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Joint attention and early language   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
This paper reports 2 studies that explore the role of joint attentional processes in the child's acquisition of language. In the first study, 24 children were videotaped at 15 and 21 months of age in naturalistic interaction with their mothers. Episodes of joint attentional focus between mother and child--for example, joint play with an object--were identified. Inside, as opposed to outside, these episodes both mothers and children produced more utterances, mothers used shorter sentences and more comments, and dyads engaged in longer conversations. Inside joint episodes maternal references to objects that were already the child's focus of attention were positively correlated with the child's vocabulary at 21 months, while object references that attempted to redirect the child's attention were negatively correlated. No measures from outside these episodes related to child language. In an experimental study, an adult attempted to teach novel words to 10 17-month-old children. Words referring to objects on which the child's attention was already focused were learned better than words presented in an attempt to redirect the child's attentional focus.  相似文献   
Recent legislation in England has encouraged the use of disagreement resolution and mediation and emphasised the need to involve pupils in their own schooling. These policies apply in the educational system generally, but are particularly significant in the area of special educational needs (SEN). Kirstie Soar, a lecturer in the School of Psychology at the University of East London; Katie Burke, a PhD student at Salford University, Manchester; Katia Herbst, an independent researcher offering research and development services to the not-for- profit sector; and Professor Irvine Gersch, Director of the MSc educational psychology programme at the University of East London, set out to examine how pupil involvement in informal disagreement resolution has developed across 11 English regions since its introduction. The research consisted of 12 in-depth interviews with local education authority (LEA) SEN officers, mediators and parent partnership officers (PPOs) involved in informal special educational needs disagreement resolution. The aims of the study were to determine how far children were actually involved in mediation and what, if any, barriers existed which were seen to restrict such pupil involvement. A thematic analysis of interview content was conducted. Four major themes emerged, including: the distinction between direct and indirect pupil involvement; the importance of the child's view and how it is elicited; the role of other agencies; and other barriers to pupil involvement in informal disagreement resolution. Direct pupil involvement was found to be limited and variable, but indirect pupil involvement was more prevalent. In this article, the authors note a series of recommendations concerning pupil involvement in the mediation process and, in conclusion, put forward the implications of their work for future policy, practice and research.  相似文献   
William L. Rivers, Theodore Peterson and Jay W. Jensen's The Mass Media and Modern Society (Rinehart Press, $8.95)

Ronald T. Farrar and John D. Stevens' (eds.) Mass Media and the National Experience (Harper & Row, price not known (paper back))

Bernard Rosenberg and David Manning White's Mass Culture Revisited (Van Nostrand, both hardback and paperback at same time–price not yet known)

Wilbur Schramm (ed.) Process and Effects of Mass Communications (University of Illinois Press, details unknown)

