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The article presents an analysis of 93 essays written in an upper secondary school context. The essays were collected in relation to a larger research project, which went on for 5 years in a Danish upper secondary school (2010–2015). The material represents both genders and the students are 15–17 years old. We deploy a theoretical framework taken from Norbert Elias’ notion on established-outsider relations [Elias, N., &; Scotson, J. L. (1994 [1965]). The established and the outsiders. London: SAGE] as well as his use of personal pronouns [Elias, N. (1978). What is sociology? London: Hutchinson, Elias, N. (2001). The society of individuals. New York: The Continuum International Publishing Group] in illustrating how people negotiate, position and navigate within figurational contexts [Elias, N. (1994 [1939]). The civilizing proces. Oxford: Blackwell.]. We do this in an effort to interpret how young people negotiate ‘we-I-relations’ when it comes to their sporting identity. Elias’ processual framework provides a tool for a much needed analysis of how young people continually orientate and develop their sense of selves. The web of human interdependencies and processes of change are key words when it comes to understanding the social practices and doings of the students’ constructions of self-steering. What social scientists may see as laziness and drop-outs of sports [Seippel, Ø. (2016). Prek, vekker og kjedelig? Trening og mening blant ungdom: 1985–2013. In Ø. Seippel, M. K. Sisjord, &; Å Strandbu (Eds.), Ungdom og Idrett. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk] can in the essays of students be analysed as a struggle for group connectedness and social inclusion in the classroom. The results of our research show that identity is a multiple concept and an ongoing process of emotional work [Elias, N. (1987). On human beings and their emotions: A process-sociological essay. Theory Culture Society, 4, 339–361], but also a power balance of playing and presenting what is imagined as the right performance as not being shamed as outcasts.  相似文献   
This article examines college student disengagement from sports, presents a multidimensional concept of athletic identity, and introduces a new measure intended to assist college counselors in their work with disengaged athletes. The Multidimensional Athletic Identity and Engagement Scale (MAIES) is introduced (Cronbach alpha .98, with subscale alphas between .78 and .96), and the results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and convergent and divergent validity with 250 college student participants are presented. Using case examples, the authors discuss how counselors may use the MAIES in their work with students. Limitations of the study and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
The article focuses on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) for strengthening and transforming university practice in line with the social and technological conditions of the new ideas for interactive universities. The purpose is to use ICT as a change-agent in order to establish new practices – new pedagogical methods, new methods for collaboration and new forms of interplay between physical and virtual learning environments. The article is based on an ongoing case in which both the authors have been engaged: the IT Innovation project (ITI) and E-learning Lab North Jutland (ELL) at Aalborg University in Denmark. The article presents the different initiatives and strategies for innovation of the university and subsequently discusses the work in the perspective of organizational learning and planning theory.  相似文献   
There are a growing number of informal science education (ISE) programs in Native communities that engage youth in science education and that are grounded in Native ways of knowing. There is also a growing body of research focusing on the relationship between culture, traditional knowledge, and science education. However, there is little research documenting how these programs are being developed and the ways in which culture and Western science are incorporated into the activities. This study outlines effective practices for using Native ways of knowing to strengthen ISE programs. These effective practices may also be used to promote change in formal education. The authors combine an overview of current research in informal science education with personal interviews with educators engaged in ISE programs offered to youth both on and off tribal reservations as well as experts in Indigenous education. Participating individuals and programs included Native communities across the United States, including Alaska and Hawai??i. Keeping in mind that each community is unique, ISE programs that are grounded in Native ways of knowing will benefit by utilizing the effective practices outlined here as a guide for starting or strengthening existing ISE programs relevant to the needs of their communities.  相似文献   
This paper sets out to problematise generational categories such as “Power Users” or “New Millennium Learners” by discussing these in the light of recent research on youth and information and communication technology. We then suggest analytic and conceptual pathways to engage in more critical and empirically founded studies of young people’s learning in technology and media‐rich settings. Based on a study of a group of young “Power Users”, it is argued that conceptualising and analysing learning as a process of patchworking can enhance our knowledge of young people’s learning in such settings. We argue that the analytical approach gives us ways of critically investigating young people’s learning in technology and media‐rich settings, and study if these are processes of critical, reflexive enquiry where resources are creatively re‐appropriated. With departure in an analytical example, the paper presents the proposed metaphor of understanding learning as a process of patchworking and discusses how we might use this to understand young people’s learning with digital media.

Les “Power Users” et la construction en “patchwork” – Une approche analytique des études critiques portant sur l’apprentissage chez les jeunes avec l’aide des médias numériques.

