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国际条约是WTO多边贸易规则研究和实践的重要国际法资料。文章详细介绍了重要的条约文献汇编体系,提供了获取条约全文资料的检索途径和方法。  相似文献   
通过文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,对20世纪初叶到70年代的近代国际体育赛事进行梳理,发现这一阶段是国际各类体育赛事形成与发展的高峰时期,随着时间的流逝,众多体育赛事中得以生存并获得发展的毕竟是少数。究其原因主要有来自于工业革命、宗教改革、两次世界大战、文化差异等方面。解决诸多困扰国际体育赛事发展问题的途径主要在于顺应时代潮流、注重不同文化的融合、正确处理体育与政治的关系等等。  相似文献   
允许当事人协议延长诉讼时效是海商法特有的一项制度。自本世纪六十年代起,与国际贸易惯例的国际化相适应,这一制度历经了一个成文化的过程,在这一过程中,它同时具有国际条约、国际惯例和国内法等三种法律表现形式,从而产生了确认其法律效力的困难。本文以为,在有法律明文规定的国家,它的法律效率是当然的;在接受国际惯例之拘束力的国家,它同样可以产生法律效力。我国是明确规定可以适用国际惯例的,因而这一制度在我国也可以得到适用。  相似文献   
俄罗斯国立图书馆是世界第二大图书馆,其书刊国际交换工作开展得非常广泛,目前与包括中国国家图书馆在内的111个国家的1834所图书馆建立了书刊交换关系。了解其国际交换的过去和现状,对我们开展与俄罗斯的书刊交换大有益处。  相似文献   
When 1 July 1957 “dawned” in the dark of the south polar night, Americans at seven scientific stations scattered across Antarctica officially began systematic, synoptic observations of the air above and ice below. Joining scientists from 11 other countries on the polar continent, they were part of the International Geophysical Year, an 18-month worldwide effort to understand the earth and its environment. The Navy and other military services provided the transportation, construction, and maintenance to make life and work possible on the ice. The scientific success and value of the IGY inspired a mechanism—the Antarctic Treaty of 1959—for a peaceful future focused on the cooperative pursuit of scientific knowledge. While imperfect and fragile, the treaty is still in force and, with continuing military and civilian support, scientific research in Antarctica prospers. All this was achieved in a remarkably short time, by disparate, thinly acquainted, mutually wary cultures—military, scientific, and diplomatic. All the more astonishing is that it happened within the tense context of the Cold War, as statesmen and warriors were wise enough to allow “apolitical” scientists to lead where they could not.  相似文献   
世界哲学大会(WCP)是国际哲学领域中影响力最大的学术会议,"体育哲学"专题是历届会议重要的组成部分。通过文本分析,指出近三届世界哲学大会的"体育哲学"专题呈现出五大特征:体育哲学专题比重相对较小、国际体育哲学协会重视、体育哲学研究主题多元和中国学者开始发声。当前国际体育哲学研究呈现多样性趋势,热点聚焦在体育伦理研究、体育意义研究与游戏哲学研究三个主要方面,其中以体育伦理学的研究关注度最高;呈现外延日趋扩散和内涵逐渐回归的发展走向,体育本体论、方法论以及人的社会属性研究将呈现回归趋势,受到体育哲学研究者的重视。  相似文献   
This study attempts to develop a brief scale for measuring cross-cultural adaptation of international students in China and to explore the main pathways to promoting their cross-cultural adaptation. Based on Kim’s structural model of cross-cultural adaptation, this study examined a series of reliability and validity analyses and constructed a structural equation model for exploring the main pathways of cross-cultural adaptation. The findings reveal that the revised scale is reliable and valid for measuring international students’ cross-cultural adaptation. Moreover, the findings also suggest that there exist four main pathways (host communication competence, host social communication, intercultural transformation basic, intercultural transformation advanced) that are essential for the development of international students' cross-cultural adaptation, and the interlocking bilateral relationships among these pathways are significant and positive. This study provides insightful theoretical foundation for investigating international students' cross-cultural adaptation in non-western contexts and the compelling empirical support on the structural model of cross-cultural adaptation.  相似文献   
本文分析了20家西方主流媒体关于2009法兰克福书展中国主宾国活动的报道,认为这些媒体对中国文化的报道基本保持了客观和平衡;但在将文化议题政治化或者涉及政治议题时,这些媒体的二次编码以及国内网络意见的不对称传播,形成对中国不利的传播效果。有鉴于此,我方传播者应从共同经验出发,提升对外文化传播能力。  相似文献   
本文通过对中国官方文献的回顾梳理,阐述了中国关于世界多极化的基本理念及战略判断的演化进程,认为该进程经历了20世纪90年代初期的初步宣示、90年代中后期的进一步明确化和新世纪之初的充实发展三个阶段,在此基础上分析了该战略判断的基本特征及其对中国外交的政策含义。  相似文献   
There have been extensive scholarly debates on the role the private sector in the provision of schooling across the world. The former Soviet states have been largely excluded from these debates. This exploratory study examines the role the private sector in the formal provision of primary and secondary education in post-Soviet countries to demonstrate comparative trends and to provide a framework for the analysis of stimuli for private enrolments in the region. On the basis of the analysis of secondary data, documentary evidence and relevant literature, this paper shows that across the former Soviet countries, neoliberal ideas of education marketisation have not found fertile soil for development.  相似文献   
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