The Steranko History of Comics (Supergraphics Publications, 501 Spruce St., Reading, Pa. 19602, $3.00 paperback)  相似文献   
This paper examines the study of computer basedperformance monitoring (CBPM) in the workplaceas an issue dominated by questions of ethics.Its central contention paper is that anyinvestigation of ethical monitoring practice isinadequate if it simply applies best practiceguidelines to any one context to indicate,whether practice is, on balance, ethical or not. The broader social dynamics of access toprocedural and distributive justice examinedthrough a fine grained approach to the study ofworkplace social relations, and workplaceidentity construction, are also important here. This has three implications, which are examinedin the paper, and are as follows: First, thatit is vital for any empirical investigation ofthe ethics of CBPM practice to take intoaccount not only its compliance withpreexisting best practice guidelines, butalso the social relations which pervade thecontext of its application. Second, that thisnecessitates a particular epistemologicaltreatment of CBPM as something whose effectsare measurable and identifiable, as well assomething which has a socially constructedmeaning and is tropic in nature. Third, thatexisting debates against which this argument isset, which regard contrasting epistemologiesand ontologies as incompatible, should beaddressed, and an alternative introduced. Introducing situated knowledges (Haraway 1991)and material semiotic ontologies as such analternative, the paper proceeds to analyse theethics of a particular case of monitoringpractice, Norco. Drawing on Marx (1998) thepaper concludes that a fine grain analysis ofthe social is vital if we are to understandfully the ethics of monitoring in theworkplace.  相似文献   
In collaborative decision-making, partners compare reasons behind conflicting proposals through meta-talk. We investigated UK-based preschoolers’ (mixed socioeconomic status) use of meta-talk (Data collection: 2018–2020). In Study 1, 5- and 7-year-old peer dyads (N = 128, 61 girls) heard conflicting claims about an animal from two informants. One prefaced her claim with “I know”; the other with “I think”. Dyads identified the more reliable informant through meta-talk (“She said she knows”). In Study 2, 3- and 5-year-olds (N = 64, 34 girls) searched for a toy with an adult partner making incorrect proposals. Children refuted this through reporting what they had witnessed (It cannot be there because “I saw it move”, “she moved it”). In preschool period, children start using meta-talk to make rational collaborative decisions.  相似文献   
Knowledge, Concepts, and Inferences in Childhood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of knowledge in children's inferences was investigated in 3 experiments. Experiment 1 examined developmental changes in the role of categorical membership, perceptual appearance, and item complexity in inferences for natural kind and artifact concepts. Preschoolers (5-year-olds), second graders (8-year-olds), and fourth graders (10-year-olds) were taught novel properties about target concepts and asked whether each of 4 probes had those properties. Probes varied in category membership and perceptual appearance relative to the target item. Item complexity also varied. Experiments 2 and 3 examined inferences with known and unknown concepts for familiar and unfamiliar properties. Older children's knowledge led to differential weighting of categorical information over appearance but only for known concepts and/or familiar properties. Preschoolers made no distinction between category and appearance for either known or unknown concepts. Additionally, as target item complexity increased, older children made more inferences than preschoolers. No differences between inferences about natural kind and artifact concepts were found. The role of theories and knowledge in children's drawing of inferences is discussed.  相似文献   
This paper describes the process employed by a psychological service to gather the views of children and young people using guided discussion groups and questionnaires. Pupils in the guided discussion groups were asked to identify issues that affect them and how adults could help. This information was analysed using thematic analysis. Seven themes were identified as issues: managing feelings; friendships; behaviour; specific difficulties that can affect learning; not being accepted; bullying; and ‘other important issues’, including bereavement and family difficulties. In relation to each of these themed issues, several sub‐themes regarding how adults could help were collated. Questionnaire data was analysed using inferential statistics. The questionnaire rated the importance of help from adults in the areas of learning, friendships and feelings. Results suggested that these were equally important to primary‐aged pupils. Findings were used to contribute to the development plan and shape future practice.  相似文献   
This paper critically considers teacher education in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. It was stimulated by an exchange programme between student teachers from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland for a period of school‐based work in each other's jurisdictions. It examines recent curricular developments, partnership with schools, college requirements and cultural diversity. It also contrasts the effects these have had on student teacher preparation, classroom delivery and tutor involvement in student teacher development. The highly prescribed and assessed Northern Ireland curriculum will be contrasted with that of the Republic of Ireland, which appears to offer more in terms of freedom, flexibility and independence in planning. Different supervisory practices and responsibilities for the assessment of student teachers' practical teaching will be compared in both jurisdictions. The tutors in the Republic of Ireland exercise more control over student teachers' preparation and professional development for teaching, while in Northern Ireland the partnership arrangements have given more influence to schools. The paper illuminates the shift of locus of control and influence of Colleges of Education in Northern Ireland in the education of student teachers, while in the Republic of Ireland Colleges of Education have retained their influence. The curricular expertise of supervisors in the Republic of Ireland is recognized and accepted by the schools, while in Northern Ireland the rise in significance of curriculum expertise in the Curriculum Advisory and Support Service (CASS) of the Education and Library Boards has undermined the influence and expertise of college tutors.

Cet article considère en critique l'éducation de professeur en Irlande du Nord et la République de l'Irlande. Elle a été stimulée par un programme d'échange entre les professeurs d'étudiant d'Irlande du Nord et la République de l'Irlande pendant une période d'école a basé le travail dans des juridictions de chacun. Elle examine des développements curriculaires récents, l'association avec des écoles, des conditions d'université et la diversité culturelle. Elle contraste également les effets que ceux‐ci ont eus sur la préparation de professeur d'étudiant, la livraison de salle de classe et la participation de précepteur dans le développement de professeur d'étudiant. Le programme d'études fortement prescrit et évalué de l'Irlande du Nord sera contrasté avec celui de la République de l'Irlande, qui semble offrir plus en termes de liberté, flexibilité et indépendance dans la planification. Différentes pratiques et responsabilités de surveillance de l'évaluation de l'enseignement pratique des professeurs d'étudiant seront comparées dans les deux juridictions. Les précepteurs dans la République de l'Irlande exercent plus de contrôle de la préparation des professeurs d'étudiant et du développement de professionnel pour enseigner tandis qu'en Irlande du Nord, les arrangements d'association ont donné plus d'influence aux écoles. Le papier élucide le décalage du lieu de la commande et influence des universités de l'éducation en Irlande du Nord dans l'éducation des professeurs d'étudiant, alors que dans la République de l'Irlande, les universités de l'éducation ont maintenu leur influence. L'expertise curriculaire des surveillants dans la République de l'Irlande est identifiée et admis par les écoles, alors qu'en Irlande du Nord l'élévation de la signification de l'expertise de programme d'études dans le programme d'études consultatif et le service de support (CASS) de l'éducation et des conseils de bibliothèque, a miné l'influence et l'expertise des précepteurs d'université.