Le présent article vise à faire ressortir la problématique des catégories de générations, celles par exemple des “Power Users” ou des “Apprenants du Nouveau Millénaire” en les examinant de façon critique à la lumière des recherches récentes sur la jeunesse et les TICE. Nous suggérons ensuite des voies d’approche analytiques et conceptuelles pour nous engager dans des études plus critiques et plus solidement empiriques de l’apprentissage chez les jeunes dans des environnements à fort contenu technologique et médiatique. En nous appuyant sur l’étude d’un groupe de jeunes “Power Users”, on avance l’hypothèse selon laquelle le fait d’analyser et de conceptualiser l’apprentissage comme un processus de construction de patchwork peut améliorer notre connaissance de l’apprentissage chez les jeunes se trouvant dans de tels environnements. Nous avançons l’idée que cette approche analytique nous fournit les moyens d’étudier de façon critique l’apprentissage chez les jeunes se trouvant dans des environnements à fort contenu technologique et médiatique et de déterminer s’il s’agit là de processus de recherche critique et réflexive dans lequel ils se réapproprient les ressources de façon créative. En s’appuyant sur un exemple analytique, cet article présente une proposition, celle d’une métaphore pour comprendre l’apprentissage comme un processus de patchwork et discute de la façon dont nous pourrions l’ utiliser pour comprendre de quelle façon les jeunes apprennent avec les medias numériques.

?Power User“ und ?Patchworking“ – eine analytische Annäherung an kritische Studien über das Lernen junger Leute mit digitalen Medien

Dieser Artikel problematisiert generationspezifische Kategorien wie ?Power Users“ und ?New Millenium Learners“ welche hier vor dem Hintergrund der jüngsten Forschungsergebnisse im Bereich Jugend und Informations‐ und Telekommunikationstechnologie (ITK) diskutiert werden. Darauf aufbauend werden analytische und konzeptionelle Wege vorgeschlagen, wie auf empierischer und auf Fakten basierender Grundlage das Lernen junger Menschen in einem technologie‐ und medienreichen Umfeld studiert werden kann. Eine Gruppe junger ?Power Users“ ist die Grundlage unserer Argumentation, dass Konzeptionalisierung und Analyse des Patchwork Lernprozesses junger Leute unser Verständnis von ihrer Herangehensweise an den Lernprozess verbessern kann. Wir argumentieren, dass die analytische Herangehensweise uns hilft, das Lernen junger Leute im ITK Kontext zu analysieren und wir untersuchen, ob diese Prozesse kritisch und reflexiv sind und dazu beitragen, Ressourcen kreativ zu nutzen. Der Artikel schließt mit einem analytischen Beispiel in dem wir die zuvor diskutierte Metapher – Lernen als einen Patchworkprozess zu verstehen – nutzen, um zu diskutieren wie dieses Verständnis genutzt werden kann, um unser Wissen über das Lernen junger Leute mit digitalen Medien zu erweitern.

Los “Power Users” y la construcción en “patchwork” – Un enfoque analítico sobre los estudios críticos acerca del aprendizaje de los jóvenes con los medios digitales.

