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现象学、存在主义者发展了笛卡尔、康德主体性伦理学的同时,以现象学的方法从主体的自我出发试图建构一个主体——主体关系的理论框架来代替主体——客体理论。胡塞尔从纯粹自由主体出发,提出了他人就是地狱的观点。  相似文献   
伊德面对胡塞尔对伽利略的批判而为伽利略辩护,认为望远镜具有透明性。这错失了真正的问题,即伽利略试图将经由望远镜的所见确立为唯一的实在。基督教对质料之抵抗作用的废除、存在论二分向主客二分的转换、伽利略等人对数学的强烈信心,使得数学在亚里士多德主义的自然哲学跌落的背景下上升为唯一不受欺骗的感官。望远镜经由数学的权威而获得权威,成为"独眼"。世界因此失去纵深感,生活世界的意义沉淀在图像之中。伊德正是由于忽视了望远镜背后的这些意涵,才误以为对望远镜的运用能够扭转数学化的不良影响。  相似文献   
In this essay, I argue that popular entertainment can be understood in terms of Husserl’s concepts of epochē, reduction and constitution, and, conversely, that epochē, reduction and constitution can be explicated in terms of popular entertainment. To this end I use Husserl’s concepts to explicate and reflect upon the psychological and ethical effects of an exemplary instance of entertainment, the renowned Star Trek episode entitled “The Measure of a Man.” The importance of such an exercise is twofold: (1) to demonstrate, once again, the fecundity of the methodological procedures Husserl bequeathed to us; more than any other philosopher, he tapped into the fundamental manners in which we lose, make and remake the meanings of our lives; and (2) to demonstrate how popular entertainment, similarly, plays a central role in the making and remaking of the meanings of our lives. If my zig-zag procedure between Husserl’s philosophy and popular entertainment is productive and cogent, in addition to elucidating Husserl’s philosophy, it will demonstrate the reality-generating potency and the constitutive power of entertainment in the contemporary world. Entertainment, via ourselves, has become the primary producer of the meanings via which consciousness constitutes the world.  相似文献   
生活世界理念是胡塞尔哲学思想的重要组成部分。总的来说,胡塞尔的生活世界理念中内蕴着先在存在与经验构造、感性解放与理性选择、历史精神与时代意识、个体关怀与集体生存相统一的方法论特征。历史表明,我们要还原胡塞尔"生活世界"理念的本真理论样态,必须从其理论大夏构建的方法论入手,深入地揭示出它的方法论特征。  相似文献   
作为近代哲学家并一直追寻自由的斯宾诺莎的哲学思想,具备着近代性和现代性的双重性。通过与怀特海的哲学思想、胡塞尔的哲学思想、张载的哲学思想相比较,可以看出斯宾诺莎与其时间上不同、地域上不同的三位著名哲学家在思想上有相似的倾向性,可以说是哲学思想上的同行者。由此看出,斯宾诺莎的哲学思想具有能够超越西方和东方的空间距离,以及近代和现代的时间距离的思想上的动态性。  相似文献   
笛卡尔和胡塞尔都追求哲学的确定性。笛氏用普遍怀疑找到了“我”这一精神实体,并借助于直观和演绎建立了他的体系;而胡氏则用“先验还原”找到了“先验主体”,用本质还原的办法找出了确定性的严格条件。然而,两种努力均未能完全奏效,确定性似乎成了迷失的目标。  相似文献   
"德育"一词本源于人们的生活,然而,在历史的长河中,它逐渐淡化了生活层面的内容,演化成知识教育,强调对认知、记忆等的训练与培养,缺失了与学生真实生活的结合。胡塞尔的"生活世界"理论启示我们:生活世界蕴藏着丰富的教育资源和宝贵的教育时机。这对我们确立开放的研究视野,以生活为根基,通过生活进行德育,从而达到育人之目的,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
Meaning is one of the recent terms which have gained great currency in mathematics education. It is generally used as a correlate of individuals' intentions and considered a central element in contemporary accounts of knowledge formation. One important question that arises in this context is the following: if, in one way or another, knowledge rests on the intrinsically subjective intentions and deeds of the individual, how can the objectivity of conceptual mathematical entities be guaranteed? In the first part of this paper, both Peirce's and Husserl's theories of meaning are discussed in light of the aforementioned question. I examine their attempts to reconcile the subjective dimension of knowing with the alleged transcendental nature of mathematical objects. I argue that transcendentalism, either in Peirce's or Husserl's theory of meaning, leads to an irresolvable tension between subject and object. In the final part of the article, I sketch a notion of meaning and conceptual objects based on a semiotic-cultural approach to cognition and knowledge which gives up transcendentalism and instead conveys the notion of contextual objectivity.  相似文献   
胡塞尔现象学的实证科学批判进路主要是为了完成现象学如何为具体科学进行奠基的任务。同时,胡塞尔也在这条进路中对自然主义、客体主义、经验主义、实证主义进行了批判。纯粹逻辑学为科学奠基的《逻辑研究》时期、区域本体论为科学奠基的《观念》时期以及生活世界为科学奠基的《危机》时期这三个阶段展示了胡塞尔现象学的实证科学批判进路。  相似文献   
近代以来,由于实证主义膨胀,理性精神囿于实证科学,自然科学的符号化盛行,把探问人生意义和价值排除在科学的认识之外。胡塞尔认为这一切都加大了事实科学和价值意义学说间的鸿沟,最终导致了欧洲科学危机和人性危机;要挽救这种危机,解决办法就是回归生活世界,回到真正的理性精神。  相似文献   
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