society and its elites issued from the grandes écoles.  相似文献   
L'introduction des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) dans les pratiques éducatives s'accompagne d'un questionnement foisonnant sur les effets attendus et potentiels de ces outils sur l'apprentissage et les relations pédagogiques entre apprenants et enseignants. C'est dans ce cadre que s'inscrit l'appel d'offres lancé en mai 1998 par le Comité National de Coordination de la Recherche en éducation (CNCRE, France), appel comprenant ces deux questions: 'Comment les technologies de l'information et de la communication sont-elles utilisées dans le système éducatif? Modifient-elles la nature, les contenus et les modalités des apprentissages, ainsi que les acquis, le rapport au savoir et les attitudes des élèves, des étudiants et des enseignants?' L'appel préconisait de répondre À ces questions en faisant une revue synthétique de la littérature internationale disponible sur ce champ. Cet article s'attache À présenter la manière dont notre équipe, retenue par cet appel d'offres, a traité de cette problématique générale. (Paulette Bernhard (Ecole de Bibliothéconomie et des Sciences de l'Information de Montréal, Québec); Patrick Bompard (Institut de l'Homme et de la Technologie, France); Hughes Choplin (Département Innovation Pédagogique, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télecommunications, France); Nicole Cortesi-Grou (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télecommunications, France); Sonia Lefebvre (Université de Trois Rivières, Québec); Didier Paquelin (Université de Bordeaux III, France); Serge Pouts-Lajus (Observatoire des Technologies pour l'Education en Europe, Paris); Jean-FranÇois-Rouet (Université de Poitiers, France). New media and pedagogic innovation: the hypothesis for a transitional system. The introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) into educational practices has been accompanied by much questioning about the expected effects and the potential of these tools with respect to teaching and training, and the pedagogic relationships between teachers and learners. It was within this framework that a call for offers was announced in May 1998 by the National Committee for Coordination of Research into Education (CNRE – France), a call which consisted of two questions: 'How is ICT used in the educational system?' and 'Does it modify the nature, the contents and the modes of training and education, as well as the acquisition, the rapport with knowledge and the attitudes of pupils, students and teachers?' The call recommended that the response to these questions should be made by making a synthesis of international literature available in the field. This article sets out to present the way in which our team, formed because of this call for offers, has dealt with this general problem. Neue Medien und pädagogische Innovation : die Hypothese von einem Uebergangssystem. Die Einführung der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (ICT) in der pädagogischen Praxis wird begleitet von vielen Fragen über erwartete und potentielle Auswirkungen auf die Bildung, und die pädagogische Beziehung zwischen Lehrern und Schülern. Sie bewegen sich im Rahmen eines Aufrufs vom Mai 1998 durch das 'Comité National de Coordination de la Recherche en Education' (CNCRE – Frankreich), der zwei Fragen beinhaltete : " Wie werden die neuen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien im Bildungssystem eingesetzt ? " und " Verändern sie die Art, die Inhalte, und die Modalitäten der Bildung, die pädagogischen Errungenschaften, die Beziehung zu Wissen, die Einstellung der Schüler, Studenten, und Lehrkräfte ? " Zur Beantwortung der Fragen, empfahl der Aufruf eine zusammenfassende Ausarbeitung über die international verfügbare Literatur auf diesem Gebiet. Dieser Artikel präsentiert, wie unsere Arbeitsgruppe, ermuntert durch den Aufruf, diese allgemeine Problematik angegangen ist.  相似文献   
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