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The domain of environmental protection is comprised from many sub-domains as recycling, conserving water, or reducing the consumption of energy. The attitude–behavior gap is partly explained by the gap between the specificity levels of the particular measured behavior and of its antecedent(s). The present study aimed at assessing the effects of general vs. domain-specific behavior’s proximal antecedents included in the theory of planned behavior (TPB) model (intentions, attitudes towards the behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control) on performance of specific environmental behaviors (EBs) in five environmental sub-domains. We found that in all of the environmental domains examined, a specifically worded TPB model predicted specific behaviors better than a generally worded TPB model did. However, the magnitude of the improvement varied among behavioral domains and the improvement did not arise from the same TPB elements in every domain. The implications for environmental education and for EB research are discussed.  相似文献   
The current study deals with the development of system thinking skills at the junior high school level. The sample population included about 50 eighth‐grade students from two different classes of an urban Israeli junior high school who studied an earth systems‐based curriculum that focused on the hydro cycle. The study addressed the following research questions: (a) Could the students deal with complex systems?; (b) What has influenced the students' ability to deal with system perception?; and (c) What are the relationship among the cognitive components of system thinking? The research combined qualitative and quantitative methods and involved various research tools, which were implemented in order to collect the data concerning the students' knowledge and understanding before, during, and following the learning process. The findings indicated that the development of system thinking in the context of the earth systems consists of several sequential stages arranged in a hierarchical structure. The cognitive skills that are developed in each stage serve as the basis for the development of the next higher‐order thinking skills. The research showed that in spite of the minimal initial system thinking abilities of the students most of them made some meaningful progress in their system thinking skills, and a third of them reached the highest level of system thinking in the context of the hydro cycle. Two main factors were found to be the source of the differential progress of the students: (a) the students' individual cognitive abilities, and (b) their level of involvement in the knowledge integration activities during their inquiry‐based learning both indoors and outdoors. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The definition, measurement, prevalence, and relations of mastery-avoidance goals with engagement outcomes are still under debate. Study 1 (n = 256) aimed to investigate these issues among junior high and high school students in two domains. Findings indicated that students distinguished between the three commonly assessed achievement goals and mastery-avoidance goals. Moreover, students distinguished between the two standards conceived to underlie mastery-avoidance goals—task-mastery and intrapersonal competence. However, the task-mastery items failed to show reliability. Study 2 (n = 118) aimed to replicate the results of Study 1 as well as to investigate the associations of mastery-avoidance goals with self-regulation strategies and affect in school. Intrapersonal mastery-avoidance goals were positively related to adaptive strategies and negatively with maladaptive strategies. Moreover, when combined with mastery-approach goals, intrapersonal mastery-avoidance goals enhanced students’ reports of adaptive affect in school. The implications of these findings to theory, method, and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   
Literature has shown that on-the-job professional development programs are most beneficial when they are long-term, focused on students’ learning, and linked to the curricula. We hypothesized that the higher the control teachers have over job professional development processes, and the greater the resemblance of these processes to the typical teaching culture in classrooms, the greater the teachers’ satisfaction with job professional development processes. The findings of this study demonstrate that the main factors affecting teachers’ satisfaction with the instructional programs are related to their desire to maintain instructional processes “close to home”, and to shape these processes in accordance with their needs and expectations. The implications of the study are discussed with relation to decision-makers in the school setting and at the local authorities’ level.  相似文献   
Educational policy borrowing has become rather common in our globalised world. However, the literature lacks contextual criteria that may be employed by researchers and policy makers to assess the correspondence of a particular policy to the local context of a borrowing system. Based on a secondary analysis of documents and research reports, this paper describes the process of policy borrowing in the Israeli and Turkish educational systems. Discrepancies were found between the basic qualities of the borrowed policies and the contextual features and processes that characterise each educational system. The lack of congruency appears to be even deeper in centralised structures where the act of policy setting is done by top-level policy makers who are isolated from local school circumstances. Threshold criteria referring to fundamental considerations during decision making are offered and their theoretical and practical implications for centralised structures are discussed.  相似文献   
