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鲁迅的审美取向可以提挈为四维:"尚新"、"主用","崇力"、"弘真"."崇力",即"以力为美",是鲁迅审美化"社会话语"的主旋律,是鲁迅关于"美本质"问题的深刻体认,也是鲁迅创作风格的显著征象.鲁迅"以力为美"的审美取向迎应了中国近现代救亡、启蒙的历史使命的吁求,有久远的感召力和型范意义.  相似文献   
通过对明洪武时期故元兀纳失里大王的考察,可以认为北元灭亡后,兀纳失里大王成为漠北西部的一支重要势力,但明太祖洪武十四年,哈梅里回回阿老丁来朝入贡,并非《明史·哈梅里传》所言是受哈梅里兀纳失里大王所遣。而且,本为故元出伯系的威武西宁王兀纳失里,其继承宽彻系肃王王号的时间,疑在洪武十四年至二十一年之间。洪武二十四年,明朝征讨哈梅里王兀纳失里之事,应是兀纳失里遣兵寇边所致。  相似文献   
对于卢构桥事变的处理,裕仁态度甚为主动,有原则指导也有具体策划,坚决主战又重视迫和,处处发挥着重要作用,直接推动了事态迅速扩大.  相似文献   
1933年7月英、法、德、意四国“谅解与合作公约”的缔结,是希特勒上台后欧洲大国间第一次外交互动的产物。英国出于挽救裁军大会的考虑,对意大利倡议的“四国公约”极力推崇,并在协调法德分歧、促成公约的缔结等方面发挥了主导作用。虽然“四国公约”最终因法德两国政府拒绝批准而成为一纸空文,但英国在“四国公约”问题上的表现,却从一个侧面折射出德国纳粹势力上台初期,英国对外政策的基本走向:即力图通过促成普遍裁军来实现欧洲大国间的和解,从而避免可能的战争风险。  相似文献   
历史上对隋炀帝贬多褒少 ,实际上 ,炀帝的施政措施中不乏有意义之举 ,如实行科举制、开凿运河、重视文化教育等。但在是否弑父问题上史家众说不一 ,就当时的情况看 ,炀帝并不一定要弑父才能登上皇帝宝座。隋朝的速亡 ,有很多复杂的内因和外因 ,简单认定是炀帝一人之过是不切实际的。  相似文献   
图书馆的权力   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
图书馆具有管理权和处罚权。图书馆管理权、处罚权是图书馆的权力,而不宜表述为是图书馆的“权利”。区分管理、处罚权中的“权”是“权利”还是“权力”可以准确界定图书馆管理、处罚权的概念,可以明确相关理论问题,为图书馆管理权和处罚权的正确行使指明方向。  相似文献   
This study examines mistreatment through the perspectives of employees with different cultural backgrounds and positions in order to understand the ways in which some voices are muted and others are privileged. Mistreatment is interactional, distributive, procedural, or systemic abuse of employees taking place at both interpersonal and institutional levels on the basis of cultural diversity. Narrative analysis of semi-structured interviews with employees of a large research and development organization revealed three types of muted narratives used to respond to mistreatment (muted-but-engaged, angrily disengaged, and resigned) as well as one type of privileged response. The narratives provided evidence of two processes by which voices became muted: repeated silencing over time and silencing through ambiguity of policies.  相似文献   
唐玄宗李隆基诗作编年考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对现今所存的唐玄宗李隆基诗作进行具体的编年和必要考证,为进一步全方位地研究李隆基其人其作,提供必要的基础和依据.  相似文献   
本文研究了一种硅高频高跨导JFET的设计和制造技术,测量结果表明,所研制的器件性能基本达。到了国际上先进公司同类产品的指标参数。  相似文献   
Efficient air-conditioning systems facilitate climate control in modern museums, libraries, and archives. The climate in Hong Kong is typically hot and humid, so the survival of collections is highly dependent on 24-hour air-conditioning systems to maintain the desired environment in repositories of archives and books, or artefact stores. The continuous operation of such systems in turn relies on a number of factors, such as uninterrupted electricity supply, an active maintenance programme, daily monitoring of their performance and quick response to irregularities as well as backup or alternative systems to support the air-conditioning load in case they are down for servicing. From the risk management point of view, unlike the latter four factors, electricity supply is an external factor that cannot be guaranteed. Fluctuation in the power level that results in stoppage of air-conditioning equipment is not uncommon even in well-developed countries. Long power outages could be catastrophic as they might lead to irreversible damage to collection items as a result of fast, large, changes in temperature and relative humidity (RH) towards the external environment if the air-tightness or hygrothermal stability of the storage are not good enough. Understanding storage environmental stability, especially during electrical power disruptions, is an essential part of the preservation measures and disaster preparedness necessary to protect valuable collections in cultural heritage institutions in the region.  相似文献   
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