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The effect of pattern of stimulus presentation on habituation of the cardiac component of the orienting response to an auditory stimulus was investigated in four experiments. The duration of stimulus presentation was held constant, but some animals were given six 10-sec stimulus presentations and others were given a single 60-sec stimulus. During the first 10 sec of the auditory stimulus, heart rate (HR) decreased approximately 40 beats per minute (bpm) in both groups, but during subsequent 10-sec epochs, the changes in HR were markedly different in the two groups. For those animals given a single 60-sec stimulus, the cardiac orienting response did not habituate; that is, HR either continued to decrease or remained approximately 40 bpm below baseline. In contrast, those animals given six 10-sec stimulus presentations showed smaller decreases in HR with each successive stimulus presentation, and after approximately four presentations, no detectable change in HR was observed. Despite these dramatic differences in habituation of the cardiac component of the orienting response, neither group oriented to the auditory stimulus when it was presented again following a short retention interval. Moreover, with increasing retention intervals, both groups showed the same forgetting function (reappearance of the orienting response). The implications of these findings for theories of the orienting response as well as theories of habituation are discussed.  相似文献   
Māori adults have earlier first memories than adults in any culture studied to date. To test the role of early memory socialization in this advantage, Māori ( n = 15) and New Zealand European (or Pakeha, n = 17) mothers told birth stories and stories of shared past events to their children (3–4 or 7–8 years). Compared to Pakeha mothers, Māori mothers elaborated more in the birth stories, relative to their elaborations in stories about shared past events, and included more references to relational time and internal states in their birth stories. These data provide the first empirical evidence that Māori children experience a richer narrative environment than Pakeha children for significant events in their past.  相似文献   
The specificity of memory retrieval by 3-month-old infants was examined in 3 experiments. All infants were trained in the mobile conjugate reinforcement paradigm to kick their feet to produce movement in an overhead crib mobile and were tested 2 weeks later. 24 hours prior to the test, subjects received a 3-min reminder treatment. The results of Experiment 1 demonstrated that only the moving training mobile alleviated forgetting after the 2-week retention interval; forgetting was not alleviated by exposure to the stationary training mobile or to the mobile stands and ribbon alone. The results of Experiments 2 and 3 demonstrated that, once retrieved, the reactivated memory was highly specific to the conditions of original training. Furthermore, the memory attributes that were the last to be forgotten (e.g., the general or global features) were the first to be retrieved following the reminder treatment. Conversely, those memory attributes that were forgotten first (e.g., the specific or local details) were the last to be retrieved. These findings have important implications for infant memory retrieval, reminiscence, and infantile amnesia.  相似文献   
Developmental Changes in Imitation from Television during Infancy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Infants' (N = 276) ability to learn from television under seminaturalistic conditions was examined in five experiments with 12-, 15-, and 18-month-olds. In all experiments, an adult performed a series of specific actions with novel stimuli. Some infants watched the demonstration live, and some infants watched the same demonstration on television from prerecorded videotape. Infants' ability to reproduce the target actions was then assessed either immediately or after a 24-hour delay. Infants of all ages exhibited imitation when the actions were modeled live. There were age-related and task-related differences, however, in infants' ability to imitate the same actions modeled on television. The role of perceptual, attentional, and cognitive development in the ability to learn from television is discussed.  相似文献   
The concept of spreading activation describes how retrieval of one memory cues retrieval of other memories that are associated with it. This study explored spreading activation in 6‐, 12‐, and 18‐month‐old infants. Infants (n = 144) learned two tasks within the same experimental session; one task, deferred imitation (DI), is typically remembered longer than the other task, visual recognition memory (VRM). At all ages, retrieval of the DI memory facilitated retrieval of the VRM memory, but the conditions under which this spreading activation occurred changed as a function of age. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the development of mnemonic networks during infancy and the value of studying infants for our understanding of memory more generally.  相似文献   
In this study, we investigated the effect of older siblings on imitation by infants under naturalistic conditions. To do this, 300 parents provided diary records of imitation by their 12-, 15-, and 18-month-old infants. Half of the infants were only children and half had older siblings. Infants of all ages acquired one to two new behaviours per day through imitation. There were also age-related and sibling-related changes in the quality of behaviours acquired through imitation. Older infants imitated more multi-step sequences and substituted more objects during re-enactment than younger infants. In addition, infants with siblings imitated more behaviour without explicit instruction than did infants without siblings. Furthermore, imitation by infants with siblings was characterised by a higher level of pretence and rough-and-tumble play. These findings converge with both observational and laboratory-based research confirming that imitation is a powerful mechanism by which infants acquire new behaviours in the course of their everyday lives. Dans cette e´tude, nous avons examine´ l'effet des fre ¤ res et des s m urs aine´s sur l'imitation par des enfants en bas age dans des conditions naturalistes. Pour faire ceci, 300 parents ont fourni des dossiers de journal sur des exemples d'imitation par leurs petits enfants de 12, 15 et 18 mois. La moitie´ des petits enfants e´taient des enfants uniques et l'autre moitie´ avait des fre ¤ res et des s m urs aine´s. Les enfants