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A significant number of archaeological finds of the 13th–16th century from the Tuscan sites of Germagnana and Gambassi in Valdelsa—FI, was studied by different physico-chemical investigations (SEM–EDS, ICP, Mössbauer spectroscopy, XRD, XRF, TG-DTA) in order to contribute to clarify the production methodology and the pre-industrial glass manufacture technology. The studied samples are mainly non-vitreous finds as production waste, refractory materials, crucibles and raw materials; also vitreous finds as frits, skims, glasses (glass masses, glass working waste and finished products) have been taken into consideration. The obtained petrographic and physico-chemical data strongly suggest that both Gambassi and Germagnana glass manufactures were strictly connected with the sources of vitrifiable materials, situated in Tuscan sand quarries. In particular a comparison between sands from the neighbouring quarries and appropriate finds of the two archaeological sites evidences that the employed vitrifiable materials possibly belong to La Casina La Cava resort. The archaeological classification, based on macroscopic observation and stratigraphic position, was compared and verified with the scientific classification of the examined finds of Germagnana and Gambassi sites based on their composition, morphology and physico-chemical properties.  相似文献   
秦汉时期的皇族档案,主要是宗室名籍和根据名籍编撰而成的帝王诸侯世谱、年谱。至中古时期(魏晋南北朝隋唐),皇族档案的形式和编撰制度出现了新进展:在魏晋南北朝,皇族档案呈现出“谱牒化”和“士族化”倾向;至唐代,皇族谱牒编撰又展现出“制度化”和“多样化”特点。  相似文献   
A multi-analytical approach for the study of brazilwood and its lake pigments was carried out based on historically accurate reconstructions. Recipes for brazilwood lakes from the fifteenth century technical text Livro de como se fazem as cores and the Winsor & Newton nineteenth century colourman's archive were reproduced and compared. Both primary sources allowed for the successful preparation of brazilwood lake pigments with colours that vary from light pink to dark red. The main steps and ingredients for the manufacture of these pigments were common in both sources, particularly the addition of Al3+ in the form of alum, and calcium carbonate (chalk). Reconstructions revealed that the latter acts as a pH buffer and filler, controlling the pH at which the lake pigment precipitates. The main difference between the two sources is that the nineteenth century recipes give the quantities for all ingredients, the precise temperatures and time, and achieved higher relative pigment yields (75% versus 45%). Full chemical characterisation of the reconstructions provided detailed information on the individual steps in the pigment manufacture and revealed that the presence of calcium sulphate dihydrate (gypsum) in the final pigment was a result of its formation in situ. Infrared, reflectance, and fluorescence spectroscopy proved to be essential and complementary techniques: while infrared was used to characterise additives and binders, reflectance and fluorescence data were fundamental for identifying the chromophore. The pigments and paints produced can now be used as standards for the identification and investigation of brazilwood lake pigments found in artworks.  相似文献   
南京国民政府形式上统一中国后,为推行地方自治和建设现代化国家的需要,开始致力于基层警政的建设。国民政府颁布了相应的法令法规对基层警察建制作了规定,以期实现国家对基层的有效控制。但理想与现实之间存在着巨大的差距,事权不统一、经费严重匮乏、缺乏训练有素的员警、传统治安力量与现代警察间的冲突等原因,使国民政府的基层警政建设收效甚微。  相似文献   
中古汉语中“见V”结构的使用情况十分复杂。一方面,上承上古时期的被动式“见V”结构被继续保留、使用;另一方面,新产生的非被动式“见V”结构日趋繁荣。佛经献是研究中古汉语不可多得的宝贵材料。章以佛经材料为主要研究对象,希望新的材料可以为此论题提供新的研究视角。  相似文献   
明末清初,福建省宁化县泉上镇屡次遭受兵灾。泉上镇李氏家族通过修建土堡、山寨,倡建乡兵、保民会,以及家族精英的政治优势保障了家族和泉上地区在明清盗乱中的相对安定,同时李氏家族在明清动乱之际完成了宗族的收族活动。文章以此说明在明清交替过程中乡村社会的应对和社会秩序的重建,及在其中乡绅所扮演的角色。  相似文献   
刘坤一是晚清重要的封疆大吏,曾经三次担任两江总督。19世纪70年代,刘坤一开始从一个传统保守的官僚转变为开明务实的洋务分子,他倡导新式教育,创办新式学堂,积极地推进江苏近代教育,使之在19世纪末20世纪初走在全国前列。  相似文献   
时代不同,诗歌情感自然呈现差异.本为悲情萦绕的送别诗,在盛唐和晚唐却有着不一样的滋味,这不仅仅是“悲”的程度深浅所能概括的。笔者以《文苑英华》所收诗歌为例,并重点分析送人赴任之作,以突现其差异。  相似文献   
洋务派在创办轮船招商局之初,就有着以其民用企业之体,而达到海防之用的设想,并力图将这种设想付诸实践。轮船招商局在晚清海防中确实做出了不可忽视的贡献。它在北洋、南洋海防的筹饷、军运等方面以及台湾海防方面作出了贡献;它租领马尾船政局所造船只,对维系马尾船政局的生存和发展作出了贡献;它寓兵于商,对增强晚清国防实力作出了贡献.  相似文献   
晚唐李涪深谙礼制并拥有"周礼库"之美誉,《刊误》便是其针对当时礼制沦丧所著之书。文章对李涪生平事迹与《刊误》一书版本进行考释,分析其史料价值,认为此书不仅史源近真、反映现实,又能补史之阙,是如今学界研究唐代礼制及社会习俗不可多得的史料来源。  相似文献   
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