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In the years since Michael Brown’s death, the hashtag #HandsUpDontShoot has been criticized for supposedly misrepresenting forensic evidence as framed by the Department of Justice. However, an expressive pull has kept alive both the hashtag and the sentiment behind it. The images of #HandsUpDontShoot are compelling in that they offer a glimpse into lived experiences that are often dismissed, ignored, or refuted. In this essay, I trace the aesthetic features of the #HandsUpDontShoot images, which foreground shocking juxtapositions between nonviolent protesters and militarized police forces, to the hashtag’s historical analogue: antilynching photography. Antilynching photography often utilized the aesthetic techniques of remediation, recontextualization, and juxtaposition—aesthetic features used prominently in today’s digital and remix cultures. By noting #HandsUpDontShoot’s use of these same techniques, I illuminate the ways in which Twitter’s connective affordances shape the viewer’s encounter with the images to engender ethical witnessing by affectively linking Brown’s death to shared material experiences of racial minorities. Such encounters propel witnesses beyond distanced objectification and toward an embodied reckoning of those experiences.  相似文献   
亚当·斯密是英国杰出的古典经济学家,《国富论》是他留给人类的不朽名著。这部著作富含教育经济思想。文章从教育与社会经济发展的关系、教育与人力资本的关系、教育与就业的关系以及教育成本分担四个方面分析了斯密的教育经济思想。  相似文献   
圣经是西方文学的奠基石之一,大多数的西方学者都受到圣经文学的影响。作为十九世纪英国的女作家,乔治.爱略特的作品常常弥漫着浓厚的宗教色彩,其代表作《亚当.贝德》更显示了深厚的圣经文化内涵。探讨这部小说的主题和基督教文化对乔治.爱略特的影响可以应用诺思罗普.弗莱的原型理论,从圣经原型的角度出发,分析《亚当.贝德》中的各类人物形象,以及小说的结构和情节。在此,读者可以从新的角度来欣赏这部经典之作,探究乔治.爱略特的宗教情怀。  相似文献   
现代科技的发展并未引领人类进入自由的境地 ,反而使其陷入“现代性的背谬”之中 ,西方神学家所倡导的“神学革命”就是在这个基础上进行的。本文试图从始祖亚当的人性谈起 ,证明具有现世精神的人才是真正的人 ,而只有信仰实践落归于现实人性才能实现基督教提倡的人性精神  相似文献   
“你太笨了,连中学都很难毕业。”小学老师对7岁的Adam Zimmerman这么说。正如老师所说,亚当没有顺利毕业而留了一级。  相似文献   
In this article, I use the rhetorical homology of the urban jungle to conduct an institutional critique of law enforcement in Ferguson, MO, after Michael Brown was killed. Rhetorical homologies and institutions intersect where language and practice coalesce, which is to say where group consciousness takes material forms. I investigate how, in news coverage of Ferguson, a common form was present across verbal devices and nonverbal practices at macro and micro levels that constituted black neighborhoods as subterranean spaces that needed colonization or containment, as frontier scenes with a savage character logic imposed upon its residents. The homology inscribes particular meanings into black and white skin colors with Anglophile cultural codes, which establishes a savage/explorer binary and keeps black people and spaces invisible, impoverished, and susceptible to racialized policing. The tools of institutional critique—postmodern mapping, boundary interrogation, and micro/macro alignment—inform the discourses and practices of those entrusted to keep daily realities well ordered and organized and to safeguard the social systems of everyday life. Scholars can use homology as a strategy to decode why institutional representatives include some and exclude others, and how they naturalize violence in the name of public service.  相似文献   
犹太人的困境与自救--论当代美国犹太文学的走向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国犹太文学在五、六十年代达到鼎盛时期,大批犹太裔作家雄居美国文坛,长盛不衰.有的甚至超越了国界,在世界文坛享有盛誉.本文通过解读其中最具代表性的作品,拟就从探索新伊甸园的美国亚当、异化困境、皈依犹太传统与"大屠杀后意识"的崛起等三个主题剖析犹太文学在美国作为一个整体文化运动的成功所在,由此勾勒出其历史性的发展倾向.  相似文献   
亚当·斯密的道德哲学包括神学、伦理学、法学和政治学,并把四者融为一体,成为一个和谐的体系。亚当.斯密由于受先验论和经验论的影响,提出上帝、神创造和谐并统领社会的一切,社会应当是一个经济、政治、法律、道德和社会成员个体相互和谐的统一整体。亚当.斯密所构想的社会是资本主义的和谐社会,要扬弃他的和谐思想,为当代中国所要建构的社会主义和谐社会服务。坚持以科学发展观统领社会发展全局,以改善民生为重点的原则来建构当代中国的和谐社会。  相似文献   
美国“镀金时代”由于资本主义发展的客观需要,社会达尔文主义的流行,权力分立制衡的体制等因素,使亚当·斯密思想对美国政府施政行为产生了决定性影响。这种施政行为,一方面促进了美国经济发展,另一方面又带来一系列社会丑恶现象,导致了社会矛盾的加剧。最终为时代所抛弃  相似文献   
超验主义者是19世纪上半叶美国文化界的主要发言人,他们将伦理置于很高的地位,尤为重视伦理建构。理想人格的建构是伦理建构的核心。超越主义者所书写和创作的理想人格是新亚当。研究超验主义散文中的新亚当,对位考察先秦儒家经典中的"君子"有一定的现实联系,即超验主义者对儒家典籍,特别是《论语》有一定的接受和引述。从人格的角度分析,新亚当与先秦儒家经典中的"君子"具有较高的契合度,这也说明了建立全球伦理的可行性和必要性。  相似文献   
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