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实施科教兴国战略 ,是一个宏观的系统工程 ,其中一个重要的问题 ,就是必须坚持依法治教 ,而依法治教必须紧紧围绕科教兴国战略的实施来进行 ,必须为科教兴国服务 ,这是关乎科教兴国能否成功、带有根本性的大问题。依法治教是依法治国的必然要求和重要组成部分 ,是由教育自身地位所决定的 ,也是对比西方国家发展教育事业的成功经验、从新中国教育发展的历史中得出的必然结论。教育的长期、稳定发展 ,必须坚持依法治教 ,这是发展教育的根本大计。要加大依法治教的力度 ,使教育改革与发展全面纳入法治化的轨道  相似文献   
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are prevalent in the population and linked to various negative long-term health and social consequences. However, due to the retrospective nature of most studies on the topic, little is currently known regarding ACEs' immediate health impact. This study aims to provide insight into this area by examining the association between a new measurement, Adverse Family Experiences (AFEs), and flourishing amongst children ages 6–17 years in the United States. Data from the 2011/12 National Survey of Children's Health were analyzed. Adjusted prevalence ratios assessed flourishing by the number of AFEs (0 events versus 1, 2, 3/3+) controlling for individual/household characteristics. A sub-analysis examined characteristics of flourishing children ages 12–17 years with 3/3+ AFEs. The results showed children with 1 AFE (APR = 0.87; 95% CI = 0.83-0.91), 2 AFEs (0.74; 0.69–0.79), and 3/3+ AFEs (0.68; 0.62–0.72) were less likely to flourish compared to those without any AFEs. Sub-analysis of children ages 12–17 years with 3/3+ AFEs revealed a higher proportion of flourishing children volunteering, participating in extracurricular activities, and working for pay compared to those who did not flourish. Findings show significant differences in flourishing by number of AFEs and suggest that social connectedness may play a role in determining flourishing amongst children with 3/3+ AFEs. Furthermore, the results highlight the potential importance of identifying children with high AFE counts and helping them build resilience outside of the home.  相似文献   
文人词之所以在中晚唐能走向兴盛,与外部因素的强力推动有很大的关系.中晚唐时期畸形繁华的城市生活,强烈刺激着歌唱艺术的消费;词的多样化传播方式和渠道也拉动了其消费的增长;广泛的消费群体多样化的消费方式需要有大量的作品不断产生,因此,日益增长的歌唱艺术消费的需要为文人词的创作提供了广阔的舞台,加速了词体兴盛的进程.  相似文献   
In pluralistic societies such as Australia, an emerging diversity ideology of polyculturalism promotes sharing ideas and practices among people from diverse cultural traditions. What are the psychological associations of endorsing polyculturalism in contrast to multiculturalism and colorblindness, especially for an individual’s psychological well-being? We tested a path model to investigate if diversity ideologies are associated with flourishing through ethnocultural empathy, intercultural contact quality, and cultural identity clarity, using questionnaire responses of 255 Australians. The results supported our hypothesis that polyculturalism is associated with higher ethnocultural empathy and higher-quality intercultural contact and with higher flourishing through these pathways. Simultaneously, polyculturalism also associated with lower cultural identity clarity and indirectly with lower flourishing through this pathway. In contrast, the results did not support the link between these mediators and multiculturalism or colorblindness. Our findings indicate that polyculturalism has both positive and negative associations with eudaimonic well-being for those who endorse this ideology and suggest the increasing relevance of polyculturalism for Australians and the need for further research.  相似文献   
Flourishing, understood along Aristotelian or quasi-Aristotelian lines as objective eudaimonic well-being, is re-emerging as a paradigm for the ideal aim of education in the 21st century. This paper aims to venture beyond the current accounts and Aristotle’s own, by arguing that both suffer from a kind of ‘flatness’ or ‘disenchantedness’ in failing to pay heed to the satisfaction of certain impulses that have been proven to give fullness to our lives: impulses having to do with awe-inspiring emotional attachments to transpersonal ideals. I thus argue that while Aristotelian flourishing is a necessary place to begin, it is not a sufficient one to conclude, a study of human flourishing, either generally or in classroom contexts; it needs to be extended and ‘enchanted’ in order to do so. That venture does not necessitate an embrace of supernaturalism, however.  相似文献   
