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Sosa 《电子竞技》2010,(23):84-87
如果再给longdd十年时间,他都一定不会忘记,他站在近卫roshan路口的那三个字"可以打",最后竟然价值整整5万元人民币,还有一个亏欠他已久的冠军……这支刚刚重组的Deity战队,赛前看好他们的人并不多,几乎是0磨合期就冲上沙场的他们却一路过关斩将,从4支中国队所在的死亡之组中杀出,然后陆续击败泰国一哥TR和马来西亚王者AEON.MUFC,终于在决赛中与强大的东道主Nirvana.cn会师!以下这篇战报就是双方的首盘较量复盘,这场比赛也是WDC淘汰赛阶段含金量最高的一场巅峰对决,场面一直在僵持,双方一直都没能彻底把对面压垮,直到子龙的那句"可以打"。  相似文献   
Sosa 《电子竞技》2010,(21):80-83
在10月10日晚进行的WDC八强赛的一场比赛中,EHOME和LGD火星撞地球。尽管没有了2009的LGD给人不稳的感觉,但是这两支队伍的比赛依然值得期待。而比赛的过程和结果也让人血脉喷张,整整80分钟的比赛跌宕起伏,充满悬念。本期世纪大战为你详细解析这场比赛。  相似文献   
Research has identified a strong relationship between depression and demographic factors such as income and widowed status. Prior studies have also linked common cognitive “slips” to depressive symptomatology. However, very little research has investigated these relationships with respect to the older adult population, particularly within ethnic minorities. To address this gap in the literature, the present study examined the contribution of demographic and cognitive factors to depressive symptomatology among 228 noninstitutionalized women (60 years of age or older) from diverse ethnic backgrounds. The findings identified a significant relationship between depressive symptomatology and cognitive failure, low income, and Middle-Eastern or American-Indian descent.  相似文献   
Sosa 《电子竞技》2011,(1):84-87
EHOME在8月的IEM上首次由Kingj使用剧毒术士这名拖把流的一代核心,开发出主蛇棒的反Push拖节奏保人流打法。凭借该打法,他们大破09带领的LGD所使用的最擅长的SS、Pugna暴力推进流,并在随后的深圳公开赛后大杀四方,完美取得两连冠。随着各队对剧毒这个英雄及其体系的研究越来越深刻,EHOME战队开始寻求转变打法,终于在SMM上成功拿出了能充分发挥拖把流奥义的核心级英雄——TK修补匠,并利用这个LGD和NV均不熟悉的战略体系击败这两个夺冠路上最关键的对手,为最后成功问鼎SMM总冠军打下了最坚实的基础。本期世纪大战专栏,将为您重点剖析这两场比赛EHOME新拖把流的精髓之处。  相似文献   
Sosa 《电子竞技》2011,(5):70-73
2011年春节过后,一项名为娱乐杯的热身性质的线上赛事吸引了中国各大强队的参与,其主旋律原本是"磨合队伍,娱乐为主",但这一切在CCM赞助人三针的2万冠军奖金面前开始发生质变,各队似乎找到了重视比赛的真正动力。本次的"世纪大战"栏目为大家带来的正是本次比赛的败者组决赛CCM(北京)vs Sunny(江西萍乡),失败一方将面临三天比赛白打的尴尬命运(本次比赛只有前两名有奖金)。相比场上形势一边倒的两场最终决赛,这场由两支已经磨合一定时间的强队带给我们的经典对决更值得回味。接下来笔者将带您回味CCM是如何用一套6.67时代非常流行的中期Nec抱团推进流战术,配合6.71版本君临天下的卡尔,将刚刚淘汰银河战舰DK的Sunny战队斩于马下的  相似文献   
Sosa 《电子竞技》2011,(7):80-83
阳春三月,随着新赛季的DotA比赛渐入佳境,经过2011初动荡的各队开始了新赛季的征程。本次"世纪大战"为大家带来的ECL三月份电信区月赛决赛的首场比赛,是由刚刚整体加入电竞豪门Tyloo的前Sunny战队迎战刚刚重组的2010年三大霸主之一的Nirvana.cn。Tyloo方面刚完成整体搬迁至杭州的动作,经过之前一年在Sunny的磨合,Tyloo队员之间的默契、配合及个人实力相比2010年都有了长足的进步,队伍的整体战斗实力相比去年有了质的提高,在年初WGT上淘汰LGD的壮举已经让所有人都开始关注他们的存在。2011年继续打酱油?加入Tyloo的五位小伙子已经开始用实际行动及成绩表示:NO!而经过主力明星选手Zhou、Pis和国士无双离队风波后的Nv.cn,在新年后挖来前XFY战队的主力Cary Hao及辅助Neo,还有2010年表现非常抢眼的Dream战队主Ganker——老鼠SJQ!新Nv的实力并没有明显的下滑,但队员之间的磨合和战术制定则成为这支老牌战队在新年必须要面临的问题。  相似文献   
In the present experiments, the outcome specificity of learning was explored in an appetitive Pavlovian backward conditioning procedure with rats. The rats initially were administered Pavlovian backward training with two qualitatively different unconditioned stimulus conditioned-stimulus (US-CS) pairs of stimuli (e.g., pellet --> noise or sucrose --> light), and then the effects of this training were assessed in Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer (Experiment 1) and retardation-of-learning (Experiment 2) tests. In the transfer test, it was shown that during the last 10-sec interval, the CSs selectively reduced the rate of the instrumental responses with which they shared a US, relative to the instrumental responses with which they did not share a US. The opposite result was obtained when the USs (in the absence of the CSs) were presented noncontingently. In the retardation test, conditioned magazine approach, responding to the CSs was acquired more slowly when the stimulus-outcome combinations in the backward and the forward conditioning phases were the same, as compared with when they were reversed. These results are collectively in accord with the view that Pavlovian backward conditioning can result in the formation of outcome-specific inhibitory associations. Alternative views of backward conditioning are also examined.  相似文献   
Literature can be a powerful resource for adolescents’ psychosocial development, as it provides opportunities to experience the world through the perspectives of others and juxtapose these with one’s own experiences. However, gaining access to these perspectives requires going beyond literal words on the page to explore interpretive meanings. This mixed-methods case study addresses the need to better understand how adolescent students learn to interpret literary works. Specifically, 9th-grade students participated in a 5-week instructional module focused on symbolic interpretation and coming of age themes in texts with a variety of sources of complexity. The primary data sources were an intentional sample of classroom discussions and essays written before and after instruction. Analyses indicate that students learned to make interpretive claims around symbolism. Textual evidence to support these claims was evident in whole-class discussions but less so in the written essays. Students also struggled to reason about why evidence supported particular claims and how the interpretive claims were related to understanding the characters and their worlds. Discussion focuses on the value of symbolic interpretation as a starting point for engaging adolescents in interpretive practices but notes that developing facility with literary interpretation takes concerted effort over longer periods of time.  相似文献   
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