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引力透镜效应已经成为当前探测宇宙中物质分布最有效的工具之一,因其光线偏折不依赖于物质的组分和状态,所以它很适合于探测包括暗物质在内的所有物质在宇宙中的分布.在引力透镜效应的提出及发现基础上,根据引力透镜的分类,分述了强引力透镜、弱引力透镜和微引力透镜,并讨论了引力透镜效应在宇宙学中的应用.  相似文献   
古希腊人的“爱智”,中国古人的“求道”,以各自的方式体现了哲学是关于宇宙人生总体关系的学说这一本质内涵。中西哲学各有特点,前者是以宇宙论为侧重点的天人之学;后者则是以人类学为侧重点的天人之学。它们都是我们坚持和发展马克思主义哲学所必须加以借鉴的重要的哲学资源。马克思主义哲学是科学的天人之学,即科学的世界观理论。它是通过实践来理解和改造人与世界的能动的、历史的、辩证的唯物主义。  相似文献   
自20世纪以来,人类宇宙观发生了巨大变化。科学宇宙论表明,宇宙并非静态,而是正在膨胀,宇宙开端问题由此进入了科学领域。怀特海哲学宇宙论表明,宇宙唯一的实在是一个合生的过程,上帝成为形而上学原则的主要样板。莫尔特曼神学宇宙论表明,一切都统一在上帝的创造过程之中,宇宙的未来是一个永恒安息的具像世界。这样三种宇宙论,为生态时代的人类生存模式建构提供了共同的基础,即人类必须在生成着的宇宙共同体中确定自身存在的地位和使命。  相似文献   
中西民族服饰文化之间存在着诸多差异,本文从中西民族服饰设计发展文明系统、宇宙观和社会文化背景等方面对二者加以比较和分析,试图从中找到双方的联系和差别,并对产生这种差异的原因进行研究分析,以期有助于我们充分吸取中西服饰文化中的设计精华。  相似文献   
This is the final paper in a five-paper series describing our national study of the teaching and learning of cosmology in general education astronomy college-level courses. A significant portion of this work was dedicated to the development of five new Lecture-Tutorials that focus on addressing the conceptual and reasoning difficulties that our research shows students have with frequently taught cosmology topics, such as the expansion of the universe, the Big Bang, and dark matter. We conducted a systematic investigation of the implementation of these new Lecture-Tutorials and resulting learning gains in order to test the efficacy of these new Lecture-Tutorials. Our investigation included classroom observations, results from pre–post testing using four conceptual cosmology surveys, and comparisons between classes in terms of the class time spent on cosmology topics and other instructional strategies used to teach cosmology. We used this combination of qualitative and quantitative research results to evaluate the conceptual understandings of students who used the new cosmology Lecture-Tutorials compared to those students who did not. The analysis of our data shows that, in many cases, classrooms that used the cosmology Lecture-Tutorials saw a greater increase in their students’ conceptual cosmology knowledge compared to classrooms that did not use the cosmology Lecture-Tutorials. However, our results also indicate how instructors implement the Lecture-Tutorials into their classrooms strongly influences their students’ learning gains.  相似文献   
我国古代哲学家在对宇宙的起源、结构、变化和本质等问题的不断研究和认识中,形成道论和阴阳论两种主要观点,他们从整个宇宙的广阔角度来考察人生,揭示出“天人合一”、“天人相分”和“天人相胜”三种天人关系  相似文献   
董仲舒的学说以儒学为主体,杂糅诸子之学,使其学说呈现出多元化的特征.他的天人感应学说的重要理论来源即是墨子的"天人格化"学说,从一个侧面反映了董仲舒的治学特色.  相似文献   
回顾相对论和量子力学产生的背景,介绍现代物理学成果点滴。  相似文献   
使用观测到的哈勃参量H(z)数据和重子声学振荡观测数据[the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations(BAO)]来检验Dvali—Gabadadze—Porrati宇宙学模型.结果表明,观测到的哈勃参量H(z)数据可以看作可以被接受宇宙探测指针,与其他观测数据的联合如BAO对宇宙学参量提供了很强的限制.  相似文献   
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