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Die ?sterreichischen Universit?ten und Fachhochschulen sind gesetzlich dazu aufgefordert, interne Qualit?tssicherungsprozesse und -systeme zu entwickeln. Der Grundsatz der Erstverantwortlichkeit der Hochschulen für die Sicherung von Qualit?t in Lehre, Forschung und Organisation tr?gt der Hochschulautonomie Rechnung, und er kommt durch die im Zuge des Bologna-Prozesses vereinbarten Europ?ischen Standards der Qualit?tssicherung zum Ausdruck. Als Qualit?tssicherungsagentur für den gesamten Hochschulbereich in ?sterreich bietet die AQA Universit?ten und Fachhochschulen externe Begleitung, vermittelt unabh?ngige Expertise und führt Evaluierungen durch. Die AQA hat ihre Leistungen und Verfahren auf Grundlage europ?ischer Standards der externen Qualit?tssicherung für Universit?ten und Fachhochschulen entwickelt. Die Verfahren der AQA stellen die hochschulinterne Qualit?tskultur in den Mittelpunkt: Basierend auf den Erfahrungen mit externen Evaluierungsverfahren und des Hochschulvergleichen, welche die AQA seit 2004 durchgeführt hat, implementiert die Agentur nun ein Verfahren, welches das hochschulinterne Qualit?tsmanagement st?rken soll und den Hochschulen l?ngerfristig eine Zertifizierung ihres Qualit?tsmanagements bietet. Die AQA stellt hierfür die Expertise internationaler Expertinnen und Experten zu Themen des Hochschulmanagements bereit und nutzt Kooperationen mit anderen Qualit?tssicherungsagenturen. Auf l?ngere Sicht k?nnte ein prozessorientiertes "Quality Audit"-Verfahren eine Referenz der externen Qualit?tssicherung für den gesamten ?sterreichischen Hochschulbereich darstellen.  相似文献   
Given the importance of survey measures of online media use for communication research, it is crucial to assess and improve their quality, in particular because the increasingly fragmented and ubiquitous usage of internet complicates the accuracy of self-reported measures. This study contributes to the discussion regarding the accuracy of self-reported internet use by presenting relevant factors potentially affecting biases of self-reports and testing survey design strategies to improve accuracy. Combining automatic tracking data and survey data from the same participants (N = 690) confirmed low levels of accuracy and tendencies of over-reporting. The analysis revealed biases due to a range of factors associated with the intensity of (actual) internet usage, propensity to multitask, day of reference, and the usage of mobile devices. An anchoring technique could not be proved to reduce inaccuracies of reporting behavior. Several recommendations for research practice follow from these findings.  相似文献   
Educational research has introduced different models for the professional knowledge of (pre-service) teachers. Existing studies show major differences regarding the construct of content knowledge, which is often conceptualized based on school subject knowledge and varies with respect to academic content knowledge. The latter indicates that the question of what content knowledge teachers need has yet to be resolved. This question is particularly relevant from the perspective of teacher education at universities, since pre-service teachers for secondary schools are usually taught academic content knowledge. In this article we suggest a model of the discipline-specific teacher knowledge that includes pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) alongside two constructs of content knowledge: academic content knowledge (CK) and school-related content knowledge (SRCK). Findings from two studies for the subject area mathematics confirm that the components are empirically separable and that the three-dimensional model is superior to the two-dimensional model (CK, PCK). Moreover, the new construct SRCK holds potential for the investigation of the knowledge of pre-service teachers.  相似文献   
过程导向的职业教育意味着什么?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了促进职业教育更好地适应企业的需要、促进技术和组织结构的迅速更新,新颁布的《职业教育条例》提出了“针对过程”开展职业教育的要求。从此,《职业教育条例》只描述相关企业所共有的任务,而具体的教育内容则由职业教育企业自行确定。本文阐述了“过程针对性”对开展职业教育的影响,提出了相关人员的新型任务和专门化训练的需求。  相似文献   
Oligonucleotide microarrays are tools used to analyze samples for the presence of specific DNA sequences. In the system as presented here, specific DNA sequences are first amplified by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) during which process they are labeled with fluorophores. The amplicons are subsequently hybridized onto an oligonucleotide microarray, which in our case is a porous nylon membrane with microscopic spots. Each spot on the membrane contains oligonucleotides with a sequence complementary to part of one specific target sequence. The solution containing the amplicons flows by external agitation many times up and down through the porous substrate, thereby reducing the time delaying effect of diffusion. By excitation of the fluorophores the emitted pattern of fluorophores can be detected by a charge-coupled device camera. The recorded pattern is a characteristic of the composition of the sample. The oligonucleotide capture probes have been deposited on the substrate by using noncontact piezo ink jet printing, which is the focus of our study. The objective of this study is to understand the mechanisms that determine the distribution of the ink jet printed capture probes inside the membrane. The membrane is a porous medium: the droplets placed on the membrane penetrate in the microstructure of it. The three-dimensional (3D) distribution of the capture probes inside the membrane determines the distribution of the hybridized fluorescent PCR products inside the membrane and thus the emission of light when exposed to the light source. As the 3D distribution of the capture probes inside the membrane eventually determines the detection efficiency, this parameter can be controlled for optimization of the sensitivity of the assay. The main issues addressed here are how are the capture probes distributed inside the membrane and how does this distribution depend on the printing parameters. We will use two model systems to study the influences of different parameters: a single nozzle print head jetting large droplets at a low frequency and a multinozzle print head emitting small droplets at a high frequency. In particular, we have investigated the effects when we change from usage of the first system to the second system. Furthermore, we will go into detail how we can obtain smaller spot sizes in order to increase the spot density without having overlapping spots, leading eventually to lower manufacturing costs of microarrays. By controlling the main print parameters influencing the 3D distribution inside the porous medium, the overall batch-to-batch variations can possibly be reduced.  相似文献   
