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李昕 《湖北档案》2008,(6):11-12
档案信息资源共享是指在有效整合馆藏档案信息的基础上,运用网络技术传递档案信息,同时加强科学管理,实现档案信息的社会充分共享。信息化社会的发展趋势以及人类对信息共享状态的需求,决定了档案信息资源共享。当今社会,随着公众信息知情权的日益觉醒,人们对档案资源的认知程度和依赖程度也逐渐提高。同时社会信息化不断深入,  相似文献   
李昕 《科教导刊》2022,(2):146-148
疫情后期,幼儿父母复工、幼儿在家接受祖辈照顾,使得居家教育出现多种问题,为此提出祖辈游戏的项目方向,在对家庭背景、祖辈与幼儿兴趣等方面进行细致调查后,对祖辈游戏的设计与实施的多种因素进行了深入的探讨,以促进项目的顺利推进。  相似文献   
在国家大力推进职业教育的今天,加强实践教学,提高受教育者的职业能力,是人才培养过程中不可或缺的环节。在加强实践教学的同时,加强思想政治教育,培养学生的责任意识,重视学生养成教育,明确学习目的,培养自学习惯,采取激励措施,增强竞争意识,以及加强教师动手能力,是培养学生的实践意识的关键。  相似文献   
The performance of speaker verification systems is often compromised under real-world environments. For example, variations in handset characteristics could cause severe performance degradation. This paper presents a novel method to overcome this problem by using a non-linear handset mapper. Under this method, a mapper is constructed by training an elliptical basis function network using distorted speech features as inputs and the corresponding clean features as the desired outputs. During feature recuperation, clean features are recovered by feeding the distorted features to the feature mapper. The recovered features are then presented to a speaker model as if they were derived from clean speech. Experimental evaluations based on 258 speakers of the TIMIT and NTIMIT corpuses suggest that the feature mappers improve the verification performance remarkably.  相似文献   
Hilbert-Huang transform method has been widely utilized from its inception because of the superiority in varieties of areas. The Hilbert spectrum thus obtained is able to reflect the distribution of the signal energy in a number of scales accurately. In this paper, a novel feature called ECC is proposed via feature extraction of the Hilbert energy spectrum which describes the distribution of the instantaneous energy. The experimental results conspicuously demonstrate that ECC outperforms the traditional short-term average energy. Combination of the ECC with mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) delineates the distribution of energy in the time domain and frequency domain, and the features of this group achieve a better recognition effect compared with the feature combination of the short-term average energy, pitch and MFCC. Afterwards, further improvements of ECC are developed. TECC is gained by combining ECC with the teager energy operator, and EFCC is obtained by introducing the instantaneous frequency to the energy. In the experiments, seven status of emotion are selected to be recognized and the highest recognition rate 83.57% is achieved within the classification accuracy of boredom reaching 100%. The numerical results indicate that the proposed features ECC, TECC and EFCC can improve the performance of speech emotion recognition substantially.  相似文献   
旅游的“真实性”分为客观性真实、建构性真实和存在性真实.旅游地主流文化与边缘文化、强势文化与弱势文化之间的碰撞,使得文化差异性减少、趋同性增加,从而导致民俗旅游中“真实性”的缺失.以桃坪羌寨“花儿纳吉”赛歌节为例,通过与传统的“花儿纳吉”对比,探讨了民俗旅游对传统文化“真实性”的影响,意在揭示保护传统文化“真实性”的重要意义.  相似文献   
科技进步使档案管理计算机化成为重要发展趋势。该结合档案工作实际,从实现档一体化以及保障档案网络安全等方面谈如何不断加强档案计算机管理研究,努力提高档案管理的现代化水平。  相似文献   
春天,树木吐绿了,花儿开放了,河水解冻了,燕子从南方飞回来了,小朋友们的活动多起来了,放风筝、去春游……沐浴在温暖的春风中,我们每个人的内心都有说不出的喜悦。可是,我却没有在春意正浓时来适时地安排“春天”这一主题单元的教学。唉,我真后悔……  相似文献   
建国后,我国高等学校自主权经历了从无到有,从政策认可到法律规定的过程。笔者认为,这一制度变迁的过程是由非正式制度转变为正式制度的过程;是政府和高等学校二者在政策层次、组织层次和操作层次上进行情人博弈的过程;是政府让渡的资源部分地被市场机制所替代,并逐渐形成"三角协调"(政府、高等学校、市场)的过程。  相似文献   
沉浸于读书的快乐,一定是走进了文字描述的情境;沉浸于写作的快乐,一定是在文字中与生活再次相遇。学生不喜欢写作文,那是因为岁月匆匆,他们还没有学会驻足回首。撇开写什么的问题,就小学生而言,习作遇到的最大问题是无从下笔,不知道怎么写。表面上也在不停地写,但是写作言之无序,条理不清,写不具体……这些是小学生作文普遍存在的障碍。  相似文献   
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