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Savage  Robert  Stuart  Morag 《Reading and writing》2001,14(7-8):571-598
Two experiments investigated the use of orthographic analogies in 6 year olds. In Experiment 1, 26 children were shown CVC clue and target word pairs sharing either rimes (`fork' – `pork'), heads (`fork' – `ford') or were controls (`fork' – `hurl'). A modest advantage for rime-clued over head-cluedtargets was unreliable over by-subject and by-item analyses. Improvements in target word reading were correlated with pretest scaffolding errors (e.g. `pork' misread as `park'). In Experiment 2, 50 children were pretaught three clue words for each target word before being shown words that shared either rimes (`leak' – `peak'), or medial vowel digraphs (`leak') – `bean'), or were controls (`leak' – `herd'). A modest advantage for rime-clued over vowel digraph-clued targets was again unreliable over by-subject and by-item analyses. Neither rime nor phoneme awareness measures were correlated with rime inference use. Vowel, but not rime inference, was correlated with scaffolding errors. Rime detection was the strongest predictor of reading ability, whereas phoneme segmentation was the strongest predictor of the use of scaffolding errors.  相似文献   
The predictive value of rime spellings in English was compared directly to other types of regularities beyond the level of the single letter. A computer-assisted analysis of a list of twenty-four thousand written words, each paired with its corresponding pronunciation, reveals that only a small number of rime spellings are highly regular in their pronunciations. The conventional division of vowel letter pronunciations into short and long in closed and open written syllables is the most reliable key to English pronunciation. Our findings support the notion that English spelling is based at least in part on syllable structure. In addition, prefixes and suffixes provide very reliable clues to pronunciation, which suggests that their regularity should be exploited in the teaching of reading.  相似文献   
19世纪浪漫主义思潮席卷了整个世界,相同的文学背景以及诗人相似的宗教信仰和情怀,使某些诗歌从思想内容和艺术形式上都有着可比性。由于创作背景的影响,《老水手行》和《泰尔耶·维根》从思想内容和艺术形式两个方面存在差异,是社会环境不同,浪漫主义思潮所处阶段的不同,诗人所受思想的不同。  相似文献   
Two experiments were conducted to investigate developmental changes in children's use of rime-level units of sound-to-spelling correspondence when spelling nonwords under varying task demands. In Experiment 1, nonwords were presented in isolation. Older children spelled more of the nonwords by analogy than younger children. Experiment 2 adopted versions of the clue word technique employed by Goswami (1988a) and found that significantly more analogous, rime-based responses were given to the same stimuli in both younger and older children. However, fewer analogous responses were given when the salience of the clue word was reduced by presentation of multiple target nonwords. The results suggest that while children in the early stages of development possess the ability to use rime-based units in spelling, they do not always make spontaneous use of this analogy strategy. However, when the potential to use rime-based units is highlighted by task demands, as is the case in Experiment 2 when a clue word is provided, even young children make considerable use of analogy in spelling.  相似文献   
王丽 《巢湖学院学报》2009,11(5):72-76,129
<古舟子咏>是英国湖畔诗人柯勒律治最著名的浪漫主义诗作.本文从两个角度分析<古舟子咏>中信天翁意象以此来解读<古舟子咏>:信天翁意象的词汇寓意构建;通过对多个意象进行分析,探讨信天翁意象构建.  相似文献   
柯尔律治作为19世纪英国文化意识形态和保守主义的代表,其思想丰富并影响深远.运用新历史主义和后殖民理论,解读他的诗歌《老水手行》可以探讨文学如何参与帝国越洋殖民扩张,可以梳理海外冒险与帝国主义、浪漫主义与奴隶贸易、基督教与废奴运动等纠葛,可以看到帝国主义的贪婪和残暴不仅给殖民地带来灾难,也给殖民者带来瘟疫和精神堕落.《老水手行》体现了诗人“同一”、“差异”和“大同殖民地”的构想.  相似文献   
音乐性是诗歌的重要特质之一,主要体现在节奏和音韵两方面。诗歌的音乐性和思想性是密不可分的。Coleridge的诗作素以瑰丽的想象、极强的音乐性而闻名,在19世纪的英国诗坛独树一帜。本文从节奏和音韵两方面,对其代表作之一《老水手谣》的音乐性进行了具体分析。  相似文献   
在《古舟子咏》中,柯勒律治通过对传统的逻格斯中心主义的解构,在同一象征物中重塑一种对立统一的新型二元结构,从而构建其"天(上帝)—地(自然)—人"的有机自然,并结合其文学创作实践,形成柯式的"作者—文本—读者"为一体的"文学有机论"。  相似文献   
柯尔律治的诗《古舟子咏》是一首叙事诗,具有小说中的一些典型特征。《古舟子咏》具有明显的哥特式风格,其哥特式风格主要体现在哥特式背景、人物、梦幻、哥特式意象、词汇、可怕的画面、哥特式气氛、犯罪、宗教、血腥、哥特式故事情节和主题等方面。《古舟子咏》中的哥特式风格有效地渲染了诗的气氛,强化了诗的主题,创造了极强的艺术效果。  相似文献   
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