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After a decade of virtual learning environments (VLEs) in higher education, many teachers still use only a minimum of its affordances. This study looked at how academic staff interacted with a new and unknown VLE in order to understand how technology acceptance and support materials influence (perceived and actual) task performance. In an experimental design, 36 participants were split into a control (online help) and experimental (instructor video) condition and completed five common teaching tasks in a new VLE. In contrast to most technology acceptance model research, this study found that perceived usefulness of the VLE was not related to (perceived) task performance. Perceived ease of use was related to intentions and actual behaviour in the VLE. Furthermore, no significant difference was found between the two conditions, although the experimental condition led to a (marginal) increase in time to complete the tasks.  相似文献   
The national debate surrounding the issue of school failure has renewed interest in the quality, efficacy, and outcomes of early childhood intervention programs that can promote early school success for children at developmental risk. Moreover, researchers and policymakers report the need to document developmentally-appropriate models for assessing and evaluating early childhood outcomes. We report on the first-phase results of Pittsburgh’s early childhood initiative (ECI). ECI is a privately-funded effort by a consortium composed of the business, corporate, foundation, and community sectors to implement high-quality early care and education options for children in high-risk neighborhoods. The overarching objective of ECI is to ensure early school success for high-risk children. Our Scaling Progress in Early Childhood Settings (SPECS) Evaluation Team implemented an authentic assessment and program evaluation strategy and an enhanced “constructed comparison group” statistical model to conduct longitudinal research on the child developmental impact of the ECI model. First-phase results on 155 high-risk children indicate that those who participated in high-quality ECI programs for the longest periods of time demonstrated patterns of progress that exceeded maturational expectations. Weekly collaborative consultation to teachers and caregivers by consultants about program quality using the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) standards as “best practice” benchmarks seemed to be associated with initial enhanced child outcomes and the particular impact of the ECI model.  相似文献   
Many studies have concentrated on investigating educational expenditure and pupil–teacher ratio to see how these two factors can influence the quality of education. This study chooses to examine these two educational factors from a different perspective. If educational expenditure and pupil–teacher ratio really have a significant impact on the quality of education as many studies have claimed, it is important to step back and understand why some regions choose to have high/low educational expenditure and high/low pupil–teacher ratios. This study found that culture has an important impact on these two educational factors. Hofstede's cultural dimensions, namely Power Distance and Individualism, were applied and results showed that these two cultural dimensions, when applied to 43 regions around the world, demonstrated a significant impact on educational expenditure and pupil–teacher ratio.  相似文献   
Adventure training has become fashionable over the past few years in Hong Kong. Current Education Reform suggests learning should not be confined to the classroom, and adventure training is viewed as an alternative method to institutional routines for personal and group development. This paper reported a longitudinal study investigating how learning happened for four church members (out of twenty-five participants) purposively selected in an adventure team-building camp. Both quantitative and qualitative instruments were used. Results shed light on: (1) how the constructs of self-efficacy and organizational commitment helped to conceptualize what people meant by a team; (2) how qualitative findings revealed evidence of learning of the four members which could not be observed by quantitative findings; and (3) how participants experienced and learnt from adventure training.  相似文献   
The psychometric characteristics and practicality of concept mapping as a technique for classroom assessment were evaluated. Subjects received 90 min of training in concept mapping techniques and were given a list of terms and asked to produce a concept map. The list of terms was from a course in which they were enrolled. The maps were scored by pairs of graduate students, each pair using one of six different scoring methods. The score reliability of the six scoring methods ranged from r = .23 to r = .76. The highest score reliability was found for the method based on the evaluation of separate propositions represented. Correlations of map scores with a measure of the concept maps' similarity to a master map provided evidence supporting the validity of five of the six scoring methods. The times required to provide training in concept mapping, produce concepts, and score concept maps were compatible with the adoption of concept mapping as classroom assessment technique. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 36: 475–492, 1999  相似文献   
Globalization has changed the way people behave in different aspects of life. One of the significant differences is that people are now competing with everyone around the world, not just people within or near their own regions. A good way of remaining competitive is to provide quality education that can help students meet the needs of the competitive economy. However, not all nations are responding in the same way. Using a quantitative approach, this explorative study seeks to discover if, and how, cultural dimensions fit into the process of meeting the demands of the competitive economy by means of education across regions. Forty-three regions with different ratings on the Power Distance Index (PDI), Individualism (IDV), Masculinity (MAS), and the Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) are included in this study. The results show that UAI, PDI and IDV are significant factors relating to this issue.  相似文献   
Research Findings: Across 63 Hong Kong families, both Filipina domestic helpers and mothers separately rated their own caregiving style (warmth and control) and kindergarten children's social competence. Results indicated that Filipina helpers rated themselves as higher in warmth than mothers did. In addition, self-rated warmth of both caregivers, and Filipina domestic helpers' self-perceived control were correlated with children's social competence. With ratings of warmth and control from both Filipina helpers and mothers included in separate regression equations, mothers' warmth was a strong unique correlate of all measures of children's social competence. However, Filipinas' warmth was uniquely associated with children's responsibility only, whereas their control was uniquely associated with children's assertion and responsibility. Practice or Policy: Results extend previous research on the importance of nonparental caregivers for children's social development in a new cultural context.  相似文献   
A size-selective cell sorting microfluidic device that utilizes optical force is developed. The device consists of a three-dimensional polydimethylsiloxane microstructure comprised of two crossed microchannels in a three-dimensional configuration. A line shaped focused laser beam is used for automatic size-selective cell sorting in a continuous flow environment. As yeast cells in an aqueous medium are fed continuously into a lower channel, the line shaped focused laser beam is applied (perpendicular to the direction of flow) at the junction of the two crossed channels. The scattering force of the laser beam was employed to push cells matching specific criteria upward from one channel to another. The force depends on the size of the cells, the laser power, and the fluid flow speed. The variation in size of yeast cells causes them to follow different routes at the intersection. For flow speeds below 30 μm∕s, all yeast cells larger than 3 μm were removed from the main stream. As a result, a high purity sample of small cells can be collected at the outlet of bottom channel.  相似文献   
才子救佳人:中国的考试英雄   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方文化中的侠义精神往往带有浪漫爱情色彩。经典及传统故事中的西方英雄们经常为了自己的心上人甘愿赴汤蹈火,九死一生。在西方文化中,英雄救美,侠骨柔情更显英雄本色。中国的传统故事中虽然也充满了动作英雄,可是他们对美人的观感与西方动作英雄的观感恰恰相反。中国的动作英雄不但不拯救美人于水火中,反而认为红颜祸水;他们不但对美人没有展现浪漫情怀,相反是避而远之。那么谁来拯救中国的美人?在中国传统故事中,这个英雄救美的责任就落在寒窗苦读、金榜题名的才子们身上。他们虽然手无缚鸡之力,却能凭借在考试中拔得头筹而拯救佳人,我们因此称其为"考试英雄"。本文首先分别阐述东西方经典及传统故事中的动作英雄,然后回顾中国特有的考试英雄形象,并对其原因进行分析。  相似文献   
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