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社会主义市场经济体制的建立,给医院的发展带来了前所未有的生机和活力,但也带来社会生活的多样化,人们思想观念、价值取向的多元化。所以,加强医院职工思想教育更显得重要和紧迫。   随着市场经济体制的建立,医院过去那一套计划经济条件下行之有效的思想、价值观念,行为准则及工作方式、方法都已发生变化,医院管理者为了使职工的思想素质适应新形势的新变化,就必然要求加强职工的教育。   医务人员的价值观念、职业道德、技术水平、服务态度的好坏,直接关系到人民群众的身体健康和生命安危,影响医院的声誉,影响党和政府的形…  相似文献   
当前,由于受到后金融风暴的影响,我国的就业增长率大幅下降,高校毕业生就业难成为社会突出问题。过去热门的经济管理类专业人才,如今的就业也面临着严峻挑战。因此,自主创业成为经管类人才的另一条出路,自主创业能力的重要性显得尤为突出,从而高校对经济管理类专业的创业教育具有了更大意义。本文将从五个方面简要分析将强经管类专业创业教育的意义。  相似文献   
小学数学课的基本形式是课堂教学,不少学生由于诸多因素的影响,往往在课堂教学过程中注意力分散,不专心听讲,使课堂教学质量大打折扣。有关研究表明:儿童在积极主动的精神状态下进行学习,其理解力、接受力提高20%-40%,记忆力提高15—2倍。因此,作为课堂教学主导的老师,应注意选择适当的时机,创设生动活泼的教学情境,排除不利因素的干扰,  相似文献   
初中各学科应协调发展四川/李中明为了应试教育的需要,目前在一些教师中间仍存在着“教学各顾各,休管其他科”的现象,严重影响了学生整体素质的提高。那么,怎样协调好各学科的关系呢?笔者认为,在严格按照国家教委颁布的教学大纲开课的前提下还须从如下几方面入手:...  相似文献   
李中明 《职教论坛》2002,(10):17-17
优质课被视为是教改的实验田,在长期的教学及教研实践中,我校对优质课评比活动进行了有益的探索。一、注重学术性学术性是教研的生命,优质课的评比也不例外。从活动的筹备,标准的制定,评委的聘任及善后工作的处理,始终应注意学术氛围,应广泛征求教职工意见,使评比工作质量高,具有科学性和可操作性。二、保持连续性我校优质课评比,充分注意了参与的群众性,过程的综合性,结果的优质性和效果的长期性。我校一直把优质课评比列入学校的议事日程,不管体制怎么变,领导怎么换,每年举行两次,从未间断,而且开展得越来越好。三、力求…  相似文献   
短篇小说篇幅短,人物少。情节单一,需要以有限的形象画面传达深长的思想内涵,揭示生活本质,达到由小见大、以少胜多、以轻举重的目的。因而意象成了篇小说中不可或缺的重要元素,本文试图通过对短篇小说中象征手法的运用的分析.了艇小说创作的一般规律。  相似文献   
教材无非是个例子,解剖典范课文,可以收到举一反三、事半功倍的效果。短篇小说常常是语文课文中的闪光点,是学生兴趣的激发点。今以《阅读和写作》中提及的部分短篇小说为主要分析对象,谈谈教学中的一些感受。我认为,阅读是一个认知过程,写作则是一个再创造的过程。所谓认知,亦即了解知识,从原始的生活经验到基本的创作规律都是典范课文里的知识信息。而再创造则可以指对阅读作品的再创造,也可以是对现实生活的再创造。短篇小说篇幅短,人物少,情节单一,需要以有限的形象画面传达深长的思想内涵,揭示生活本质,达到由小见大、以…  相似文献   
讲究批评艺术,是高素质教师必备的修养,更是素质教育的重要手段和事半功倍多出人才的捷径.要知道一句不当的批评,可能会毁了一个人.  相似文献   
小学数学课的基本形式是课堂教学,不少学生由于诸多因素的影响,往往在课堂教学过程中注意力分散,不专心听讲,使课堂教学质量大打折扣。有关研究  相似文献   
The genus Palaeosmunda was established by R. E. Gould in 1970 based upon some  Late Permian Osmundaceous trunks with well-developed leaf gaps and rhomboidal  sclerotic ring within petiolar base seen in cross section.  As he thinks that the latter  character is more important than the former, this genus could not be assigned to any  subfamily of Osmundaceae.        However, the leaf gap is one of the most important characters in the structure of the fern stem, so the author suggests that this genus should be assigned to subfamily  Osmundoideae and its diagnosis must be emended as follows:       The genus Palaeosmunda is represented by some rhizomes (or trunks), roots and leaf bases of ferns which structurally are preserved,  resembling  Osmundacaulis  but which can’t be assigned to any group of this genus.        Stem containing an ectophloic dictyoxylic siphonostele; if tracheids present in  the pith, they being multiseriate scalariform pitted; pith or cortex sometimes contain-  ing groups of secretory cells or sclerenchyma; number of leaf traces seen in a tran-   sverse section of cortex more than 30; leaf traces adaxially curvature, rarely oblong-  shaped; petiolar bases with or without stipular  expansion,  containing  a C-shaped vascular strand; root diarch.       Type species——Palaeosmunda williamsii.      According to this diagnosis some primitive osmundaceous species with the  leaf gaps, which have already found in Upper Permian and Lower Triassic, could be assigned to this genus.  Two of them are P. williamsii Gould and P. playfordii Gould, and Osmundacaulis beardmorensis, which was from Lower Triassic of Antarctica in 1978, should be assigned to the genus Palaeosmunda.      In this paper two osmundaceous new species: P. primitiva and P. plenasioides were found in the coal balls of Upper Permian age  from  Wangjiazhai  of  Shuicheng  of Guizhou Province, China.       P. primitiva is represented by two trunks; stem about  4 cm in diameter;  stele actophloic dictyoxylic siphonostele; pith cavity about 3—4 mm in diameter, contianing parenchyma and tracheids; xylem cylinder thin, less than 10 tracheids in radial thick- ness, dissected by leaf gaps.  Inner cortex about 1.5 cm thick, mainly parenchymatous, but sometimes containing a few sclerenchymatous; number of leaf traces seen in a transverse section about 50—60; leaf traces departing at 35—45º,open C-shaped at point of departure, gradually becoming shallow C-shaped or V-shaped in different parts; protoxylem in base of leaf traces single, endarch; when leaf traces pass through inner cortex, protoxylem biturcating.  Petiole bases without stipular expansion, probablyloosely embracing the stem; xylem strand of potiole trace shallow C-shaped, surrounded by selerenchyma; sclerotic ring round, connected with single sclerenchyma mass in the concavity of the petiole trace.  Root arising singly from leaf trace, diarch, with inner and outer cortex.       P. plenasioides is represented by a rhizome; stem more than 4 cm in diameter; stele actophloic dictyoxylic siphonostele; xylem cylider with about 20  tracheids in radial thickness, dissected by leaf gaps; xylem bundle U-, O-, or crosier- (i.e. query-) shaped; pith and inner cortex parenchymatous, with many groups of secretory cells; leaf trace C-shaped, its base containing two endarch protoxylem groups; root diareh,with inner and outer cortex, arising singly from leaf trace or its base.  相似文献   
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