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While autobiography as a special genre increasingly occupies an important position in modern scholarship, independent Sufi autobiographies still require additional and detailed examination. The current paper seeks to examine two spiritual autobiographies known very well in the history of Sufism: Al-?akīm al-Tirmidhī's Bad? sha?n, and Rūzbihān al-Baqlī's Kashf al-asrār. References to these works in modern research do not go beyond the assumption that they may represent visionary autobiographies, dreams, and mystical, extraordinary experiences and states. In the framework of this paper, we consider it essential to regard both texts as serious indicators of different realities, contexts, and mystic discourses.  相似文献   
成人教学方法应符合成人学习特性,具有成人教育特色。美国南缅因大学成人教育学硕士专业的"学习自传"教学法在这方面做了有益的尝试。本文从理论基础、教学策略和教学案例三个方面,介绍"学习自传"教学法,以期为我国的成人教学理论研究和实践探索提供借鉴和启迪。  相似文献   
田叔是西汉初从河北走出的官员。他廉洁奉公,严谨自律,有才干,更有操守,是一位名臣兼长者,其"官品"、"人品"都值得称道。司马迁称赞他秉守气节、忠诚耿直,崇尚道义、正直无私,尤其是在掌重权、任高官时能坚持真理、堂堂正正,不向歪风邪气屈服。在多重价值观并存的今天,此等品格很值得推重。  相似文献   
巴巴拉·汉拉汉(1939--1991)是澳大利亚著名女作家,她的小说分三类:自传体小说、幻想或哥特式小说和传记小说。要理解汉拉汉文学作品的重要性,需要对她的智慧和灵感的源泉、背景和教育以及她对自身才能的信心进行框定。本文探讨了其如下主要成就:艺术及女性情感、艺术和性、艺术家的精神生活、心中的孩子、善与恶的问题、无知与知识及对男女劳动生活的歌颂。  相似文献   
This forum constitutes a cogenerative inquiry using postcolonial theory drawn from the review paper by Zembylas and Avraamidou. Three teacher educators from African, Asian and Caribbean countries reflect on problems confronting their professional practices and consider the prospects of creating culturally inclusive science education. We learn that in Mozambique, Nepal and the Caribbean scientism patrols the borders of science education serving to exclude local epistemological beliefs and discourses and negating culturally contextualized teaching and learning. Despite the diverse cultural hybridities of these countries, science education is disconnected from the daily lives of the majority of their populations, serving inequitably the academic Western-oriented aspirations of an elite group who are “living hybridity but talking scientism.” The discussants explore their autobiographies to reveal core cultural values and beliefs grounded in their non-Western traditions and worldviews but which are in conflict with the Western Modern Worldview (WMW) and thus have no legitimate role in the standard school/college science classroom. They reflect on their hybrid cultural identities and reveal the interplay of multiple selves grounded in both the WMW and non-WMWs and existing in a dialectical tension of managed contradiction in a Third Space. They argue for dialectical logic to illuminate a Third Space wherein students of science education may be empowered to challenge hegemonies of cultural reproduction and examine reflexively their own identities, coming to recognize and reconcile their core cultural beliefs with those of Western modern science, thereby dissipating otherwise strongly delineated cultural borders.
Jennifer AdamsEmail:
一个"坦率到可以惊人"的现代作家郁达夫,在创作上高举"自叙传说"的旗帜,在他的散文作品中将他的整个心灵都奉献于读者之前,其真率自然的感情,犹如"从肝肺中流出".  相似文献   
中国古代自传由于伦理、政治、礼法、个人名利等方面的因素而呈现出“为尊者讳、为亲者讳、为贤者讳、为己讳”的书写现象,从而造成了古代自传情感上的自夸倾向与内容上的失真.破除古代自传创作中的隐讳原则,遵循善恶必书的实录精神,对今天的自传创作仍具有重要意义.  相似文献   
This article uses journalists’ memoirs, professional publications, and handbooks to show how British journalists projected images of themselves in the late nineteenth century. In a period of professional and social insecurity, journalists employed such self-presentations as a way of legitimizing their “title to be heard” in the public sphere. Rather than demand that journalism be converted into a closed profession comparable to law or medicine, journalists presented theirs as an “open profession” in which ability and hard work automatically led to success. Although such self-projections legitimized the status of elite journalists, they hampered attempts to improve journalists’ working conditions.  相似文献   
20世纪60年代以来,一批重要的非裔作家新奴隶叙述的文本问世,也不断引起评论界的关注,非裔美国作家欧内斯特·盖恩斯的《简·皮特曼小姐自传》正是一部用新奴隶叙述这一文类重写奴隶历史的力作。对该小说的新奴隶叙述形式和主题梳理和探讨,以期挖掘其新奴隶叙述的文本体征。  相似文献   
The ‘sociological imagination’ – the recognition of the relationship between ‘private troubles’ and ‘public issues’ (Mills [1959] 2000 Mills, C. Wright. [1959] 2000. The Sociological Imagination. Oxford: Oxford University Press.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]. The Sociological Imagination. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 8) – is central to the discipline of sociology. This article reports findings of a 2014 study which investigated students’ views on whether the development of the sociological imagination could be more explicitly embedded in a module on Race and Racisms through an (auto)biographical approach from teachers and the module’s racially diverse students. After reviewing benefits and challenges to an (auto)biographical approach, the article presents findings from a student focus group, concluding that students would welcome (auto)biographical approaches to the topic of race and racism, with the caveat that this is handled sensitively with steps taken to minimise the risk of emotional harm.  相似文献   
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