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Conclusion The post-literacy Curriculum was developed, on the one hand, to empower the people through the development of appropriate knowledge, skills, and attitudes to improve their living conditions. On the other hand, it was developed to create conditions and facilities for lifelong education. One of the main factors which influenced the reforms was the unsuitability of the post-literacy content: one could argue that it was developed in a top-down manner.Clearly, curriculum design is not merely a technical issue, but rather a cooperative activity among the agents involved. Any innovation in the post-literacy curriculum, therefore, should take into account the views of the target population. This would not only make the curriculum feasible but would also reduce uncertainty about its mission.  相似文献   
A number of adult education innovations were introduced in Tanzania in the late 1960s and early 1970s. This article analyzes the context of three innovations, namely functional literacy, workers' education and the programme of the Folk Development Colleges. The analysis reveals that these innovations had firm roots within the socio-economic conditions prevailing in the country in the 1960s and 1970s, Nyerere's influence as President and Party leader, Tanzania's ideology of development, the policy of popular participation, the roots of educational policy in a humanistic philosophy of education, and indigenous education. Some of the factors which affected their implementation included lack of trained educators, inadequate financial resources, ineffective evaluation mechanisms, and a mis-match between participants' needs and actual programmes. It is suggested that there is a need to introduce economic innovations alongside educational innovations, to involve participants in determining their training needs, and to train and retain adult educators with a view to improving adult education initiatives in the country.
Zusammenfassung In Tansania wurden in den späten 60ern und den frühen 70ern einige Innovationen auf dem Gebiet der Erwachsenenbildung eingeführt. In diesem Artikel werden die Zusammenhänge zwischen drei Innovationen, nämlich funktionale Alphabetisierung, Arbeiterbildung und die Programme der Folk Development Colleges (Volksbildungsschulen), analysiert. Die Analyse zeigt, daß diese Innovationen in folgenden Gründen ihre Wurzeln haben: in den im Lande herrschenden sozialwirtschaftlichen Bedingungen der 60er und 70er Jahre, Nyerere's Einfluß als Präsident und Parteivorstand, Tansanias Ideologie der Entwicklung, der Politik der Volksbeteiligung, den Wurzeln der Erziehungspolitik in einer humanistischen Erziehungsphilosophie und im einheimischen Schulwesen. Einige der Gründe, die ihre Verwirklichung beeinflußten, lagen im Mangel an ausgebildeten Lehrern, unzureichenden Finanzquellen, ineffektiven Evaluierungs-mechanismen und einer schlechten Abstimmung zwischen den Bedürfnissen der Teilnehmer und den tatsächlichen Programmen. Der Autor stellt fest, daß es nötig sei, zusammen mit den Innovationen auf dem Gebiet der Erziehung auch wirtschaftliche Innovationen einzuführen, die Teilnehmer bei der Feststellung ihres Bedarfs an Bildung einzubeziehen und die Lehrer der Erwachsenen zwecks Verbesserung der Initiativen in der Erwachsenenbildung im Lande auszubilden und zu behalten.

Résumé Des innovations en matière d'éducation des adultes ont été introduites en Tanzanie à la fin des années 60 et au début des années 70. Cet article analyse le contexte de trois de ces innovations, à savoir l'alphabétisation fonctionnelle, l'éducation des travailleurs et le programme des Collèges du développement populaire. Cette analyse met en évidence que ces innovations étaient intimement liées aux conditions socio-économiques prévalant dans le pays à cette époque-là, à l'influence de Nyerere en tant que président et chef du parti, à l'idéologie tanzanienne de développement, à la politique de participation populaire, à la politique d'éducation ancrée dans une philosophie éducative humaniste et à l'éducation indigène. Le nombre insuffisant de maîtres formés, l'inadéquation des ressources financières, les mécanismes inefficaces d'évaluation et la disparité entre les besoins des participants et les programmes proposés sont quelques-uns des facteurs ayant entravé leur mise en oeuvre, L'auteur suggère qu'on introduise des innovations économiques à côté de celles éducatives, que les participants prennent part à la définition de leurs besoins de formation, qu'on forme et retienne les éducateurs d'adultes afin d'améliorer les innovations adoptées par le pays en matière d'éducation des adultes.
