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目的探讨尿素酶型纤溶酶原激活物(urokinase-type plasminigen activator,uPA)、乙酰肝素酶(heparanase,HPA)在卵巢上皮癌和淋巴结转移癌中表达及其与肿瘤侵袭的关系。方法应用免疫组化SABC法,对65例卵巢上皮肿瘤手术标本进行uPA和HPA蛋白表达的测定。结果uPA、HPA在卵巢上皮癌中阳性表达率分别为66.7%、51.1%,其明显高于良性肿瘤及正常组织,有淋巴结转移的肿瘤的阳性表达率分别为78.1%、62.5%,无淋巴结转移的肿瘤阳性表达率分别为38.1%、23.1%,uPA和HPA高表达与卵巢癌侵袭和淋巴结转移关系密切(P<0.05)。uPA和HPA在卵巢癌中的表达无显著性差异(P>0.05)表达成正相关(r=0.724)。结论uPA和HPA蛋白的表达与卵巢癌的侵袭和转移有显著的相关性。  相似文献   
Drawing on components of agenda-setting theory and the two-step flow of information from mass media to news audiences, this study examines the effects of mass and interpersonal communication on breast cancer screening practices among college- and middle-aged women (n = 284). We theorized that screening behaviors among younger women would be influenced more by interpersonal sources of information while screening among middle-aged women would be more influenced by exposure to mass-mediated information. Findings supported anticipated patterns, revealing important and varying roles for both mass and interpersonal communication in the health behaviors of women. Implications for health practitioners and campaign planners, as well as recommendations for future research, are discussed.  相似文献   
为了解乳腺癌骨转移患者疼痛灾难化状况及与社会支持、情绪状态的关系,采用方便抽样的方法对某医院乳腺癌骨转移患者82人进行调查分析.结果显示,乳腺癌骨转移患者PCS、SSRS、PANAS-PA和PANAS-NA 评分分别为(37.54± 10.37)分、(30.77± 12.54)分、(18.65±7.24)分和(35.55±6.92)分;SSRS总分、PANAS-PA与PCS总分及各维度间均存在显著负相关(P<0.05,P<0.01);情绪状态、社会支持进入对PCS预测的回归方程(R2=0.360,P<0.001);正性情绪的提升、同伴支持的增强对疼痛的积极应对、合理归因、降低灾难化水平有积极意义.  相似文献   
本文选择89年9月至90年1月住院病人39例,进行分组;另设对照组17例;采用国产WYX—402型原子吸收分光光度计(ASS)分别测得血清铜、锌及铜/锌比值。结果表明肝硬化组与正常组比较血清铜无显著差异(P>0.05),血清锌降低(P<0.05),铜/锌比值显著增高(P<0.001)。肝硬化并发肝癌组与肝硬化组比较,血清铜显著增高(P<0.001),血清锌无显著差异(P>0.05),铜/锌比值显著增高(P<0.001)。继发性肝癌组与原发性肝癌组比较,血清铜、锌及铜/锌比值均无显著性差异(P 值分别大于0.1;0.2)。研究表明,血清铜/锌比值 AFP测定有互补作用。  相似文献   
费歇判别法在乳房癌诊断中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了乳房肿瘤的分类问题,通过对500个已知肿瘤性质(良性或恶性)细胞核的显微图像的10个量化特征进行统计分析,利用费歇判别法,建立了费歇判别模型,给出了判别准则,对未知乳房肿瘤性质的病例进行了成功的诊断;最后对变量进行了合理的缩减.本方法具有良好的实用性和操作性.  相似文献   
大蒜功能研究现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综述了近年来大蒜之功能研究概况,包括其营养成分、抗菌消炎、抗病毒、防癌抗癌、降低血压血脂、防治糖尿病、预防和治疗爱滋病、补脑.健脑、延缓衰老、防重金属中毒等作用。并提出了食用大蒜的注意事项。  相似文献   
Sialic acid, the end moieties of the carbohydrate chains are biologically important and essential for functions of glycoconjugates and are reported to be altered in cancer patients. Two hundred and twenty five breast cancer (BC) patients, 100 patients with benign breast disease (BBD) and 100 healthy females (controls) were enrolled for the study. Eight hundred and twenty four follow-up samples of 225 breast carcinoma patients were also evaluated. The association of sialic acid forms, sialyltransferase and α-2–6 sialoproteins levels with presence and extent as well as prognosis of breast carcinoma was studied. Serum