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基于网络课件的标准应用及界定研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代远程教育标准对发展网络远程教育、教学起到了规范和指导的作用,但诸多标准尚处于雏形或发展之中,有许多有待研究和解决的问题。该文立足于网络课件制作、编列、播放的全过程,从功能上就相关的一系列标准应用及如何对其界定进行了探讨。  相似文献   
1978年以来,随着市场经济的不断成熟,我国的媒介产业飞速发展但仍处于产业化的初级阶段。因此如何顺应经济体制变化,掌握市场经济规律,以促进媒介发展成为一个亟待研究的重要课题。本文就以上海市的《解放日报》为例,探讨了经济体制的变化对我国报业的影响。其间具体分1978—1992、1992—2000、2000~2010三个时...  相似文献   
随着旅游业的发展,旅游业相关研究受到越来越多学着的重视,相关的研究文章日渐繁多,研究角度和侧重点也日新月异。《Annals of tourism research》作为国外旅游研究的重要刊物,其刊登的文章在一定程度上反映了目前国际旅游相关研究的主要关注点。总结该刊物2005~2009年的239篇文章,其主要研究的国家为美国、英国、西班牙等11个,研究主体主要为旅游目的地、旅游者、旅游吸引物等11个。  相似文献   
考察现今众多的艺术起源学说,虽然各自都有其自圆其说的理论依据,但却都经不起 其他理论的反证,这说明了艺术的起源是多种因素共同作用的结果。由于人不仅具有社会属性,而 且首先具有自然属性,因此研究艺术的起源需从这两方面综合进行。而现有的艺术起源学说都试 图从某一个侧面来对艺术起源问题进行阐释,这势必会将问题简单化。  相似文献   
朱熹的《大学章句》将大学之道落实为"明明德"的内修外推过程,以"明明德"为根本,贯穿三纲领的始终。八条目与三纲领相对应,明明德也就是修身的内在表现。在实现止于至善的过程中,要按照八条目的近道顺序进行,即达到"明明德于天下"需要按照格物、致知、诚意、正心、修身、齐家、治国、平天下的顺序。  相似文献   
"贞"是《周易》全书的"关键词"之一,对这一概念理解的不同,不仅关涉到概念本身的具体涵义,更关涉到对《周易》这部著作的内涵、性质的理解。本文通过对《周易》六个主要译本中"贞"字的翻译进行对比分析,发现"贞"字的英译各有不同,单个译本很难反映"贞"的丰富意义,"贞"字的翻译应该采用音译加注释的方法,以统一和完善中国哲学术语的翻译。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a conceptual tool, the expression ‘playing with space’, for the analysis of active sport tourism as a meaningful social practice. The expression issues from practice theories and pragmatic understandings of space, which emphasize the processual and contextual dimensions of human action and seek to seize altogether the corporealities and shared conceptions that constitute action. On such views, sport tourists are considered as reflexive and embodied beings, enjoying sensations, mobilities and places, and constantly (re)making sense of their own practices. I argue that the notion of ‘play’ allows for a comprehensive understanding of the ways active sport tourists engage with space, where space is viewed as an object or material for this play. Three major dimensions of active sport tourism are then identified: a set of playful and game-like practices with global space resulting in shared imaginaries and large-scale mobilities; a kinaesthetic play, based on freedom and sensations and deeply engaged in the materiality of the places and the omnipresent media practices that support the other dimensions of play while being fully integrated into the experience of sport tourism. This conceptual framework is a way to better understand the motives and practices of sport tourists; it is also a way to underline wider trends of contemporary leisure cultures: such cultures are increasingly integrated into the daily spheres of activity, increasingly playful and increasingly mediatized.  相似文献   
广西博白客家采茶戏自明末形成以来,已经有近400年的历史。古老的民间戏班传统一直延续到今天,但是在不同的历史时期其生存状态有很大差别。作者通过实地调查发现,民间戏班办班经费都是班主或者其他人自筹,基本的生存方式是通过营业性演出获得报酬,维持基本需要。采茶戏班演出剧目主要以受老年人欢迎的古装采茶戏为主,并有相对固定的戏路机制。采茶戏班在其表演的过程当中经常伴随着一系列的仪式,这些仪式对于戏班和请戏人都具有特别的意义。作者最后依据实地调查资料提出,要振兴桂南采茶戏,应从以下两个方面入手:政府应加强对采茶戏班的管理与引导;要充分抓住当前“非物质文化遗产”保护的大好时机,加大保护宣传力度。  相似文献   
In early childhood education and care, Nordic social pedagogy approach is challenged by a learning orientation that often results in unproductive ‘either/or’ thinking. Therefore, based on the two approaches and by analysing several dimensions of Froebel’s ideas and prevailing social-historical activity (play) theory, the author deduces four generally accepted play criteria that form the basis for the construction of a dynamic and play-based learning concept that has the three following cornerstones as focal points: (1) learning happens in activities where the child is an active participant and interacts and communicates with other people; (2) meaningful activities pave the way for children’s learning; these are activities where the child’s motive aligns with the goal of the activity; and (3) learning is seen as a productive and creative activity characterised by imagination.  相似文献   
就碛砂藏系改动原书文字的情况考察《玄应音义》碛砂藏、高丽藏二系的异同,其改动原书文字的情况可归为三种:根据时音改动释文切语;不明底本之误而以意妄改;据字书删改玄应训释失当之处。充分认识碛砂藏系这些改动的性质,把握其改动的大致规律,不但能让我们对其版本系统特点有更清楚的认识,而且能正确指导《玄应音义》校勘整理工作。  相似文献   
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