This article describes the perceptions of first-year students’ subjective appraisal of ttheir wellbeing before, during and after participation in an induction programme at a higher education institution (HEI). Twenty-two first-year students participated in focus group discussions (FGDs) and semi-structured individual interviews. Thematic and interpretative analyses suggested shifts in the students’ levels of well-being: high before, low during, and increased after the induction programme. Low levels of well-being were linked to experiences of fear, feeling disrespected, and disillusionment with university life, leaders, and a perceived loss of autonomy, independency and social-relatedness. An increase in well-being was associated with social integration, support, the ability for self-reflection and perspective taking. Wellbeing is a relational and collective matter which is embedded in broader contexts. Therefore, historical legacies of oppression and inequality should be challenged through constructive debate, involving previously neglected voices intentionally; and creating opportunities for the expression of students’ needs and growth potential  相似文献   
In this paper, we contribute to land education research by focusing on the Torres Strait Islands in the Coral Sea at the far north of tip of Cape York, Australia. We describe the Torres Strait Islander concept of Sea Country and Torres Strait Ailan Kastom (translated as ‘Island Custom’). We then analyse some of the ways in which settler colonisation has challenged these ways of knowing and being. Our inquiry looks at how Sea Country is positioned within two contemporary Australian examples of environmental education: firstly, within the new Australian Curriculum cross-curriculum priorities that mandate that special attention be given to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures and also to the concept of sustainability; and secondly, within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s Sea Country Guardians programme This analysis of environmental education curriculum and practice identifies the ways in which the concept of Sea Country and the Indigenous cosmology it represents are simultaneously supported and ignored in the current Australian environmental education context.  相似文献   
Psychological correlates of physical abuse in Hong Kong Chinese adolescents   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVE: To understand the associations between adolescent family physical maltreatment and psychiatric morbidity or psychological problems. METHODS: questionnaire survey on 489 secondary school students in Form 2 from 10 schools in Hong Kong. Questions regarding three forms of family physical maltreatment were measured: corporal punishment within the past 6 months, beaten without any reason within the past 6 months, or ever been beaten to injury. MAIN RESULT: Corporal punishment was not associated with the psychological variables after Bonferroni adjustment was made. Those who experienced the two other forms of physical maltreatment had significant and strong associations with positive Achenbach CBCL outcome (OR from 3.26 to 3.27), drug abuse problems (OR from 2.60 to 20.38), self-injurious behaviors (OR from 3.34 to 8.47) and poor perceived parental support. In addition, those who had ever been beaten to injury scored significantly lower in the "physical appearance" and "behavioral conduct" subscales of the Harter's Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents. CONCLUSIONS: In Hong Kong, some forms of family physical maltreatment (beaten for no reason and beaten to injury) were associated with a number of psychiatric/psychological problems. Further studies should be carried out to clarify whether the relationships are causal in nature.  相似文献   
Recent changes in mathematics curricula, both in South Africa and elsewhere, have begun to change the overwhelmingly symbolic nature of mathematics in schools (in the sense of use of mathematical symbolism), promoting more use of the oral and written language. Engaging students in `Writing-to-Learn' activities in mathematics classrooms has been identified and claimed by various mathematics education researchers as having a positive impact on the learning of mathematics. In this paper, I report on a piece of research, which is part of a broader study, on forms of mathematical writing and written texts produced by learners in grade 7 (12–13-year-olds) classes in six junior high schools in KwaZulu-Natal, in South Africa.  相似文献   
This paper responds to Schademan’s “What does playing cards have to do with science? A resource—rich view of African American young men”, and takes a resource-rich view to explore the notion of agency and elements of cultural resources that minority and marginalised students bring to the classroom. The paper examines the deficit model, the need to adopt capacity building perspective, and a classroom study, which sought to contextualise capacity building with a group of Australian indigenous students in a science class. As science educators, we need to reject the deficit model by developing capacity building pedagogies that affirm minority and marginalised students’ lived languages, experiences and knowledge in their learning.  相似文献   
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