Este papel crítico considerar profesor educación en Irlanda del Norte y república Irlanda. Fue estimulado por un programa del intercambio entre los profesores del estudiante de Irlanda del Norte y la república de Irlanda por un período de la escuela basó el trabajo en cada otras jurisdicciones. Examina progresos del plan de estudios recientes, sociedad con las escuelas, requisitos de la universidad y diversidad cultural. También pone en contraste los efectos que éstas han tenido en la preparación del profesor del estudiante, la entrega de la sala de clase y la implicación del profesor particular en el desarrollo del profesor del estudiante. El plan de estudios altamente prescrito y determinado de Irlanda del Norte será puesto en contraste con el de la república de Irlanda, que aparece ofrecer más en términos de la libertad, de la flexibilidad y de la independencia en el planeamiento. Las diversas prácticas y responsabilidades de supervisión del gravamen de la enseñanza práctica de los profesores del estudiante serán comparadas en ambas jurisdicciones. Los profesores particulares en la república de Irlanda ejercitan más control sobre mientras que la preparación de los profesores del estudiante y desarrollo del profesional para enseñar en Irlanda del Norte, los arreglos de la sociedad han dado más influencia a las escuelas. El papel ilumina la cambio del lugar geométrico del control e influencia de universidades de la educación en Irlanda del Norte en la educación de los profesores del estudiante, mientras que en la república de Irlanda, las universidades de la educación han conservado su influencia. La maestría del plan de estudios de supervisores en la república de Irlanda se reconoce y aceptado por las escuelas, en mientras que en Irlanda del Norte la subida de la significación de la maestría del plan de estudios el plan de estudios consultivo y el servicio de ayuda (CASS) de la educación y de los tableros de la biblioteca, ha minado la influencia y maestría de los profesores particulares de la universidad.

Sie dieses Papier betrachtet kritisch Lehrerausbildung in Nordirland und in der Republik von Irland. Es wurde durch ein Austauschprogramm zwischen Kursteilnehmerlehrern von Nordirland angeregt und die Republik von Irland während einer Periode der Schule gründete Arbeit in den jeder des anderen Jurisdiktionen. Sie überprüft neue Lehrplanentwicklungen, Teilhaberschaft mit Schulen, Hochschulanforderungen und kulturelle Verschiedenartigkeit. Sie kontrastiert auch die Effekte, die diese auf Kursteilnehmerlehrervorbereitung gehabt haben, Klassenzimmeranlieferung und Tutormiteinbeziehung in der Kursteilnehmerlehrerentwicklung. Der in hohem Grade vorgeschriebene und festgesetzte Nordirlandlehrplan wird zu dem der Republik von Irland kontrastiert, das scheint, mehr in Freiheit, Flexibilität und Unabhängigkeit in der Planung ausgedrückt anzubieten. Unterschiedliche Überwachungspraxis und Verantwortlichkeiten für die Einschätzung des praktischen Unterrichts der Kursteilnehmerlehrer werden in beiden Jurisdiktionen verglichen. Die Tutore in der Republik von Irland üben mehr Steuerung über Vorbereitung der Kursteilnehmerlehrer und Fachmanentwicklung für das Unterrichten während in Nordirland, die Teilhaberschaftsvorbereitungen haben gegeben mehr Einfluß zu den Schulen aus. Das Papier belichtet die Verschiebung des Ortes der Steuerung und Einfluß der Hochschulen der Ausbildung in Nordirland in der Ausbildung der Kursteilnehmerlehrer, während in der Republik von Irland, Hochschulen der Ausbildung ihren Einfluß behalten haben. Die Lehrplansachkenntnis der Inspektoren in der Republik von Irland wird erkannt und angenommen durch die Schulen, während in Nordirland hat der Aufstieg in der Bedeutung der Lehrplansachkenntnis im beratenden Lehrplan und im Beistandsservice (CASS) der Ausbildung und der Bibliothekbretter, den Einfluß und die Sachkenntnis der Hochschultutore untergraben.  相似文献   

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