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小谷没想到,自己会在生物课上出丑。是一节很平常的生物课,讲到鱼类,生物老师突然来了兴致:同学们,咱们一人说一种鱼类,从第一列第一个同学开始吧。小谷抬起眼皮,默默算了算,估计轮不到自己,就继续低下头,悄悄翻生物课本下的漫画书。  相似文献   
中国科学院神农架生物多样性定位研究站   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
正中国科学院神农架生物多样性定位研究站(以下简称"神农架站")于1994年建站,隶属于中国科学院植物研究所,现为中国科学院生态系统研究网络(CERN)和国家野外科学观测研究网络(CNERN)成员,长江三峡工程生态与环境监测网络的重点站。神农架站区位于鄂西神农架地区(东经110°03′—110°34′,北纬31°19′—31°36′,海拔420—3105m),属秦巴山地常绿—落叶阔叶林生态区,以北亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林为主,代表了秦巴山地地带性森林生态系统类型。神农架地区植被垂直带谱完整,不仅是全球14个  相似文献   
<正>高山经济植物研究所隶属于云南省农业科学院,属于省级独立科研单位。现有职工40人,其中科技人员32人,高职3人,中职16人,享受国务院津贴的1人,硕士11人。自建所以来,我所主持或参与21项国家级和省部级项目,撰写论文100余篇,出版专著  相似文献   
正近年来,合成生物学的兴起和迅速发展引起了国内外科技界的高度重视,相继建立了一些合成生物学的相关研究机构。美国的合成生物学工程研究中心成立于2006年,随后加州大学伯克利分校、麻省理工学院等成立了各自的合成生物学中心。英国自2009年建立第一个合成生物学研究中心以来,又建立了7个多学科交叉的合成生物学研究中心和1个产业中心,有超过30所大学成立了大大小小的合成生物学研究中心。另外,法国  相似文献   
16岁的那个春节,他生活的小城,第一次出现了阿迪达斯的专柜。趁着放寒假,他去看过一次,在市中心百货商场三楼的运动专区。巨大而鲜明的三条平行间条,一  相似文献   
15岁的时候我住校,和一群年龄相仿的姑娘同住一个寝室,但是我并不快乐。刚刚跨进高中校园的我,还没来得及学习成熟,已经先学会了虚荣。是的,再没有什么比15岁少女的虚荣心更重要的东西了。  相似文献   
 This article deals with the distribution of triterpenoids in Chinese: species of Panax.  The results of investigation show that the tetracyclic triterpenoids of dam- marane type are the main constituents in Ginseng (P. Ginseng C. A. Meyer) and Sanchii (P. notoginseng (Burk.) F. H. Chen) and that pentacyelic triterpenoids of oleanane type are the main constituents in P. pseudo-ginseng Wall., P. zingiberensis C. Y. Wu et K. M. Feng, P. japonicus C. A. Meyer and its variety (var. angustifolius, var. major, var. bipinnatifidus) and P. stipuleanatus H. T. Tsai et K. M. Feng.  The fact that the Chinese people had found out herbs with such high therapeutic effects as Ginseng and Sanchii through long medical practices shows it to have been achieved not without modern scientific ground.  Tetracyelic triterpenoids of dammarane type is one of the active constituent of Ginseng and Sanchii, while, on the contrary, the pentacyclic triterpenoids of oleanane type have yet inactive physiologic properties. '      Through the comparative study of triterpenoids constituents together with the taxonomy and the geographic distribution of various species of Chinese Panax, it shows that Panax as a whole may be divided into two main groups: the first group, having rather short erect rhizomes, fleshy carrotlike roots and larger seeds, is cor- responding to those species with their main constituents as the tetracyclic triterpenoids of dammarane type and their areas in dispersal being often limited and disjunct. The second group, that possesses long creeping rhizomes, usually with no well developed fleshy roots and bearing smaller seeds, correlates to those species invariably with continual distribution and their main constituents are pentacyclic triterpenoids of oleanane type.  Therefore, it is suggested that in comparing with the latter group, the former is perhaps more primitive, and Sanchi  (P.  notoginseng  (Burk.)  F.  H. Chen) may be the oldest member among living species of Panax. On the other land, it is found that in external morphology, P. pseudo-ginseng Wall. belongs to the former group, but its chemical constituents are nevertheless similar to the latter.  On such account, it seems evident that P. pseudo-ginseng Wall. constitutes a transitional type between these two groups, and reveals there by some historical relationship of thesetwo groups.  相似文献   
小谷没想到,自己会在生物课上出丑。是一节很平常的生物课,讲到鱼类,生物老师突然来了兴致:同学们,咱们一人说一种鱼类,从第一列第一个同学开始吧。小谷抬起眼皮,默默算了算,估计轮不到自己,就继续低下头,悄悄翻生物课本下的漫画书。  相似文献   
我喜欢和周蒙玩,我叫他阿蒙,你听,喊起来,是不是有吴下阿蒙的意味,带着点亲昵,带着点调皮。而他总是乐呵呵地点点头,回应我:江彩姐姐。那时,周蒙还未满十岁,是长相端正的小男孩,圆鼓鼓的脸,长长的黑睫毛,眼睛忽闪忽闪的,睫毛就随之颤动,好像蝴蝶剪影。而我,是长他两岁的初中新生。我们在一个家属院长大,我带  相似文献   
她找出那件藏蓝色百褶裙,穿上它,第一次,她觉得这件裙子很美很美。17岁的生日,艾渔是自己过的。因为她和妈妈吵了一架,不过是为了一件裙子。淑女屋的,小碎花,蕾丝边,泡泡袖,她在大洋百货三层的专柜看了好几次,终于提出要买,作为自己17岁的生日礼物。妈妈去看了,回来后一言不发,从衣柜里找出一件百褶裙:  相似文献   
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