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This paper presents a serial synchronous scanning mode in flat panel display (FPD) by adding a latch buffer between the serializer and the driving buffer. Comparing with conventional techniques, the proposed structure can efficiently reduce the brightness loss and improve the transmission performance. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the ratio between the lightest weight display time and the relative transmission time is a tradeoff between brightness loss and transmission efficiency.  相似文献   
为考察2022年5月29日19时雷雨天气对探空观测的影响,文章采用长沙站雷达探空数据、地面观测数据等资料分析,获得以下结论:29日19时探空平均升速为844 m/min,最大升速为1 300 m/min,是该次的最大特点,突出了上升气流的强盛程度;温度较高且较活跃,大气层具有不稳定性,且提供较强持续上升运动的能量;湿度在850~461 hPa无信号,为100%,对应的露点温度差保持为0,风向形成高低层切变线,风速较小,已具有降水条件,且零度层较高不具备产生冰雹的条件。此次雷雨天气是在西南急流、切变线南压、冷暖气流共同作用下产生的,导致整个探空过程在积雨云区进行,产生雷暴致使仪器无信号。且地面降水量从29日19时至30日03时02分累计34.4 mm,达到大雨量级。  相似文献   
The paper puts forward a method on controlling the AM-OLED panel to display image with high gray scale levels. It also gives an ASIC design sample to implement this method. A twenty sub-fields scan scheme has been taken into use in the chip to display 256 gray scale levels on a QVGA resolution AM-OLED display screen. The functions of image scaling and rotating have also been implemented for multiply application. The simulation and chip test result show that the chip design has met the design requirements.  相似文献   
A high-speed dual-modulus divide-by-32/33 prescaler has been developed using 0.25 μm CMOS technology. The source-coupled logic (SCL) structure is used to reduce the switching noise and to ameliorate the power-speed tradeoff. The proposed prescaler can operate at high frequency with a low-power consumption. Based on the 2.5 V, 0.25 μm CMOS model, simulation results indicate that the maximum input frequency of the prescaler is up to 3. 2 GHz. Running at 2. 5 V, the circuit consumes only 4.6 mA at an input frequency 2.5 GHz.  相似文献   
通过对《中国工业经济》2002~2006年所刊载论文的数量、作者情况、基金资助、论文引用和关键词等进行统计分析,验证了《中国工业经济》的贴近现实、与时俱进和理念创新的办刊特色,以及其作为该学科权威期刊的合理性。通过研究发现,该期刊的核心作者人数和论文产出量还有待提高,非办刊单位作者论文的比例也应进一步提高。  相似文献   
在酸、甜、苦、辣、咸五味之中,苦味是最叫人难以接受的味道。所以,让孩子吃点苦味食物,许多家长可能不会想得通。然而,随着当今营养科学的发展,人们对苦味食物刮目相看了。营养学家认为,在人们偏食或追求美味现象较为严重的今天,倘能让孩子们适当吃点苦味食物,则有助于丰富和充实营养的供给。  相似文献   
A high-speed dual-modulus divide-by-32/33 prescaler has been developed using 0.25μm CMOS technology. The source-coupled logic (SCL) structure is used to reduce the switching noise and to ameliorate the power-speed tradeoff. The proposed prescaler can operate at high frequency with a low-power consumption. Based on the 2.5 V, 0.25μm CMOS model, simulation results indicate that the maximum input frequency of the prescaler is up to 3.2 GHz. Running at 2.5 V, the circuit consumes only 4.6 mA at an input frequency 2.5 GHz.  相似文献   
Aiming at the time redundancy in the flat panel display (FPD) imaging process, the paper studied some problems for FPD gray scale controlling based on the fractal theory, dissertates the construction of the space-time mapping topology architecture, the proposition of optimal scanning structure for FPD’s gray imaging, and the creation of the fractal theoretic model. Then the logic implementation and system application are presented based on the fractal model of the optimal scan architecture, and the application results achieved target of eliminating time redundancy and increasing the scanning availability. The novel control mode that the fractal scanning IP core described with Verilog language embedded in the FPGA hardware frame can efficiently increase the imaging gray scales and quality in the FPDs scanning controller and speed up the frame frequency of display system.  相似文献   
本人工作以来基本上都是从事的高中物理平行班的教学,时间长了接触的后进生多了就有了一个感觉,就是自己教书14年了虽然苦干依旧,但是根本没有使大多数学生进步,而自己也越来越不会教书了,所以我尝试着摸索了一下教学的有效性。  相似文献   
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