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本文通过对约瑟夫·康拉德的《吉姆老爷》中男主人公吉姆之死的意义的研究,引发人们对社会道德力量在灾难前缺场和灾难后在场的合法性的思考,指出吉姆之死是其希望之我替代现实之我的心理调节机制失效、原有社会道德体制彻底崩塌的结果,揭示了社会道德力量与人性弱点的冲突。  相似文献   
杨乐 《海外英语》2014,(21):221-222
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of the most famous works of Mark Twain. Huck has become the antihero in American literature. In addition, this kind of rebellion of spirit even has a realistic sense at present. This paper discusses Jim’s anti-slavery from its source and conception. At last, the author concludes the indelible artistic value of Jim.  相似文献   
西方人给古老东方社会带来的影响是《吉姆爷》后半部分的一个重要主题,可以从文明冲突的角度解读这部印象主义作品。帕图森可以看作近代西方人眼中的东方社会的一个缩影,作为西方文明的使者,吉姆在帕图森的所作所为不仅是他个人道德形象的重塑,更是西方文明对东方社会的冲击、复制和重建。通过深入分析吉姆在帕图森成功的原因,可发现西方文化在世界的传播并不是白人种族优越性的证明。康拉德以艺术的形式,浓缩地再现了近代东方社会中东西方文化交流、文明冲突的历史。  相似文献   
Following the dismissal of Captain Richard Pratt from the position of superintendent in 1904, the Carlisle Indian School entered a new era. The school became more focused on vocational education and moved away from offering immediate civilisation to the students. The school even promoted Indian arts and crafts. This move was also reflected in sport at Carlisle. The school became determined to construct a successful athletic programme. This resulted in the rise of masculine gamesmanship among the athletes. This, combined with racial pride, formed the basis of the athletes' manhood in the post-Pratt era. Yet, despite the demonstration of superior masculinity through victories, the school still positioned the students as subordinate to white men. The players were portrayed as comparatively unintelligent; they were apparently incapable of actually coaching the team.  相似文献   
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of the most famous works of Mark Twain. Huck has become the antihero in American literature. In addition, this kind of rebellion of spirit even has a realistic...  相似文献   
"愤怒的青年"的代表作家金斯利.艾米斯的代表作《幸运的吉姆》向高雅文化、精英文化发起了挑战。主人公吉姆对高雅文化的反叛,尤其是他在"可爱的英格兰"演讲会上对文化精英的嘲讽令读者忍俊不禁,拍案叫绝。而当我们深入研究吉姆对高雅文化的反叛时,可以发现,吉姆的反叛是温和的,而非直接的、彻底的。  相似文献   
陈晔 《宜宾学院学报》2004,4(6):107-109
在<吉姆爷>中,康拉德有意识地揭露殖民主义罪恶的同时暴露了他自身的殖民意识.本文运用后殖民理论对作品中的环境描写、情节安排和人物刻画进行分析,揭示了作品中交织的作者的双重意识.  相似文献   
Joseph Conrad’s Lord Jim ranks among the modern novels not for its story,but for its unconventional narrative strategies of the comparatively simple plot,especially its employment of multiple point of view as a deconstructing strategy,rendering the text incapable of unambiguous interpretation.The only possible way for the reader to understand it is by active participation,finding out the thread of logic in the chaotic psyche of the multiple narrators.  相似文献   
《麦琪的礼物》为我们讲述了一对夫妇在圣诞节来临的时候牺牲了他们各自最宝贵的东西给对方买礼物的故事,小说以"欧.亨利式的手法"为我们展现了两位生活在困窘中的主人公的纯洁和善良,同时也表现了美国下层人民面对金钱和爱情时的艰难和辛酸。本文通过分析作家和作品之间的关系,来达到探索小说故事情节的目的。  相似文献   
金斯利·艾米斯是二战后英国杰出的现实主义小说家,同时也是英国“愤怒的青年”小说流派的代表人物之一。其代表作《幸运的吉姆》讲述了一个出身于中下层社会的知识青年吉姆·迪克森在一家大学任教但不容于重视出身的上层社会而闹得笑话百出的故事。金斯利·艾米斯一方面表现了主人公吉姆所处的“沉重”的世界;另一方面他也借用“轻逸”的视觉意象、轻质的语言和人物形象,表达了主人公对沉重的主流文化的成功抗击。  相似文献   
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