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“经世致用,和而不同”作为大学校训,蕴含着丰富的教育哲学思想,体现了当代大学应具有的文化底蕴。深刻理解这种精神的育人功能,努力培育这种文化精神,着力提升当代大学的文化品位,增强大学教育的生机和活力,是时代赋予大学教育工作者的历史责任。  相似文献   
王进 《体育科学》2007,27(3):43-48
基于“习得无助”理论的“动机缺乏模式”和“功能缺乏模式”发展一个体育竞赛的努力缺乏综合模式,通过实验设计验证6个理论假设。80名体育专业学生参加一个投篮对抗,决定胜负,然后,再参加一个投掷飞镖的任务。对被试的朝向认知活动、后续朝向状态、后续努力与第二任务成绩的关系进行分析。结果发现,失败的被试比成功被试更关注结果引起的原因,同时,对后续控制感更低;当归因倾向非控制因素时,后续努力变得下降。另外,归因的方式对后续努力和投标成绩都有影响。  相似文献   
吸烟是一种危害很大的自我伤害行为,而广大吸烟者由于种种生理的、心理的原因对香烟上瘾,本文着重从几个不同的心理学流派的视角对吸烟行为进行探讨,即认知心理学家强调:由于吸烟者对吸烟的错误认知,支持了(或固定了)个体的吸烟行为;尊神分析理论通常认为:吸烟与口唇期人格发展的停滞和倒退有关;行为主义和社会学习理论则强调:个体已形成的习得无助感加剧了戒烟困难;特质流派的人格理论家认为嗜烟者在人格特质的内-外控制点上比其他个体更倾向于外控。  相似文献   
This study explored a theory for motivation which included aspects of both attribution theory and goal theory. Motivational variables included beliefs about intelligence (entity or incremental), goal orientation (mastery/learning, performance-approach, performance-avoidance) and avoidant behaviours. Grades 4 and 5 students from a large, metropolitan school district were surveyed regarding these motivational variables across the academic domains of reading and mathematics. The relationships among these motivational variables were explored, as well as differences across domains. A diverse sample allowed differences across ethnic groups and socioeconomic status to be studied. Results indicate that children could have a generalised notion of motivation that becomes differentiated when students are asked to reflect on these variables within specified domains. The existence of few differences across ethnic and socioeconomic groups suggest that instructional style could be a more powerful influence than either of these variables.  相似文献   
张耒是北宋中后期的著名作家,在当时的文坛上享有盛誉。张耒的诗文作品浸染着浓浓的雅化色彩,其作品是作者高洁洒脱的胸襟气度、人格操守和审美情趣的流溢与呈现。张耒的"崇雅"意趣,深深地植根于"宋型文化"这一大的时代文化背景当中,是当时文人士大夫崇雅情趣、崇雅心态的折射和反映。笔者在此文章中,对张耒"崇雅"意趣所蕴涵的多重意蕴及形成原因,进行了深入的剖析和探讨。  相似文献   
随着我国知识产权方面的法律法规的逐步完善,全社会的著作权法律意识日益提高。因此,学术期刊社要努力把版权保护工作提高到一个新水平;论文的网络出版权问题、未发表论文的侵权问题、处理好署名权问题、修改权问题、“抄袭行为”与“文责自负”等问题。期刊编辑既要有责任维护期刊权益,更有责任维护作者权利。  相似文献   
出现在大一统中央集权帝国奠基时期、西汉中叶的盐铁会议,对以后的中国历史产生了深远影响。与会两派在经济政策、经济理论领域里诸多歧义的焦点为如何对待自由商品经济。以重商见长的御史大夫派的干涉主义与以重农抑商著称的贤良文学派的放任主义之争,为何出现各自思想、思维起点与政策、方针结局的悖逆以及对立的双方发生交叉和错位的现象?笔者认为,作为抑商思想、干涉政策的否定者——理论上的私人工商业者代表,被排拒门外,是这场论战的缺憾。究其原因:商人资本在以自然经济占支配地位的国民经济结构中,无法成为一个独立的经济成份,因此在政治上无法代表自己。而桑弘羊等人主张的、并为后世专制统治者所效行的国家商业资本政策旨在遏抑、扭曲和规范商人资本,使之变成经济统制的帮手。商人资本丧失正当、合理的经济职能,导致商品经济的不健康状态,从而影响了古代中国社会的良性运行。  相似文献   
By analyzing the conversations about "the operation" between the couple and the subtle changes of Jig's psychology in "Hills Like White Elephants", the paper exploits the raising of Jig's women consciousness that it is from a state of dependence to helplessness, hopelessness, and finally into be an independent female.  相似文献   
The main aim of this study is to test a conceptualised framework that involved the integration of achievement goals, self‐efficacy and self‐esteem beliefs, and study‐processing strategies. Two hundred and ninety (178 females, 112 males) first‐year university students were administered a number of Likert‐scale inventories in tutorial classes. Data were analysed through structural equation modelling procedures. The results provided support, in part, for the hypothesised relationships; for example, both self‐efficacy and self‐esteem exerted positive effects on deep processing, and academic performance was influenced positively by mastery goals and deep processing. Similarly, surface processing exerted a negative effect on academic performance. One key finding was the positive effect that self‐esteem exerted on self‐efficacy. Finally, a one‐way MANOVA indicated statistically significant differences between men and women in their self‐esteem; women reported higher self‐esteem than men. This study provides support for the amalgamation of key motivational and learning theories and accentuates the importance of achievement goals, self‐efficacy and study‐processing strategies as possible mediators of students’ academic performance.  相似文献   
我国东北地区三所医学高校学报载文和引文的统计分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郝明  张云秋  郝力 《情报科学》1999,17(3):303-303
本文以我国东北三所医学高校学报为研究对象,对其载文及引文作了统计分析,结合近年来我国科技期刊引文统计的部分成果,在综合评价的基础上,从一个侧面展现我国东北地区医学科学的研究水平及差距。  相似文献   
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