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清季咸同年间,在剿抚捻军问题上,朝廷内部意见不一,遂发生纷争。兵部侍郎胜保、安徽巡抚翁同书、科尔沁郡王僧格林沁等人认为捻军势力甚大,应派人前去安抚,使其为朝廷所用。而曾国藩、李续宜、严树森等人皆认为捻军势力猖狂,多次与湘军发生冲突。实匪祸之心永驻,不能安抚,只有用兵剿灭,方能解除后患。胜保等人与湘淮集团发生分歧,争执甚是激烈。而此时湘淮集团实力如日方中,终使胜保于同治元年冬被革职逮问,次年秋赐令自尽。  相似文献   
Based on Indian Camp, the thesis probes into the death complex of Ernest Hemingway from the visual angle of Nick, the protagonist of the novel, death complex shown in Hemingway’s works and Nick, the ar...  相似文献   
苏珊桑塔格作为20世纪女性文学的代表人物,以独特的女性题材和视角进行创作,她在《美国魂》中采用的叙事策略展示其“坎普”风格及写作技巧,通过分析它,读者得以加深理解20世纪美国女性作家的写作风格的演变。  相似文献   
1970年诺贝尔文学奖得主索尔仁尼琴不仅是苏联“劳改营题材文学”的开创者,而且是苏联“回归文学”的卓越代表。他在俄国当代社会历史环境下充满坎坷和传奇色彩的命运,形成了他敢于追求和捍卫真理的伟大人格以及直面人生的文学品格,体现出俄罗斯民族不屈和坚守真理的精神。  相似文献   
公元1758~1759年,清军在叶尔羌城外破黑水营之围进而取得平定大小和卓木叛乱的胜利,前人或认为出于"天意神助",或认为"夸饰不实",或认为"语近神奇".实际上,清军破黑水营之围及取得平叛战争胜利的原因,是在各族人民的支援、乾隆的正确指挥下,清军将士利用天时、地利、人和的有利条件英勇奋战的结果.清代原始史料的记载基本属实.  相似文献   
在国内电视界争先恐后购买海外节目模式的风潮之下,综艺常青树《快乐大本营》提供的最大启示是原创性。深入分析《快乐大本营》每次重大改革的动因和成功的原因可以发现,为满足观众需求和时代变革进行改革是《快乐大本营》原创性的源泉。  相似文献   
Drawing primarily on discourses and events from the period surrounding World War I, this essay examines the methods deployed by Camp Fire Girls and Girls Scouts to recruit the daughters of immigrants and, upon joining, acculturate these new members to the American way of life. The argument begins by analyzing those discourses describing the so-called “new immigrant” from southern and eastern Europe as a threat to national unity. Turning to the ways in which the new immigrant problem was gendered through the rhetorical construction of a “girl problem,” this author argues that the advocates describing the girl problem leveraged the presumed cultural rift between foreign-born parents and their new-world children in order to induce the daughters of the foreign-born to perform as American. The essay closely analyzes the discourses of two groups committed to the project of Americanizing the daughters of immigrants: the Camp Fire Girls and Girl Scouts. The article contends that these groups, the two most popular of the period, Americanized the daughter of the foreign-born by using recruitment tactics that invited her to dissociate from an old-world ethnicity, deploying legendary heroines re-figuring the girl's American belonging, and engineering patriotic regimens habituating her to American customs. Ultimately, this essay demonstrates how these groups rhetorically refigured the cultural and social belonging of their members in order to assuage public concerns about national unity.  相似文献   
拉玛西亚青训模式的成功及启迪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
拉玛西亚青训模式的主要成功经验为:先进的理念是青少年足球人才培养得以成功的前提,坚决的执行力决定青少年足球人才培养的成败,权威性与专业性并举是青少年足球人才培养得以成功的保障,执行系统的高效运作及辛勤付出,则能够为青少年足球人才的成功培养打下坚实基础,独到的育人模式能够保证青少年足球人才的培养质量。  相似文献   

This contribution explores “shuttling rhetorics” to help explain why the story of the National Woman's Party (NWP) framed many suffrage centennial celebrations. Drawing parallels between the tactics of the NWP and the Greenham Common Peace Camp of the 1980s and 1990s, this essay puts forth shuttling rhetorics as a way to trace movement as a mode of resistance. As an analytic, shuttling rhetorics allow critics to unsettle traditional understandings of protest rhetorical situations and understand how (mostly white) protestors’ expectations of violence and survival expose their inherent dependence on body privilege.  相似文献   
This paper moves beyond a conventional critique of gay stereotyping on Bravo's popular makeover show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy to consider how the show puts gay cultural expertise to work to reform a heterosexual masculinity that is compatible with the neoliberal moment. At issue are the newly public acknowledgement of gay taste and consumer expertise; the “crisis of masculinity” that requires that heterosexual men must now attend to their relationships, image, and domestic habitus; and the remaking of the straight guy as not only an improved romantic partner—the metrosexual—but a more flexible, employable worker. The author concludes by considering how camp deconstructs some of Queer Eye's most heteronormative aims, even while leaving its class and consumption rationales intact.  相似文献   
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