de tous les ages ont acquis 1 a ¤ 2 nouveaux comportements par jour par l'imitation. Il y avait aussi des changements relatifs a ¤ l'age et a ¤ la pre´sence des fre ¤ res et des s m urs dans la qualite´ de comportements acquis par l'imitation. Les enfants plus age´s tendaient a ¤ imiter les se´quences de plus d'e´tapes et tendaient a ¤ substituer plus d'objets pendant la re´petitition que les enfants plus jeunes. En outre, les enfants avec des fre ¤ res et des s m urs aine´s tendaient a ¤ imiter plus le comportement sans instruction explicite que les enfants sans fre ¤ res et des s m urs aine´s. En plus, l'imitation par des petits enfants avec des fre ¤ res et des s m urs aine´s a e´te´ caracte´rise´e par un niveau plus e´leve´ de faire semblant et de jeu de de´gringolade. Ces de´couvertes convergent avec la recherche d'observation et de laboratoire confirmant que l'imitation est un me´canisme puissant par lequel les enfants en bas age acquie ¤ rent des nouveaux comportements au cours de leurs vies de tous les jours. En este estudio, investigamos el efecto que tienen los hermanos mayores sobre la imitacio´n por los nin ¨ os menores en condiciones natural ´sticas. Para llevar a cargo esto, 300 padres suministraron apuntes de sus agendas diarias de sus infantes de 12, 15 y 18 meses. La mitad de estos nin ¨ os eran nin ¨ os u´nicos y la otra mitad teni´an hermanos mayores. Los infantes de todas las edades adquirieron 1 o 2 nuevos comportamientos por di´a a trave´s de la imitacio´n. Hubieron presentes tambie´n cambios relacionados a la edad y al hecho de tener hermanos en el tipo de comportamientos adquiridos a trave´s de la imitacio´n. Los nin ¨ os mayores tendieron a imitar ma´s las secuencias de pasos mu´ltiples y tendieron a sustituir ma´s objetos durante la reconstruccio´n que los infantes menores. Adema´s, los nin ¨ os con hermanos imitaron el comportamiento sin instruccio´n expli´cita ma´s que los nin ¨ os sin hermanos. La imitacio´n de parte de los nin ¨ os tuvo como caracteri´stica un alto nivel de simulacio´n y de juego frene´tico. Estos hallazgos convergen con las investigaciones de observacio´n y de laboratorio, confirmando que la imitacio´n es un mecanismo potente por el cual los nin ¨ os adquieren nuevos comportamientos durante sus vidas cotidianas.  相似文献   
84 3-month-olds were tested in 3 studies of the acquisition and long-term retention of category-specific information. Infants who were trained with a perceptibly different member of an alphanumeric category on each of 3 days generalized responding to a novel instance of the original training category but not a novel member of a novel category during a 24-hour novelty test. 2 weeks later, when infants displayed no evidence of remembering their prior training experience, categorization was reinstated if a novel exemplar from the original training category was used as the retrieval cue in a memory reactivation procedure. A novel exemplar from a novel category was not an effective retrieval cue. The effectiveness of the category-specific retrieval cue was a function of its physical similarity to the individual exemplars encountered during training, not testing. The background against which the alphanumeric exemplars were displayed during training was not an effective retrieval cue in either the 24-hour novelty test or the memory reactivation procedure, indicating that all invariant stimulus attributes do not contribute equally as category cues. These data are the first to document retention of category-specific information after extended intervals. A popular account of categorization holds that infants abstract invariant features from individual exemplars and form a schema or distinctive memory representation of these shared features against which subsequent exemplars are compared. The present data provide support for a more parsimonious account of categorization, based on the retrieval of information about individual exemplars, that does not require an assumption of prototype formation.  相似文献   
Hayne H  Barr R  Herbert J 《Child development》2003,74(6):1615-1627
Three experiments examined the effect of practice on memory performance by 18-month-old infants. Infants were tested using an imitation paradigm; an adult demonstrated a series of actions with objects and infants were given the opportunity to reproduce those actions following a delay. Some infants practiced the target actions before the retention interval (practice) and some did not (no practice). In Experiment 1, a reminder treatment alleviated forgetting by infants who practiced but failed to alleviate forgetting by infants who did not practice. In Experiments 2A and 2B, infants who practiced generalized to novel test stimuli after a 24-hr delay, whereas infants without practice did not. Results suggest practice influences the accessibility and generality of infants' memories.  相似文献   
This report describes the first prospective study specifically designed to assess children's verbal memory for a unique event 6 years after it occurred. Forty-six 27- to 51-month-old children took part in a unique event and were interviewed about it twice, after 24-hr and 6-year delays. During the 6-year interview, 9 children verbally recalled the event, including 2 who were under 3 years old when the event occurred. This may be the most convincing evidence to date that such early experiences can be verbally recalled after long delays. These data have important implications for current theories of memory development and childhood amnesia and underscore some of the problems associated with evaluating the veracity of early memories under less controlled conditions.  相似文献   
Individual differences in parental reminiscing style are hypothesized to have long-lasting effects on children's autobiographical memory development, including the age of their earliest memories. This study represents the first prospective test of this hypothesis. Conversations about past events between 17 mother–child dyads were recorded on multiple occasions between the children's 2nd and 4th birthdays. When these children were aged 12–13 years, they were interviewed about their early memories. Adolescents whose mothers used a greater ratio of elaborations to repetitions during the early childhood conversations had earlier memories than adolescents whose mothers used a smaller ratio of elaborations to repetitions. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that past-event conversations during early childhood have long-lasting effects on autobiographical memory.  相似文献   
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