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贺贻孙与竟陵派有着深厚渊源,他沿竟陵派的思路将诗"厚"之说进一步充实完善,形成了以"厚"为中心的诗歌理论体系——诗"厚"论。其内容主要包括:神厚、气厚、味厚是诗"厚"的具体组成,三者有着极为丰富的内涵;富、肥、蛮、淡、薄则是与诗"厚"相关联的五个审美范畴,它们与"厚"或类而不同,或对立却内通;内养作为创作主体的修为,是达到诗"厚"的基础;蕴藉作为表达方式,是诗作通向"厚"的路径;无厚之厚,是诗"厚"的最高境界。  相似文献   
《吐鲁番出土砖志集注·张公夫人麴娘墓志铭》中的" "为"壑"的俗字。在"壑"到" "的俗变过程中,文字类化起了重要作用。类化分为字内类化和字际类化,是众多俗字产生的重要途径,《集注》中"(頁頁)"和" "也是两个比较具有代表性的字内类化字。  相似文献   
贺继新和妥清德是1980年代裕固族文坛涌现出的代表诗人。贺继新是裕固族诗歌的拓荒者,在传统和民族诗艺中彰显出自己的个性和灵感;妥清德的诗歌是衔接裕固人传统和现实的一座桥梁,把现代技法有机内化到传统诗艺中,使民族特色和现代气息融会贯通。他们的诗歌有传承发扬本民族口头文学和填补裕固族作家文学空白的双重意义。  相似文献   
贺龙是中华人民共和国元帅,伟大的无产阶级革命家、军事家,中国人民解放军的创始人和主要领导者之一。贺龙体育思想内涵丰富,精辟地阐明了新中国体育的内涵、地位、作用及先进理念,对我国现代社会主义体育事业的发展有着现实的理论依据和实践意义。本文从体育学、传播学、社会学等学科视角,运用文献资料、实地考察法、逻辑分析等研究方法,对贺龙体育思想的形成、基本内容、内涵进行分析,全面了解贺龙体育思想在湘西地区的传播状况,必须继续弘扬与发展贺龙体育思想,才使湘西地区体育事业不断向前发展。  相似文献   
This paper considers conceptions of the term ‘scholarship’ amongst lecturers delivering business higher education programmes (BHEPs) in further education colleges (FECs). A condensed overview of leading authors’ work on the subject of scholarship is first considered; then, at the end of the paper, an alternative definition is offered in the hopes of stimulating discussion. The data was drawn from a doctoral study by the author (2009) looking at this subject area, and is based on findings from primary data collected in 2006–7. Due to the lack of published work in and on higher education (HE) in further education (FE) at that time, the study drew heavily on literature from HE. This paper highlights potential issues and anxieties of the lecturers who took part in the study, and identifies that the term ‘scholarship’ is not one familiar to, or easily defined by, those delivering BHEPs in FECs.  相似文献   
董俊珏 《安康学院学报》2010,22(4):63-65,68
在清代文学史上,以天才女词人身份出现的贺双卿,是一个奇特的存在。在当前学术界倾向于视贺双卿为虚构人物的情况下,本文认为她仍有其不容忽视的文学史地位。从传播学的视阈来考量,"虚构人物"贺双卿作为客观文学现象的意义和价值,是由复杂而特殊的文学传播行为和过程所赋予的。  相似文献   

Universities across the globe are attempting to change assessment practice to address challenges in student engagement and achievement. Integral to this objective are strategies to develop academics’ assessment practice. These frequently focus on attendance at formal Continuous Professional Development events and/or implementation of institutional blueprints. This editorial article uses a case study from the Open University (UK) to explore an alternative ‘communities of practice’ approach to the improvement of assessment arguing that academics’ professional expertise is best deepened through participation in authentic activities of teaching and scholarship. The discussion identifies what is involved in such an approach including the role of an enabling principles-based framework, the constraints on implementation and the implications for HE leaders.  相似文献   
近年来,中国生物医学研究快速发展的同时,也在伦理治理方面带来了挑战。贺建奎公开声称其胚胎基因编辑婴儿诞生后,立即招致广泛的批评、谴责和激烈的伦理和法律大辩论。以生育为目的的胚胎基因编辑操作违反了公认的伦理规范,具体包括:较低的科学价值、不合理的风险-受益比、伦理审查不合规、并非真正的知情同意等。这说明主要依靠科研人员自律的机构伦理治理体系是成问题的,为此需要在不同层面上改进伦理治理水平,强化技术和伦理指南和法规。  相似文献   
The Netherlands has a binary higher education system in which academic education and higher professional education at EQF levels 5–8 co-exist. There is also secondary vocational education at EQF levels 1 up to 4. In this paper, I analyse policy documents resulting from the Bologna Process and argue that under neo-liberal conditions, higher professional education brings opportunities for both students and employers, but also creates a socio-economic tension in terms of employability. The gap between higher professional education and secondary vocational education adds to the formation of a labour market in which higher professional education graduates are prepared to an international labour market but employability pressure is being put on lower skilled employees, creating unequal employability opportunities for vocational education graduates.  相似文献   
Higher education in further education colleges has a long history and has expanded in recent years. However, higher education in further education colleges is often treated as being unproblematic. This paper rejects the argument that higher education is simply a level of study, noting that it is a contested concept. As such, the paper seeks to establish a robust definition of just what higher education is. It recognises that the higher education sector is characterised by diversity but argues that, in spite of the differences that exist between higher education institutions, there are certain issues relating to the further education sector that mean that higher education in further education colleges is likely to differ from that in higher education institutions. The paper considers that New Public Management reinforces these differences and, when taken alongside recruitment problems within the further education sector, questions whether or not the development of higher education in further education colleges should be welcomed.  相似文献   
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