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Massoudi  Mehrdad 《Interchange》2008,39(4):443-468

In this essay the importance of spirituality (or ethics) in the life of a research scientist is explored. The following four questions are considered: a) Why should the problem be studied? What are the benefits? and For whom? b) How should we approach this problem? c) What if the results of this investigation contradict other theories? What should we do in case of disagreements? and, d) What are the consequences of this study? Who or what is going to be harmed? What are the effects on the environment?

宗教民族主义是基于宗教认同基础上的民族主义。宗教的文化性,文化的宗教性,宗教的民族性,民族的宗教性以及经济发展的滞后性是其产生的根源。这种思潮在世界范围内都有影响。由于宗教民族主义作用的两重性,我们要对其作辩证的看待。  相似文献   
]随着印度崛起和实力增强,国家主义对印度的大国定位及族群整合的作用越来越突出.国家主义基本上适应了印度崛起过程中既要保持传统特征、又要开拓创新的内在要求.然而,国家主义能否消除长久积存在印度社会中的族群、宗教、种姓纷争所带来的疏离因素,并作为凝聚国家和民族的精神力量是值得怀疑的,这种不确定性将决定印度的发展趋向.  相似文献   
《泉州宗教石刻》这一重大选题,20世纪50年代就得到中国科学院考古研究所和文化部郑振铎副部长的重视和支持。吴文良先生业余考古,于1957年出版了原著,实有筚路之功[1]。增订者吴幼雄秉承并超越其父“以物证史”的治学路径,对书中有历史意义的碑文,做了精辟的考论,其中不乏深达幽微的洞见。该书的出版,为泉州及其海外交通史的研究,为申报世界文化遗产“海上丝绸之路——泉州史迹”奠定了坚实可靠的基础。  相似文献   
刘琪 《学周刊C版》2014,(8):232-233
印度教和种姓制度是古印度文明的两个典型特征.古印度体育的发展深受其影响.一方面它们派生和促进了印度民族特色体育的发展.另一方面它们又限制和阻碍了体育的健康发展.使体育走向偏狭和畸形。  相似文献   
在印度教神庙建筑史上,象岛印度教岩凿神庙是里程碑式的一组石窟建筑。多石的自然环境是开凿象岛印度教岩凿神庙的客观条件,其营造者和开凿年代未有定论,建筑史家和艺术史家的意见始终徘徊在康坎孔雀王朝和卡拉丘里王朝之间。所有雕刻都是以大神湿婆的家族成员为主题,象岛印度教岩凿神庙第一窟因此被称为“湿婆之家”。象岛印度教岩凿神庙第一窟的主要建筑特点是十字形平面,整体构造分为主窟、庭院、翼窟三个部分,三个窟口,深受佛教石窟的影响。  相似文献   
随着阿拉伯人人侵印度,伊斯兰教传人次大陆,出现了印回两教的冲突。1947年印巴分治虽由印回冲突长期积累而成,而英印政府、国大党和穆斯林联盟三方都难脱干系。探讨印巴分治的历史原因,梳理其分治过程,对于我们今天正确认识宗教问题和殖民主义者的“分而治之”政策具有重要意义。  相似文献   
In focusing on the Kincheloe and Tobin paper, ‘The Much Exaggerated Death of Positivism,’ this forum explores the hegemony of positivism in the professional practices of a group of educators whose research expertise lies in the fields of science education, mathematics education and leadership education. Responding to the first question, ‘What is your personal/professional experience of the hegemony of positivism?’, four key issues arise: is positivism part of the external world or is it within us (and thus what is our agency)?, the role of positivism as a driver of Western cultural imperialism, dualism as the chief logic of positivism, and the difficulty of responding to positivism from a pluralist perspective. The second question, ‘Is rapprochement between positivism and other paradigms possible and/or desirable without being re-colonised?’, raises a number of key issues that, although relatively new to science education, are of increasing interest to cultural studies researchers keen to embrace alternative research paradigms with which to create culturally inclusive science curricula. The discussants reveal their personal experiences of being marginalised by the hegemony of positivism and give voice to a range of opinions about how best to respond. The integral perspective of spiral dynamics is proposed as a model of paradigm evolution, our fundamental assumptions about modern progress are questioned, and the non-dualist logic of dialectics is explored as a more inclusive rationality for researchers. In the spirit of counter-hegemonic cultural studies, the discussants draw on their personal Buddhist and Hindu perspectives to open new doorways into complex ontological systems lying beyond the simplistic materialism of crypto-positivism. We are given a glimpse of powerful means of generating new insights into the emergent universe (within and without) that an evolving science endeavours to explain.  相似文献   
锡克教是15世纪末产生于印度的一个宗教,其宗教思想具有与其他宗教不同的鲜明特色。以印度教思想为参照进行比较,纯粹的一神论思想、冥思与虔信的思想、业报轮回与解脱的思想、平等的思想构成了锡克教的基本宗教思想,正是这些思想诠释了锡克教作为一个当代宗教的独特性。  相似文献   

Between 1845 and 1917, a total number of 143,939 Indian immigrants were brought to Trinidad under the system of Indian indenture to fill the labour gap created by the abolition of slavery. Approximately 88% of these immigrants practised various facets of Hinduism. Upon completion of their five‐year periods of contracted labour, over 90% of the indentureds opted to make Trinidad their permanent home. From their very entrance into Trinidad society, Hindus were engaged in the practice of many aspects of their religion. However, in Trinidad, elements of religion were variously truncated, modified, diluted, intensified or excised. During the initial decades of Indian indenture, Indian cultural forms were met with either contempt or indifference. Yet, despite the arduous nature of the task, various dimensions of Indian culture have now been integrated into the Trinidad and Tobago's multicultural prism.

Whether within the context of colonialism, the immediate post independence ferment, or the post 1980s dynamic political ethos, Trinidad's ‘cultural’ diversity has consistently underscored intriguing, sometimes tumultuous dialogue between the State and various elements of the society. Predictably, the common factor and point of contention was the conflict between Hindu and non‐Hindu ideologies. This essay seeks to explore one dimension of that dialogue; namely, the engagement of the Trinidad Hindu community with the State, with specific emphasis on the issues that can be situated within the realm of culture. These include Adult Franchise, the Hindu Marriage Bill, the Divorce Bill, the Cremation Ordinance, the issuing of capitation grants, education, symbolic claims and ‘nationalizing’. Underscoring the dialogue are two, often contradictory, determinants: the attitude of the State towards Hinduism (and Indian culture on the whole), and the tension between the retention of ‘Hindu’ culture and the need to transcend the boundaries of communalist discourse into the nationalist frame. Therein resides the crux of a most intriguing interaction between two very dynamic entities.  相似文献   
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