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教学与科研是大学的两项基本职能,也是各国高等教育界争论不休的话题。对于教学与科研关系的认识与理解及其准确把握与处理,直接关系到大学自身的和谐发展以及社会服务职能的有效发挥。那么,教学与科研孰轻孰重?大学教师又该如何把握?沿着大学发展的历史脉络,通过对世界高等教育发展影响较大的几所标志性大学的分析,重点探讨中国大学教学与科研之关系的现状并试图提出若干建设性举措。  相似文献   
The Special Collections Research Center at Johns Hopkins University received a Council on Library and Information Resources Hidden Collections grant from March 2013 to March 2014 for processing the archives of the Roland Park Company. The grant included partnerships between the Archives and Technical Services to create a Best Practices for EAC-CPF records, as well as a local high school history class to complete the required research. Rather than simplify International Standard Archival Authority Record For Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families and EAC-CPF for the students, project staff distilled them into discrete, easy-to-understand tasks that allowed for the production of controlled data in a high school environment.  相似文献   
分报告六:约翰霍普金斯大学图书馆考察报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
约翰霍普金斯大学图书馆提出明确的战略规划,积极争取相关项目支撑图书馆的发展,强调为用户提供多样化的服务,特别是以信息专员为主体的嵌入式学科服务。这一调研,促发我们对图书馆的本质和功能进行深入的思考。国内外图书馆所面临的问题有很大的相似性,需要我们持续地探索图书馆今后的发展趋向。  相似文献   
吉尔曼的办学理念与约翰·霍普金斯大学的成长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉尔曼是19世纪中后期美国高等教育思想家和改革家,他创立的约翰·霍普金斯大学是美国第一所现代研究型大学,并成为许多大学学习的榜样。他倡导的学术自由、以人为本、重视师资队伍建设、开展研究生教育等思想在美国高等教育发展史上产生了极其重要的影响。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the series of 11 books about a young female pilot, Worrals of the WAAF, by W.E. Johns, creator of Biggles. The Worrals books were published from 1941 when recruitment for the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force was falling. Johns chose to ignore that the WAAF supported pilots through their work on the ground and did not themselves fly. The article discusses how historians of education can draw on fiction in order to identify aspects of informal education, especially during wartime, when so many children’s formal schooling was disrupted or non-existent. Drawing on Erica Jong’s 1970s metaphor of “flying” as representative of female freedom, it is possible to read Worrals’ character as a role model for teenage girls. The conundrum of why Johns chose to put Worrals in the WAAF, rather than in Air Transport with the likes of Amy Johnson, is further explored in the light of evidence that a number of WAAF were seconded to the SOE. It concludes that fiction read alongside a range of other evidence offers a rich source for the historian engaged in a search for the gendered nature of education beyond the classroom.  相似文献   
2009年,约翰·霍普金斯大学医学院实施了一项全新的课程体系——"从基因到社会",其目的在于:更为宽泛地重构健康与疾病的相互关系,鼓励学生们在一个包含社会、文化、心理和环境等多维变量的综合系统中探索与患者的健康状况相关的生物学特性。本文描述了新课程的设计理念及其五年规划过程,包括课程目标的确定、课程的构建、新教学楼的建造、学生自身能力及教师发展的促进、横向和纵向结构的建立等。应对新课程挑战的关键因素在于:领导的支持、与教职员工的对话和沟通、不同群体和层面的广泛参与、避免井蛙之见、通过课程试点来测试教学理念和方法等。  相似文献   
圣礼主义世界观是霍普佥斯宗教诗歌的一个最重要主题之一,深受依纳爵神操中相关的原则和教义的影响和塑造。其诗歌中反映出的圣礼主义世界观是被依纳爵神操所塑造和指导的,带有深深依纳爵神操的印迹。霍普金斯的诗歌实际上是赞美、崇敬和侍奉上帝的赞美歌。  相似文献   

In light of contemporary school choice proposals and the 60th anniversary of the Southern Manifesto, the Prince Edward County, Virginia public schools crisis provides interesting historical discussion. Prince Edward County (PEC), a rural community in central Virginia, was one of five school districts represented in the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision that ruled segregated public schools unconstitutional. In response to this decision, PEC closed public schools from 1959–1964 rather than desegregate them. Three other Virginia locales closed public schools to resist the desegregation mandate of Brown—Warren County, Charlottesville, and Norfolk—but none for as long as PEC. Like the 19 Senators and 82 Representatives from each of the former Confederate states who signed the Declaration of Constitutional Principles or “Southern Manifesto” and understood the Brown ruling as a violation of state’s rights, Virginia lawmakers also vowed “…to use all lawful means to bring about a reversal of this decision [Brown] which is contrary to the Constitution and to prevent the use of force in its implementation.”  相似文献   
约翰.霍普金斯大学于2002年1月成立本科教育委员会(CUE),发动了一场新的本科教育改革。该委员会分成四个小组,经过一年的努力分别从学术体验、学术咨询与就业指导、多样性、学生生活等方面对本科教育进行了详细审视,并在征求各方意见的基础上,于2003年5月15日发表了《霍普金斯大学本科教育委员会总结报告》。  相似文献   
大学的理性--美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的文化品性解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
约翰斯·霍普金斯大学是美国第一所研究型大学,也是一所当之无愧的世界一流大学。作为与生俱来的文化品格,霍普金斯大学的学术决策、办学理念、公共关系政策以及校园文化等等都深深地打上了理性的烙印。通过对霍普金斯大学这一文化品格的分析,也许会使我们更加清晰地认识到理性对于一所大学的价值,从而在建设世界一流大学的过程中多一些理性和实事求是,少一些随意和想当然。  相似文献   
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