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《水经注》是北朝郦道元所著的一部文学价值很高的综合性地理著作。与南朝志怪小说相比,它在神话传说的描写和刻画方面,具有显著的特色:一是思想上具有一定的进步性;二是在直接写景的同时,将虚拟想象与真实景物巧妙融合;三是语言风格平易质朴,接近民间古风。  相似文献   

This paper provides analysis on the frequency and nature of accidents and near accidents that have occurred in larger outdoor education centres in New Zealand. This is the first time that information of this type has been collected and analysed in New Zealand.

All 25 of the known outdoor education organisations employing three or more full-time staff were invited to participate in a study that would extract and review data from their records about accidents and near accidents. Twelve agreed to participate.

The data collected is analysed in the context of various myths that are often heard referred to by the outdoor education community. These are that: 1. i.focusing on minor incidents prevents major accidents occurring,

2. ii.selecting activities with high perceived risk but low real risk reduces exposure to accidents,

3. iii.more accidents occur while under the supervision of male rather than female instructors,

4. iv.accidents are more likely in the afternoon than the morning, and

5. v.outdoor education is dangerous compared to other risks in life.

The results lend some support to the factual nature of “myths” iii and iv, but help consign “myths” i, ii and v to the category of folklore. These results provide insights that may assist in developing strategies to improve safety in outdoor education.

In view of the current size and importance of the outdoor education sector in New Zealand and its likely future growth, one of the main recommendations arising from this study is for the establishment of a national system to formally record and report incidents and accidents.  相似文献   
美国前参议员富布赖特,1959—1974年任参议院外交委员会主席。在此期间,他通过发表演说和举行一系列听证会,为美国对华政策的转变作了大量舆论准备工作,对美国实现从“遏制并孤立”到“遏制但不孤立”对华政策的转变起了重大推动作用。  相似文献   
文章在共生视野下对上党神话外译中的本土文化身份表示关切,认为介于昆仑神话与蓬莱神话之间的上党神话具有鲜明的地域特点与不可替代的地域链接作用,它不应在中国神话外译中被长期“式微化”。上党神话的外译中,突出其区域性标志与独立性地位将有助于构建其独特的地方文化身份,弘扬其历史价值,挖掘其现实意义。  相似文献   
This article analyses the varied characteristics of histories of education in Hong Kong and discusses the perspectives that an acquaintance with them can provide. Such a focus encourages consideration of the use of incomplete sources by historians of education, as well as attempts to make sense of past educational developments through periodization. The author adopts a periodization scheme associated with colonialism, which facilitates the identification of mysteries (questions derived from incomplete evidence) and the explanation of myths (answers based on incomplete evidence). He anticipates that a similar approach to other societies could stimulate similar insights into both mysteries and myths.  相似文献   
防风氏神活传说作为历史典籍记载的补充,对于夏朝前期的一段历史,其主要反映了以下几点:防风国的大致疆域;防风氏是一位传说中的治水英雄;防风氏是一位教民稼穑、助禹立法的文化英雄;防风氏是一位关心民瘼、普受爱戴的诸候;防风氏遭禹诛戳,反映了华夏族融合过程中争斗的激烈。  相似文献   
A basic human right of all children is protection from physical punishment in all settings. Yet, corporal punishment remains common place within families, at home, at school, and elsewhere. In Thailand, cultural beliefs and values might preserve its use. This research sought to explore the use of corporal punishment in Thai homes. It also aimed to investigate young adult retrospective accounts of parent use of corporal punishment and their associations with psychological attributes and the acceptance of certain myths that might perpetuate its use. Two hundred and fifty young people (Mage = 20.26 years, SD = 1.19) recounted their parent’s disciplining strategies related to when they were 10 years old. They also completed the Personality Assessment Questionnaire (Rohner, 1999), the Corporal Punishment Myth Scale (Kish & Newcombe, 2015) and responded as parents to a number of child misbehavior scenarios. Overall, 80.4% reported some instance of corporal punishment as a 10-year-old with lifetime prevalence at 85.5%. Receiving corporal punishment was related to poorer psychological outcomes as a young adult. Myths about corporal punishment significantly predicted the use of that discipline strategy in the scenarios. The results are discussed in relation to Thai cultural values and beliefs and the need to gather further evidence to support further policy and legislative changes.  相似文献   
彝族是一个典型的"火"的民族。彝族火文化历史源远流长,内容博大精深,表现在彝族火神话史诗传唱以及各种火崇拜习俗中。彝族火神话及其习俗,是其民间信仰体系的重要内容和主要表现,它们共同构建并表征了彝族火文化精要。它以顽强的传承和再生力植入世世代代的彝族人群体和个人身上,由此形成了彝族别具特色的火的民族个性与文化模式。  相似文献   
每个民族从诞生之日起,其分布格局就一直处于不断的变动之中,不仅现代的民族在不断地"散化",古代的民族也同样经历过不断"散化"的过程。瑶族更是如此,宋代即形成"南岭无山不有瑶"的格局。在此背景下,盘瓠神话成为散居各地瑶族各支系根深蒂固的信仰支撑,以及民族认同的重要依据。尽管如此,盘瓠神话的功能依然经历了神圣向世俗的变迁。以瑶族对于盘瓠神话的运用为切入点,从功能主义的视角,运用文化变迁理论,揭示中国宗教对于民族散居化过程的文化适应。  相似文献   
希腊神话与古代希腊后世艺术之间存在着继承创新的互动关系,尽管希腊神话对古希腊世艺术所产生的影响程度之巨大是世界文化史上罕有的现象,但产生于人类幼年时期的希腊神话,理应届于整个希腊文学艺术历史长河中的流,而不是源。  相似文献   
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