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历史是通过人的活动创造的,历史又有着自己的规律,人是在自己意识支配下活动的,历史却并不完全遵照人的意识。马克思主义不到人以外寻找历史规律,却又把人置于历史规律即生产力发展进程之中。人是生产力的创造者,生产力又创造着人。  相似文献   
世界新闻通史体系刍议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文归纳了已有外国新闻史研究的四种模式 ,并指陈其利弊。在此基础上 ,提出建立世界新闻通史体系的治学观点———空间上 ,能涵盖中外 ,以整个世界新闻传播全局为对象 ;时间上应古今贯通 ;研究对象上应涉及新闻事业、新闻制度和新闻观念  相似文献   
论文介绍了我国古代书目和类书编制的发展简史,旨在为进一步了解我国古代书目、类书编制史提供参考.  相似文献   
Technical term translations are important for cross-lingual information retrieval. In many languages, new technical terms have a common origin rendered with different spelling of the underlying sounds, also known as cross-lingual spelling variants (CLSV). To find the best CLSV in a text database index, we contribute a formulation of the problem in a probabilistic framework, and implement this with an instance of the general edit distance using weighted finite-state transducers. Some training data is required when estimating the costs for the general edit distance. We demonstrate that after some basic training our new multilingual model is robust and requires little or no adaptation for covering additional languages, as the model takes advantage of language independent transliteration patterns. We train the model with medical terms in seven languages and test it with terms from varied domains in six languages. Two test languages are not in the training data. Against a large text database index, we achieve 64–78 % precision at the point of 100% recall. This is a relative improvement of 22% on the simple edit distance.  相似文献   
参加第71届国际图联大会综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文记录了第71届国际图联大会的概况,并对大会的学术特点以及中国代表团在大会的活动作了较全面的介绍。  相似文献   
Library access to justice programs and services help people who need legal information and who cannot afford an attorney. Librarian mediation is a critical component in the provision of access to justice services. However, the value of library mediation, or assistance with using library resources, is often unrecognized, particularly where members of the public are trying to access electronic legal information sources, online legal forms, and other law technologies. This article will explore the role of librarians in providing access to justice services from the perspective of the work of Richard Susskind, which emphasizes technological approaches to providing legal services. While there is a place for technology in access to justice services, there is also a valuable role that librarians play in contributing to access to justice.  相似文献   
本文旨在探讨教育语境中的正义具有什么内涵,以及是否存在一种被证实的关于正义的教育概念。本文并不主张建立一种积极的教育正义概念,而是主张避免把教育当做服务于教育之外的正义规范的工具。因此,本文重点分析了教育中的不正义,并将其在教育系统的不同层面上进行了归类,从而形成了一种有关教育语境中的不正义的教育现象学,这也就是教育现实得以改善的起点。文章最后指出了克服这些不正义的途径。  相似文献   
社会转型时期社会治理的道德教育体系应该包括民主观、公正观、平等观、人道观和自由观,这些是善待他人的道德观,也是解决瑞士教育家裴斯泰洛齐道德教育难题二的重要教育内容。这五观在内容上相互包含,功能上相辅相成,实施中相互支撑,是全息统一的。  相似文献   
八旗制度是清朝的根本社会制度,清历朝皇帝认为它是“国家之根本”。因此,由官方先后编纂了两部重要文献,分别命名为《八旗通志初集》和《钦定八旗通志》,两部文献既有关系,又有不同。因此,笔者利用有关档案文献、历史文献及学者研究成果,明确了清朝八旗制度方面的重要文献《八旗通志初集》之“初集”称谓的来历和产生的具体时间,并在此基础上指出该称谓的产生与嘉庆年间成书的《钦定八旗通志》没有直接关系。再次,针对《钦定八旗通志》被称为是M《八旗通志初集》的续编或二编的看法,提出了两部《八旗通志》既有联系又是完全独立的两部文献的看法。  相似文献   
基于伦理学视角,阐述高尔夫运动所引发的潜在矛盾,诠释环境正义的内涵,并从种际正义、代内正义和代际正义3个维度分析环境正义在高尔夫运动中的应然体现。认为高尔夫运动可持续发展观与环境正义理念相契合,环境正义为高尔夫运动可持续发展提供道德支持和伦理动力。通过树立环境伦理观、建立和完善相关制度、确定评价标准、加强执法和监督等策略来实现环境正义,促进高尔夫运动的可持续发展。  相似文献   
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