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近年来,东亚地区主义发展迅速,但东亚国家之间存在着经济、政治、社会等巨大差别、历史的纠葛与现实的矛盾,因而东亚地区主义的构建应该以正视差别、共容共存,求同存异、共享共荣为原则。具体而言,就是要培养“东亚认同”意识,正确处理中日关系、重视东盟在东亚合作中的作用,促进东亚合作各项机制的融合,加强各国人民之间的友好交往。  相似文献   
北宋前期词在发展中深受地域文化因素的影响,表现出地域性不平衡的特点。北宋前三朝政治环境中对南方士人的歧视排斥,限制了南方词人的成长,词坛一度消沉萎顿。真宗后期和仁宗朝词坛开始勃兴,则与南方士子精英大量进入北宋政权和文坛密切相关。北宋前期,南方、北方词人作品风格总体表现出明显的地域性分野。随着北宋前期词人仕宦经历的改变,...  相似文献   
Since the 1980s, popular cultural products have criss‐crossed the national borders of East Asian countries, enabling a discursive construction of an ‘East Asian Popular Culture’ as an object of analysis. The present essay is a preliminary attempt to provide some conceptual and analytic shape to this object, delineated by its three constitutive elements of production, distribution and consumption. Each East Asian location participates in different and unequal levels in each of these component processes. Production can either be located entirely in a single geographic location or, alternatively, each of the necessary constituent sub‐processes can be executed from different locations; preference for either arrangement tends to reflect the relative dominance of the production location in exporting its finished products. Consumption and thus consumers are geographically located within cultural spaces in which they are embedded. Meanings and viewing pleasures are generated within the local cultures of specific audience. Conceptually, among the several possible consumption positions, the one in which an audience watches an imported programme is most intriguing. In this viewing position, differences between the cultures of the location of consumption and that of the production location become most apparent. The audience member has to bring his or her own cultural context to bear on the content of the imported product and read it accordingly. In this sense, the cultural product may be said to have crossed a ‘cultural’ boundary, beyond the simple fact of its having been exported/imported into a different location as an economic activity. Such an audience position requires the consumer to transcend his or her grounded nationality to forge abstract identification with the foreign characters on screen, a foreignness that is, in turn, potentially reabsorbed into an idea of (East) ‘Asia’; a potential ‘East Asian identity’, emerging from consumption of popular cultural products, is thus imaginable.  相似文献   
This article analyses creative industries policy in the English regions under New Labour (1997–2010). It examines the ideas behind regional creative industries policies (RCIPs) and their implementation. Focusing on the activities of the English regional development agencies, the primary bodies responsible for the implementation of creative industries policy in the British regions, the article places regional cultural policy during the New Labour period within its broader political, social and economic contexts. It explains and evaluates New Labour's RCIPs, arguing that creative industries policy at the regional level changed over the course of New Labour's three terms of office, becoming increasingly economistic at the expense of a more social democratic vision of regional equality and democracy. We identify three issues that were problematic for New Labour's RCIP: a reliance on the idea of “clusters”, commercialisation and shifting regional governance.  相似文献   
闽东是畲族的主要聚居区。一千多年来,闽东畲族人民创造了灿烂的畲族文化,畲族女性无疑也是创造本民族文化的一支重要力量。然而,随着文化的转型与发展,各种文化合力解构着包括畲族女性文化在内的传统文化,要实现畲族女性传统文化的现代性建构,就必须与传统文化相结合,既要唤醒畲族女性的文化自觉,又要调动外在力量。只有借助传统文化的合力作用,才能有效完成传统文化的现代性建构,真正推动民族文化事业的发展。  相似文献   
乡土建筑是传承红色基因的重要容器与载体,其地域性表达对于传统聚落文脉的延续起到关键作用。以平潭综合实验区主题党日馆为例,从呼应场地的地形地貌和街道尺度、延续周边石头厝建筑肌理、革新传统石墙建造工艺、采取气候适应性的立面开窗机制以及利用多种抽象手法传递红色精神等五个方面对建筑地域性做出了深入地思考和解读,旨在探究红色文化背景下乡土建筑的设计思路和研究方向,以期为同类型建筑的研究与创作提供借鉴作用。  相似文献   
In this era of amplified regionalisation, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean's (ECLAC) conceptualisation of ‘open regionalism’ is pertinent to examine the role of regional governance mechanisms in constructing what I call the Caribbean Educational Policy Space. With the aid of a latent content analysis of policy documents that focuses on the current wave of regionalism within the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries, I argue that open regionalism is the instrument that facilitates the expansion of education into a regional tradable commodity that is embedded and linked to the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME). I suggest that open regionalism can be further finessed to consider the modalities that make the operationalising of the integrative project possible. In essence, open regionalism is used as a governance framework by CARICOM's states to enact national educational reform. I conclude by arguing that open regionalism is an approach that is driven by the knowledge-based economy, premised upon innovation and inventiveness, which facilitates regional entry into hemispheric relations, and focused on the deepening global relations.  相似文献   
周边外交是新世纪中国外交的重要组成部分。在纷繁复杂的地缘环境中确立适宜的周边外交战略至关重要。地区主义是冷战后国际社会的一股重要趋势。在亚洲范围内,地区主义指引下的地区合作正在蓬勃开展。中国为实现自己的大国战略及发展目标,大力开展地区合作,从而为地区主义与中国周边外交的结合提供了基础。地区主义作为冷战后中国周边外交新理念,不仅有理论基础,也逐渐为实践所证明。  相似文献   
生态文化是生态旅游、文化旅游可持续发展的动力,是现代设计创作的灵感源泉。在现代技术影响下的现代空间设计俨然已经失去了原有的绚丽色彩。批判性地域主义思想主张以一种含蓄而谦逊的态度,低调地表达物质文化、制度文化和行为文化在现代设计中的保护与传承。既不与现代设计彻底决裂,也不盲目追求现代设计的时尚与前卫,在现代技术与传统文化之间构建一种有机平衡。  相似文献   
作为近代哲学家并一直追寻自由的斯宾诺莎的哲学思想,具备着近代性和现代性的双重性。通过与怀特海的哲学思想、胡塞尔的哲学思想、张载的哲学思想相比较,可以看出斯宾诺莎与其时间上不同、地域上不同的三位著名哲学家在思想上有相似的倾向性,可以说是哲学思想上的同行者。由此看出,斯宾诺莎的哲学思想具有能够超越西方和东方的空间距离,以及近代和现代的时间距离的思想上的动态性。  相似文献   
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