This study compares the attitudes of preschool teachers and students between the Netherlands and Germany towards typical play activities in preschool. The data were responses to short video clips of preschool children's play and elicited the respondents’ attitudes through questionnaires. The data were analysed by classifying the written responses into four categories. The frequencies of the categories were tested with MANOVA with regard to expert–novice position and country. Differences between professionals and novices were found, and for professionals only, the four categories were interrelated, showing a stronger holistic view of early childhood activities. Differences were also found between the countries, and two of the categories seemed especially sensitive to cultural differences. We discuss how reflection on activities can add to a higher degree of professionalism, as well as a more profound understanding of ways to improve preschool teacher training.  相似文献   
Helfen Hilfen?     
In practice, educational measures to support learning and schooling interchange regularly and differ from one another. It is, therefore, almost impossible to assess the impacts of specific measures because of the overlap of different influential factors. One solution is to look at the whole course of help as a “help career”. On the basis of national and – in Germany little known – international empirical studies, we will present an empirically founded insight into influencing factors and the framework for taking up multiple educational support measures. Which factors influence a help career? What role is played by the characteristics of the clientele and their social environment and by measures or the youth support schemes when it comes to unstable help careers? At the end of the contribution, we will discuss the practical relevance of the results and the requirements for research in order to improve future practices.  相似文献   
The gross anatomy dissection course is a cost‐intensive piece of undergraduate medical education that students and professionals alike describe as very important within the overall medical curriculum. We sought to understand more explicitly students' valuation of gross anatomy as an “important” course and so developed a quantitative longitudinal questionnaire. Medical students (n = 124) enrolled in the winter term 2006/2007 gross anatomy course at the Ulm University Faculty of Medicine were surveyed anonymously prior to, in the middle of, and at the end of the dissection course. Subgroups of students expressing rising or falling opinions of course value were identified and correlated with student opinions about the course's ability to convey professional competencies. Five‐point Likert scales were used for each survey item, which included such standardized instruments as the NeoFFI, BSI, and FBM. The study confirmed that medical students believe dissection to be valuable. Students indicated that participation in the course facilitated acquisition of anatomy knowledge as well as skills related to teamwork, coping with stress, and, to a lesser extent, time management. Students also noted that they developed less empathy than expected beforehand. Significant subgroup differences were observed relative to the competencies of teamwork, stress coping strategies, and empathy, as well as in students' stress levels associated with having to take a dissection course. Our study builds on previous work that has shown dissection courses help students develop professional competencies. The increase in professionalism might be a reason for the generally high value students place on the gross anatomy dissection course, Anat Sci Educ 3:3–11, 2010. © 2010 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   
Organ-on-chip (OoC) and multi-organs-on-chip (MOoC) systems have the potential to play an important role in drug discovery, disease modeling, and personalized medicine. However, most devices developed in academic labs remain at a proof-of-concept level and do not yet offer the ease-of-use, manufacturability, and throughput that are needed for widespread application. Commercially available OoC are easier to use but often lack the level of complexity of the latest devices in academia. Furthermore, researchers who want to combine different chips into MOoC systems are limited to one supplier, since commercial systems are not compatible with each other. Given these limitations, the implementation of standards in the design and operation of OoCs would strongly facilitate their acceptance by users. Importantly, the implementation of such standards must be carried out by many participants from both industry and academia to ensure a widespread acceptance and adoption. This means that standards must also leave room for proprietary technology development next to promoting interchangeability. An open platform with standardized interfacing and user-friendly operation can fulfill these requirements. In this Perspective article, the concept of an open platform for OoCs is defined from a technical perspective. Moreover, we discuss the importance of involving different stakeholders in the development, manufacturing, and application of such an open platform.  相似文献   
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