sialic acid forms and sialyltransferase revealed significantly elevated levels among untreated breast cancer patients as compared to the controls, patients with BBD as well as cancer patients in remission. Non-responders showed comparable levels of the markers with those found in breast cancer patients at the time of diagnosis. Higher levels of sialic acid forms at diagnosis were associated with poor prognosis. A positive correlation between serum levels of different forms of sialic acids and extent of malignant disease was observed. The changes in serum proteins with terminal α-2–6 sialic acid correlated well with alterations in the levels of sialic acid forms and sialyltransferase. Malignant tissues showed elevated levels of sialic acid and sialyltransferase as compared to surrounding normal tissues. The results suggested potential utility of these markers in evaluation of clinical outcome.  相似文献   
Lipids changes in liver cancer   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
Liver is one of the most important organs in energy metabolism. Most plasma apolipoproteins and endogenous lipids and lipoproteins are synthesized in the liver. It depends on the integrity of liver cellular function, which ensures homeostasis of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism. When liver cancer occurs, these processes are impaired and the plasma lipid and lipoprotein patterns may be changed. Liver cancer is the fifth common malignant tumor worldwide, and is closely related to the infections of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV). HBV and HCV infections are quite common in China and other Southeast Asian countries. In addition, liver cancer is often followed by a procession of chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis, so that hepatic function is damaged obviously on these bases, which may significantly influence lipid and lipoprotein metabolism in vivo. In this review we summarize the clinical significance of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism under liver cancer.  相似文献   
摘要:今天的美国有1 400万的癌症存活者,其中的很多存活者中都接受了多种治疗,包括手术、放疗、化疗、靶向治疗等。这些治疗能够延长生存时间,但同时也会带来很多急慢性的副作用,危害健康,影响生活质量。体力活动(PA)与癌症生存这一领域发展迅速,主要研究PA对癌症患者的影响。基于该领域的研究进展,提出了以下10大研究问题:1)PA能够降低癌症复发风险、和/或提高存活吗?2)PA能够影响癌症治疗决策、完成率、和/或患者对治疗的反应吗?3)癌症存活者的最佳运动处方是什么?4)静坐少动行为对癌症存活者有何影响?5)癌症存活者最有效的体力活动干预方案是什么?6)哪些癌症会影响病人对PA的反应?7)癌症存活者进行体力活动时需要注意的安全问题有哪些?8)哪些具体的癌症症状可以由PA解决?9)对于癌症晚期患者,体力活动还有何作用?10)如何将体力活动研究结果转化到临床和社区肿瘤实践中来?上述问题的回答至关重要,这不仅关系到体力活动和癌症存活这一研究领域的发展,更重要的是,能够为每年数百万新诊断为癌症的病人、正在接受癌症治疗的病人、治疗结束处于恢复中的病人或是那些正在与晚期癌症抗争的病人带来福音。  相似文献   
支气管肺癌并发肺脓肿48例临床分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨支气管肺癌并发肺脓肿的诊断.方法:回顾分析48例支气管肺癌并发性肺脓肿的临床、放射、纤维气管镜检查及开胸肺活检方面的资料.结果:肺癌合并肺脓肿时思维要开阔,纤支镜或开胸肺活检可协助肺癌确诊.结论:纤支镜对肺脓肿、肺癌明确诊断帮助很大,可减少误诊机会.  相似文献   
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