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A method of using laser induced fluorescence(LIF)technique was applied to two-dimensional measurement of the liquid concentration distribution in the 250Y structured packing sheet. The experimental structured packing sheet was made of perspex so that the laser could pass through it. The visualization of the distribution of the liquid concentration in the structured packing sheet was realized. The calibration of the thickness and liquid concentration was carried out firstly and the regression formula I=kcd was acquired, in which concentration c and the liquid film thickness d were both considered. Then the liquid feed of uniform tracer(rhodamine)concentration entered the perspex structured packing from the top under different spraying densities. The corresponding thickness of liquid film on the packing was calculated. Finally, tracer(rhodamine)with a high concentration was injected only at one fixed point of the structured packing under different spraying densities of the liquid. With the known liquid film thickness, the concentration distribution of the tracer can be calculated inside the structured packing sheet.  相似文献   
路易一拿破世于1851年发动政变,翌年加冕称帝,史称“拿破仑三世”,统治法国达18年之久。对拿破仑三世的评价长期以来众说纷纭,莫衷一是,由王家宝撰写、四川人民出版对出版的、《拿破仑三世》以翔实的史料、明确的观点、畅达的笔调提出了自己的见解。在法国历史上,第二帝国的建立从历史发展过程中的重大事件,第二共和国为何短命而亡,第二:《因为何能顺利建立,历史学家必须要给予解释回答。在此书中,作着从法国计全年.的发展演变出发,人社会结构、社会心态之小尽力去被译这一事件的历史密码,指出,从对全本身来说,“‘雾月18日…  相似文献   
一、选择题 1.下边加点字注音全对的一项是【 】 A.女娲(wa) 寂寞(j1) 莽莽榛榛(zh6n) B.澄澈(d台ng)幽光(y6u)神通广大(sh台n) C.灵敏(№)绵延(mi6n)泥点溅花(帕n) D.掺合(chan)搅成(ju蓟捏成人儿(ni邑) 2.下边加点词语解释有误的一项是【 】 ’ A.女娲行走在这片莽莽榛榛(草木丛生的样 子)的原野上。 B.澄澈(清亮)的池水照见了她的面容和身影。 C.她本人已经疲惫不堪(能忍受)了。 D.她想出了一个绝(绝对)妙的创造人类的 方法。 3.下边句子中没有错别字的一句是【 】 A.应该添一点什么东西进去,让它生气篷勃 起来才好。 B.她就顺手从池…  相似文献   
申言 《新闻三昧》2008,(12):54-54
日前,一份关于中国公众城市宜居指数的调查报告显示,上海在文化兼容性方面在被调查的20个城市中不在前列。这种状况与上海加快实现“四个率先”、加快建设“四个中心”,与培育、树立城市精神的要求有较大差距,与争取承办一届“成功、精彩、难忘”的世博会亦不相适应,应当引起我们的重视和深思。  相似文献   
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