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This article begins with Pollock’s comment that Judith Butler ‘finds hope in failure’ and its aim is to explore what ‘hope in failure’ means in relation to A Level students’ engagements with post-feminism and feminism. The article grounds its argument in an exploration of how post-feminism and feminism intersect with sixth form students’ subjectivities through the educational practices of their second-year A Level subject-based research. The article analyses empirical instances of students’ discursive agency through Butler’s notions of performativity, citationality, excessive signification and resignification to consider the complex, multiple and creative ways in which sixth form students produce themselves as viable gendered subjects in relation to post-feminist and feminist discourses. The analysis considers both how discourse regulates and conditions students’ relations with post-feminism and feminism and how discourse contains the possibilities for the subject to refuse the refusal of feminism in popular culture. Through its analysis of how students use their discursive agency to claim a feminist identity, and how these uses constitute transgressive practices, the article explores the political significance of identifications with feminism in doing gender differently. It ends with an argument for the re-consideration of the apparently assured popular cultural ‘failure’ of feminism in post-feminist neoliberal times.  相似文献   
基于第六次人口普查数据,运用因子分析对我国31省市的住房房源状况进行了研究,同时比较了第五、六次普查中我国家庭户住房房源的差异。研究结果表明,依据因子值对各省市住房在相应房源主成分中进行排名,得出我国东部地区住房房源主要以购房、租房房源为主,中西部地区主要以自建房为主,并对相应住房房源所带来的问题提出解决对策;相比第五次人口普查,我国购房房源的家庭户增长最快,其次为租房房源的家庭户增长,自建房房源的家庭户增长较少,并提出租房将是未来我国住房问题解决的重要对策。  相似文献   
西柏坡精神的基本内涵包括:以两个"务必"为核心的艰苦创业精神,以两个"敢于"为特征的锐意进取精神,以两个"善于"为基调的开拓创新精神。西柏坡精神蕴含着对传统文化的继承与发扬,体现着实践探索与理论提升的统一,隐含着强烈的忧患意识,彰显着深刻的开拓创新精神。弘扬西柏坡精神有助于推进社会主义核心价值体系建设,有助于推动新时期文化建设的改革创新,有助于提升"文化自觉"与"文化自信",有助于推动文化事业与文化产业的双繁荣。  相似文献   
第六代导演王小帅的转型力作《左右》,以沉稳的叙事风格打破了当下由于对现实的功利性关注而缺乏对个体生命存在的冷静思考所带来的困境。透过影片可以看到一种崭新的视角:自觉引导人们从精神性的存在层面重新审视生命存在的特殊意义,通过对爱的深刻感知,最终完成对生命终极意义的回归,从而为生命存在找到诗意的栖居。  相似文献   
画家刘小东与"第六代"导演王小帅、贾樟柯等在不同艺术领域的合作互动表明艺术精神的相通。着眼于日常生活的"原生态"写实,以个人化视角关注被传统文艺置于视野之外的社会边缘人物和边缘心态,这是社会转型过程中开始艺术生涯的一代艺术家共同的追求。  相似文献   
从90年代中期开始,当中国第五代导演光彩渐隐之际,一批更为年轻,被称为第六代的导演,以其个性化的叙述方式和片断化的感觉风格逐渐成为一个引人注目的创作群体。多年电影专业素质的培养,使得他们一拍片就造就了独特的影像风格——“影像魅力远胜于形象魅力”。在其充满“隐喻”的简约电影风格中,我们既看到了第六代导演的过人之处,也看到了他们不尽成熟的地方。  相似文献   
康熙四十九年秋曹寅有"佩笔六番充侍从"句,体察其意,盖曹寅在侍卫及内务府郎官任时有第一番侍从,在康熙后四次南巡期间分别有第二、三、四、五番侍从,在康熙四十九年春巡游五台山时有第六番侍从。曹寅的前五番侍从,研究者已有论述,对他的第六番侍从,则全无印象或知之不详,这不能不说是一个遗憾,笔者拟结合《清圣祖实录》的相关记载,对曹寅的第六番侍从作详细的考察,并与刘上生先生的"佩笔侍从"说商榷。  相似文献   
Drawing on in-depth interviews with 15 openly bisexual male youth from sixth forms across the UK, this article documents positive experiences of bisexual male youth in school: participants had positive coming out experiences and did not encounter significant discrimination or harassment because of their sexual identity. Participants attribute this to the inclusive environments of their schools and local cultures. Examining the narratives of two participants who had negative experiences, this article also highlights continued issues for bisexual youth in schools. It thus advances our understanding of contemporary bisexual lives in educational institutions, and contributes to debates about whether sixth forms are more inclusive spaces than secondary schools for bisexuals.  相似文献   
路翎20世纪40年代小说呈现出"悲""狂"审美风格,既源于路翎青年个性的影响,也带有"五四"鲁迅传统的印痕;既有时代风云浓墨重彩的,染,也有流派风格潜移默化的推动;既有西欧自由主义思潮的催生,也是俄苏爱国主义思潮的促成。多重文学语境的共同作用使小说呈现出既听命于时代又执着于个人,既带有浓厚的政治意识形态色彩又坚守艺术阵地,既狂躁突兀又悲壮苍凉的特征。复杂特征的呈现使得路翎这一时期的小说创作在20世纪中国文学史上成为一种醒目的存在,留下了富有启示性的经验和教训。  相似文献   
普罗科菲耶夫是苏俄杰出的作曲家和钢琴家,其一生经历了俄罗斯、欧关和苏联三个时期。苏联时期,普氏写下了从第五到第七三部交响曲,其中第六交响曲因其内容的深刻与形式的复杂,而遭到苏联文化当权者的严厉批评,很久之后才被恢复名誉,成为公认的音乐名作。  相似文献   
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