The current study aimed to explore the concept of transition self-efficacy, which is defined as individuals’ subjective evaluation of their ability to execute the actions required for a successful transition from elementary to middle school. The study followed a sample of 128 sixth-grade students for 2 consecutive years (before and after the school transition). A path analysis based on structural equation modelling revealed that the students’ perceptions of the teachers’ emphasis on mastery goal orientations predicted academic and social aspects of self-efficacy. The social aspect of self-efficacy in turn predicted changes in the students’ emotional and behavioural engagement after the transition. The results were robust when we controlled for self-reported GPA and gender. An interaction between gender and aspects of self-efficacy was also observed. The findings emphasise the importance of transition self-efficacy for adaptive school transitions and provide evidence that teachers’ goal emphases play a significant role in promoting self-efficacy.  相似文献   
System thinking skills at the elementary school level   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study deals with the development of system thinking skills at the elementary school level. It addresses the question of whether elementary school students can deal with complex systems. The sample included 40 4th grade students from one school in a small town in Israel. The students studied an inquiry‐based earth systems curriculum that focuses on the hydro‐cycle. The program involved lab simulations and experiments, direct interaction with components and processes of the water cycle in the outdoor learning environment and knowledge integration activities. Despite the students' minimal initial system thinking abilities, most of them made significant progress with their ability to analyze the hydrological earth system to its components and processes. As a result, they recognized interconnections between components of a system. Some of the students reached higher system thinking abilities, such as identifying interrelationships among several earth systems and identifying hidden parts of the hydrological system. The direct contact with real phenomena and processes in small scale scenarios enabled these students to create a concrete local water cycle, which could later be expanded into large scale abstract global cycles. The incorporation of outdoor inquiry‐based learning with lab inquiry‐based activities and knowledge integration assignments contributed to the 4th grade students' capacity to develop basic system thinking abilities at their young age. This suggests that although system thinking is regarded as a high order thinking skill, it can be developed to a certain extent in elementary school. With a proper long‐term curriculum, these abilities can serve as the basis for the development of higher stages of system thinking at the junior–high/middle school level. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47: 540–563, 2010  相似文献   

The current study focused on scaffolding programmes, including cognitive and meta-cognitive components, for science problem solving in a computerised learning environment to identify their unique effects on aspects of student motivation. Using expectancy-value theory as a conceptual framework, the current study focused on two motivational aspects: intrinsic value and perceived cost. Four scaffolding components were identified (structural, reflective, subject matter and enrichment) and used in different configurations to construct four scaffolding programmes ranging from low support (Enrichment) to partial support (Operative and Strategic) to full support (Integrated). The participants were seventh-grade students (N?=?458) sampled from 15 different classes in 3 middle schools. The classes were randomly assigned to the five treatment groups (four ‘scaffolding programmes’ and one control). The intervention was conducted over approximately 6 months as part of the regular class curriculum. The first phase of the study was based on self-report surveys distributed twice to all participants, and the second phase was based on observations of a sub-sample (N?=?145). The findings indicated that the integrated group demonstrated the most adaptive patterns of motivation. Specifically, the integrated group was the only group that showed no decline in intrinsic value or increases in perceived cost. Both the strategic and integrated groups had higher levels of observed willingness to invest effort and reports of intentional learning when using the scaffolding software. The common feature of these groups is the reflection component, which implies that reflection and its combination with subject matter have positive effects on motivation.  相似文献   
This study examines the process by which system thinking perceptions develop within the context of a water cycle curriculum. Four junior high school students undergoing an especially designed inquiry‐based intervention were closely observed before, during, immediately after, and 6 years after completing a year long systems‐based learning program. The employed research tools included observations, semi‐structured interviews, and a number of “concept viewing” tools (drawings, concept maps, and repertory grids). Out of the data, four distinct “stories,” each presenting a different way of constructing hydro system mental models, are described. The paper's main conclusion is that students develop their systems mental models and remember the learned material based on learning patterns that tend to remain unchanged over time. Consequently, in order to facilitate efficient and lasting construction of students' system models, learning experiences should harness these, and especially the meta‐cognitive learning pattern, which holds special significance for constructing systems. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47: 1253–1280, 2010  相似文献   
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