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加缪之所以饮誉于世界文坛,是与其独特感受世界的方式描摹并刻画着"疏离"、"荒诞"、"反抗"、"自杀"、"自由"与"正义"为重大主题的戏剧作品有着密不可分的关联。更需引起关注的是,他以高瞻远瞩的视域警醒地审视着当下人类现实的处境,强而有力地明示了己身存在意义所隐含的生命意识——"活得最好"与"活得最多",导出了"荒诞"意识背后隐潜、凝现着的种种生命精神与真实存在,势必给予人们可贵的生命思想以最新指引。  相似文献   
作为“苦难与阳光之子”的加缪,在自身的创作中体现出独特的反抗精神,爱与信仰是其反抗精神的实质。在他的哲学随笔《西西带神话》和《反抗者》中,希腊神话人物“西西弗”与“普罗米修斯”是独具特色的反抗者形象,他们分剐为“个人反抗的代表”和“群体反抗的代表”,二者能够以独特的角度折射和再现出加缪的反抗精神。  相似文献   
20世纪80-90年代以来,加缪逐步成为中国人文社科领域研究热点,随着加缪《局外人》、《鼠疫》、《西西弗神话》等作品的引进出版,论文、论著等相关研究成果数以千计,其中大多探讨加缪的文学创作、社会活动、作品艺术、哲学思想,对加缪传记的研究则相对薄弱。从编辑出版学角度出发,结合历史还原与现代阐释相关理论思路,对加缪的传记进行比较分析,既可以拓展加缪研究的路径,也有助于把握数十年来本专题研究的脉动与流变。  相似文献   
加缪对阿尔及利亚危机、殖民地阿尔及利亚与宗主国法国的关系问题的看法和认识,以上世纪四十、五十年代为界,经历了三个阶段:他在第一阶段坚信阿拉伯穆斯林与法国移民者能够和谐相处,呼吁殖民当局保护穆斯林的合法权益:20世纪40年代,他既关注阿拉伯的利益,又保护法国的利益不受损失,认为推行法国民主法制是解决之道;50年代,他既反对殖民当局的血腥镇压,又憎恶极端民族主义分子的恐怖行动,提出建立“法兰西—阿拉伯联合体”,遭到来自双方的批判,他在法国和阿尔及利亚都是孤独的来客、“局外人”、流亡者。《流亡与独立王国》反映了其此时期的心境。  相似文献   
本文简要地论述了爱因斯坦在20世纪的物理学中,所作出的巨大而显赫的贡献。然而就连这样一位超越时空的科学泰斗,居然也屡遭诺贝尔奖委员会对他的冷遇与"嘲弄",从而揭示了诺贝尔奖也存在着不公正性。并将此结合诺贝尔物理学奖百余年的辉煌,谈谈我们的心得体会。  相似文献   
解读了《鼠疫》中的象征,凸现了加缪作品"荒谬"和"反抗"的主题,颂扬了人们对瘟疫和战争的顽强反抗,体现了作者对人类生存状况和生命价值的深切关注及人道主义精神。指出在战争依然存在、瘟疫死灰复燃的今天,《鼠疫》仍具有重要的警世作用。  相似文献   
Over the past half century, Albert Camus's story ‘The Guest’ has attracted a great deal of scholarly attention. ‘The Guest’ focuses on the ethical dilemmas faced by Daru, a school teacher in Algeria, and the two visitors he receives one day: Balducci, a gendarme, and an unnamed Arab prisoner. This paper addresses Camus's text from an educational point of view. The first section outlines the position taken by Daniel Muhlestein, who analyses ‘The Guest’ in the light of Louis Althusser's distinction between Repressive State Apparatuses (RSAs) and Ideological State Apparatuses (ISAs). The second section provides an alternative educational reading of the text – one based on the moral complexity of the three principal characters. It is argued that the ethical questions raised by ‘The Guest’ are similar to those faced by many teachers, and that this is a story worthy of continuing educational engagement.  相似文献   
Within the community of inquiry literature, the absence of the notion of genuine doubt is notable in spite of its pragmatic roots in the philosophy of Charles Saunders Peirce, for whom the notion was pivotal. We argue for the need to correct this oversight due to the educational significance of genuine doubt—a theoretical and experiential understanding of which can offer insight into the interrelated concepts of wonder, fallibilism, inquiry and prejudice. In order to detail these connections, we reinvigorate the ideas of Peirce by borrowing the language and concepts of Albert Camus, at the same time demonstrating their unlikely congruence. In particular, we argue for the necessity of genuine doubt along with the need for the presence of a diversity of prejudices as a starting point for genuine inquiry.  相似文献   
The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Albert Fert and Peter Grünberg for the discovery of giant magnetoresistance (GMR). GMR is achieved in metallic multilayers, where the resistance of the multilayer changes considerably by the application of a magnetic field. This has paved the way for high density data storage in magnetic media. (left) Debakanata Samal is a research scholar at the Deaprtment of Physics at IISc, Bangalore. His research interests are in magnetotransport in oxide multilayers, spintronics. (right) P S Anil Kumar is an Asst. Professor at the Department of Physics, IISc Bangalore. His research interests are in spintronics, magnetic nano-structures, surface-and thin-film magnetism, magnetotransport in metallic multilayers and oxides, and spin-polarized electron scattering.  相似文献   
加缪的哲学散文《西西弗的神话》从哲学上最严肃的问题自杀入手引出荒谬的这个中心话题,引出了荒谬的产生及其原因,荒谬的概念的界定以及面对荒谬的三种态度。  相似文献   
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