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Millions of Canadians residing in Canada's northern, isolated, rural, and remote communities do not have broadband Internet access. This situation has led to a national “broadband divide.” That is, the deployment of wireline broadband is very limited in Canada's northern, isolated, rural, and remote areas because of the significant expense of installation and maintenance of the wired infrastructure needed to reach dwellings in these locations.Terrestrial broadband wireless technology, on the other hand, does not entail the same kind of physical infrastructure. As a result, there are dramatic changes in how spatial considerations affect the provision of broadband Internet services (BIS) to areas beyond the urban zone. In particular, the spatial question is now focused on assessing the capacity for different technological solutions to reach profitable population bases, and brings to the forefront organizations that are developing non-line-of-sight (NLOS) technologies that would permit wireless Internet access over much greater distances than current solutions.We begin this paper by establishing the importance of broadband connectivity to Canada's northern, isolated, rural, and remote communities. This discussion comments on the role of the Government of Canada in the provision of broadband connectivity to residents of these communities, and outlines the current regulatory issues that govern wireless services and policy formulation.The second part of the paper illustrates the use of geographic information system (GIS) approaches in the study of wireless broadband planning and deployment. Case study findings suggest that GIS applications can make a significant contribution to the analysis of wireless deployment planning, to the understanding of the relationships between wireless signal sources and consumers, and to the spatial configuration of terrestrial wireless broadband networks. We conclude the paper by discussing how the GIS approach employed could be used to inform the public policy process with regard to increasing access to broadband Internet services in all regions of the country, and thereby providing the opportunity for all Canadians, regardless of location, to fully participate in the Information Society.  相似文献   
唐超 《情报理论与实践》2007,30(5):593-596,592
在分析情报学界对文献信息可视化、知识可视化研究现状的基础上,通过分析知识的空间属性,提出了基于GIS的文献信息可视化的理念和途径,并通过构建竞争情报研究领域的知识地图,验证该方法的可行性和优越性。  相似文献   
GPS/GIS车辆监控管理系统中的关键技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要论述了车辆监控管理系统的工作原理及通信链路的选择策略,针对一套实用的GPS/GIS车辆监控系统设计方案,详细阐述了系统设计中的关键技术.  相似文献   
The University of Florida GeoPlan Center has been organizing, standardizing, and distributing geospatial data since 1998 through the Florida Geographic Data Library (FGDL), a collection of Florida geospatial data from various agencies, as well as data developed in-house. With funding from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), FGDL serves as a public distribution mechanism for hundreds of Florida geospatial data layers. Since 2004, FGDL layers have formed the data foundation for FDOT's interagency application known as efficient transportation decision making (ETDM), which facilitates the review and permitting process for proposed transportation projects. Data layers are standardized and inspected to ensure that the data are adequate for use in analysis and decision making. To efficiently manage the geospatial data and workflows, a quality assurance/quality control (QAQC) process and relational database schema was developed to track the standardization procedures, lineage, versioning, and archiving of the data layers. This article details the history of the Florida Geographic Data Library, challenges of managing a large geospatial data repository, development of a QAQC process and database schema, and lessons learned.  相似文献   
文章将先进的Web GIS技术引入到卫生防疫防控系统中,在此基础上实现综合医疗信息功能的设计与实现。在。 Net环境下,以Arc GIS Server为二次开发平台,探讨了卫生防疫防控系统的体系结构、数据库设计、系统建设过程中所用到的关键技术及综合医疗信息查询功能的设计及实现。  相似文献   
运用G IS技术,通过分析人口结构研究1990~2005年这15年内河南省人口素质的时空特征。结果表明,河南省人均受教育年限逐年增长,人口文化素质显著提高,全省高性别比明显下降,生育观念得到改善。尽管河南省目前还处于低抚养比的黄金时期,但人口年龄结构目前已呈现老龄化趋势,应提前做好应对准备。  相似文献   
本文根据查阅我国现有文献,及作者研究所得,提出了GIS将会发展成为新的产业的观点;分析了具有我国自主知识产权的GIS基础软件;介绍了GIS所应用的行业,并从国家基础地理信息系统的建立,数字化城市建设等方面说明了GIS有着广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   
以石家庄市为例,以GIS为平台,结合数据库系统,研究开发了中小学应急救援指挥系统.分析了此系统设计的原则、系统架构及特色、系统功能模块和系统的数据库设计,此系统的使用有利于在突发状态下进行通讯指挥,最大程度地预防和减小灾害造成的损失.  相似文献   
国外环境规划公众参与中GIS的应用模式主要有技术支持模式和社区融合模式。技术支持模式是当今较为流行的模式,在这种模式里,第三方(大学或私人公司)提供给社区数据、软件和分析,社区自由提出问题和想法,第三方的角色在于提供研究和分析。社区融合模式是指社区通过第三方(大学或企业实体)获取硬件、软件和数据,专家在社区建构GIS的发展能力,第三方的角色是建立基础设施,社区帮助第三方确认并收集他们所需的数据。针对我国环境规划公众参与不足的现状,提出借鉴国外经验将GIS技术逐步应用于我国环境规划公众参与中的设想。  相似文献   
介绍GIS的基本概念,对GIS在交通领域应用的优势进行分析,并根据GIS和交通工程近年的发展趋势,介绍GIS在交通规划、道路设计、交通管理、交通设施管理、道路交通安全管理、与ITS联合应用共六个方面的应用研究。  相似文献   
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