文章通过道教对盛唐社会的影响,从盛唐诗人的创作思想、题材选择、审美追求等层面进行分析,论述盛唐山水隐逸诗人从道家得到的理念支撑与精神追求,以及在道教文化的渗透与影响下,盛唐山水隐逸诗所表现出的清新自然的审美趣味和奇特非凡的想象以及诗人诗心的真性与自然真美的融合。  相似文献   
隐士文化是知识分子作为士大夫的一个阶层,其内圣外王人生哲学在政治与文化的紧张中一种动态的显南,也是知识分子在处理自我人格冲突时的一种文化取向。唐代政治上约束了魏晋南北朝长达三百年的分裂割据,旧有社会阶层被打破,知识分子纷纷以不同方式走上仕途。  相似文献   
The two‐stranded spiral shown in Figure 1 represents two aspects of the authors’ journey in becoming critical. The journey, conveyed through discussion, reflexive accounts and illustrations of particular and summary achievements, shows how Carr and Kemmis’s work has influenced the authors as action researchers, both individually and together, in nursing, over 16 years. The first strand unfurls their journey as they learned to develop their philosophical and theoretical understandings of action research as collaborative, emancipatory and transformational. They show how they now use innovative and creative methodologies to transform practice and, simultaneously, develop critical practice theory that draw on assumptions from different worldviews in the same study. Their second strand is concerned with the creation of critical communities of healthcare practitioners who undertake action research to transform themselves, practices and organisations. This strand shares the practicalities of an action research team genuinely involving stakeholders in the collaborative, democratic design of projects, their implementation and evaluation. Both strands are concerned with preparing practitioners as researchers of their own practice and with human flourishing as both the end and means of action research. Seven insights are presented.  相似文献   
郭宝昌的《大宅门》以近现代中国历史为背景,以家族兴衰为主线,以一个个鲜活生命之间的情感纠葛,性格碰撞,家庭冲突为内容,显示了世道变迁,人生磨难,展现了美与丑、善与恶、情与仇、爱与恨、磊落与卑微、阳刚与阴柔,剧情跌宕起伏,人物性格鲜明活泼,引起了收视热潮。其中敢爱敢恨、痴情不改、相敬如宾的爱情故事更是被女主人公们演绎得惟妙惟肖,让人惊心动魄,系魂萦心、荡气回肠,细细品来回味无穷。  相似文献   
Social contact has been widely investigated as a contributing factor to international students’ cross-cultural adaptation. Previous investigations have focussed largely on understanding the relation between distinct sources of social contact and adaptation-related outcomes. What is less understood is whether different combinations of social contact are associated with different outcomes for international students and if these effects vary across formal (school) and informal (outside of school) contexts. In the present study, we use a person-centred approach to explore international students’ social contact configurations based on frequency of contact with co-nationals, locals, and other internationals at school and outside of school. Data from 291 international students were subjected to latent profile analysis and five contact configurations were identified: 1) isolated (12.7 %), 2) socializing with other internationals only (14.4 %), 3) socializing with other internationals and Hungarians (12.4 %), 4) socializing with co-nationals only (35.4 %), and 5) socializing with co-nationals and Hungarians (24.7 %). Patterns of interactions were largely consistent across contexts. Contact profiles reflected different acculturation orientations and showed differences in psychological outcomes. A stronger host culture orientation was associated with profiles characterized by frequent contacts with locals (Profiles 3 and 5), whereas home cultural orientation was greater in profiles characterized by frequent contacts with co-nationals (Profiles 4 and 5). The profile displaying frequent contacts with both co-nationals and locals reported the greatest psychological wellbeing, whereas the isolated profile was linked to poor psychological outcomes. Overall, findings highlight the importance of considering the configuration of social contacts as a whole.  相似文献   
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