El propósito del presente artículo es de hacer resaltar la problemática de las categorías de generaciones, entre ellas los “Power Users” o los “discentes del Nuevo Milenio”, a través de una discusión de esas categorías a la luz de las últimas investigaciones sobre la juventud y las TICs. Sugerimos después algunos caminos analíticos y conceptuales para meterse en estudios con una base más crítica y más fuertemente empírica, del aprendizaje de los jóvenes en entornos con una fuerte dimensión tecnológica y mediatizada. Basandose en el estudio de un grupo de jovenes “Power Users”, se argumenta que el hecho de analizar y conceptualizar el aprendizaje como si fuese un proceso de “patchworking”, puede en realidad realzar nuestro conocimiento de la manera de aprender de los jovenes en entornos de ese tipo. Argumentamos que el enfoque analítico nos ofrece maneras de investigar críticamente el aprendizaje de los jóvenes dentro de entornos fuertemente tecnológicos y mediatizados y de estudiar si se trata de procesos de investigación crítica y reflexiva en los cuales se produce una re‐apropiación creativa de los recursos. Con una salida hacia un ejemplo analítico este artículo presenta la propuesta de una metáfora para entender el aprendizaje como si fuese un proceso de construcción de un “patchwork” con una discusión sobre las posibilidades de uso de esto para entender como los jóvenes aprender con los medios digitales.  相似文献   
Torture of children occurs in many different ways: children may be forcibly adopted by strangers; children may be arrested and imprisoned; they may witness torture of their parents or may be tortured in the presence of their parents; and, similarly several reports of mass executions of children are available.The Danish Medical Group under Amnesty International has investigated 88 Chilean children now living in Denmark, whose parents had been tortured. Approximately 13 of the children were abnormally anxious and approximately 13 had disturbances of sleep in the form of difficulty falling asleep accompanied by broken sleep with nightmares. Approximately 14 of the children developed secondary nocturnal enuresis. Seventeen percent of the children showed behaviour difficulties in the form of aggression while 16% became introverted and depressed and had difficulties in establishing contact with children of the same age-group.  相似文献   
Native Science Field Centers (NSFCs) were created to engage youth and adults in environmental science activities through the integration of traditional Native ways of knowing (understanding about the natural world based on centuries of observation including philosophy, worldview, cosmology, and belief systems of Indigenous peoples), Native languages, and Western science concepts. This paper focuses on the Blackfeet Native Science Field Center, the Lakota Native Science Field Center, and the Wind River Native Science Field Center. One of the long-term, overarching goals of these NSFCs was to stimulate the interest of Native American students in ways that encouraged them to pursue academic and career paths in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. A great deal can be learned from the experiences of the NSFCs in terms of effective educational strategies, as well as advantages and challenges in blending Native ways of knowing and Western scientific knowledge in an informal science education setting. Hopa Mountain—a Bozeman, Montana-based nonprofit—partnered with the Blackfeet Community College on the Blackfeet Reservation, Fremont County School District #21 on the Wind River Reservation, and Oglala Lakota College on the Pine Ridge Reservation to cooperatively establish the Native Science Field Centers. This paper presents a profile of each NSFC and highlights their program components and accomplishments.  相似文献   
Environmental pollution affects the quality of pedosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. Great efforts have been made in the last two decades to reduce pollution sources and remedy the polluted soil and water resources. Phytoremediation, being more cost-effective and fewer side effects than physical and chemical approaches, has gained increasing popularity in both academic and practical circles. More than 400 plant species have been identified to have potential for soil and water remediation. Among them, Thlaspi, Brassica, Sedum alfredii H., and Arabidopsis species have been mostly studied. It is also expected that recent advances in biotechnology will play a promising role in the development of new hyperaccumulators by transferring metal hyperaccumulating genes from low biomass wild species to the higher biomass producing cultivated species in the times to come. This paper attempted to provide a brief review on recent progresses in research and practical applications of phytoremediation for soil and water resources. Project supported by the Higher Education Commission, Government of Pakistan for the faculty training under the R & D Project “Strengthening Department of Soil Science and Soil and Water Conservation” at the University of Florida, USA, a grant from the St. Lucie River Water Initiative (SFWMD contract No. OT060162), USA, in part, and the Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University (No.IRT0536), China  相似文献   
Tooth morphology has a pivotal role in the dental curriculum and provides one of the important foundations of clinical practice. To supplement tooth morphology teaching a three-dimensional (3D) quiz application (app) was developed. The 3D resource enables students to study tooth morphology actively by selecting teeth from an interactive quiz, modify their viewpoint and level of zoom. Additionally, students are able to rotate the tooth to obtain a 3D spatial understanding of the different surfaces of the tooth. A cross-over study was designed to allow comparison of students’ results after studying with the new application or traditionally with extracted/model teeth. Data show that the app provides an efficient learning tool and that students’ scores improve with usage (18% increase over three weeks, P < 0.001). Data also show that student assessment scores were correlated with scores obtained while using the app but were not influenced by the teaching modality initially accessed (r2 = 0.175, P < 0.01). Comparison of the 2016 and 2017 class performance shows that the class that had access to the app performed significantly better on their final tooth morphology assessment (68.0% ±15.0 vs. 75.3% ±13.4, P < 0.01). Furthermore, students reported that the 3D application was intuitive, provided useful feedback, presented the key features of the teeth, and assisted in learning tooth morphology. The 3D tooth morphology app thus provides students with a useful adjunct teaching tool for learning dental anatomy. Anat Sci Educ 00: 000–000. © 2018 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   
In October 2010, an interdisciplinary group of female academics from a university in the Kurdistan region of Iraq initiated a collaborative research project with a UK university to investigate opportunities and challenges for female academics' research leadership in universities in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The project aimed to develop female academics' research capacities using action learning and research principles, in order to focus on issues of concern to practitioners, seek understanding, reflect on activities and enhance them through needs identification–solution–reflection cycles and collaboratively seek solutions. The research uncovered socially constructed barriers to advancement shaped by socio-cultural issues and institutional practices, found exemplars of successful female academics and strengthened participants' research leadership capacities. We conclude that the expansion of female academics' capacities should be prioritised in the Kurdistan region of Iraq to harness their contributions to nation-building and economic development, goals that are explicitly emphasised in higher education policy statements.  相似文献   
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