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史铁生的作品中洋溢着深厚的宗教文化精神,尤其是对基督教文化的言说成为他作品中的一大亮点。在他的作品中,有着对人本的困境的关注,更有着对救赎的终极眷注。  相似文献   
《孽海花》采用零视角为主的多重视角模式展示了一幅真实而全面的晚清社会画卷,体现了作者探索历史发展规律,批判与反思民族文化的深刻思想。同时《孽海花》不同于传统小说的叙事手法,既继承了传统小说精髓又有重大创新,是同时代小说中的经典。  相似文献   
“生民视角”是华裔美国作家通过界定、书写和明确华裔美国人的身份,以便对抗东方主义主流话语强行赋予华裔美国人的文化形象,来实现“还我美国”的社会政治目标。汤亭亭借助赵健秀所提出的“生民视角”看到的华裔美国人的实际问题,在《孙行者》中为怎样才能实现“还我美国”这一最高目标提供了一个答案。汤亭亭在《孙行者》中对阿新形象的塑造。通过对华裔社区的建构和华裔主体的构想,触及了建构华裔身份的核心问题。  相似文献   
托马斯·哈代的最后一部小说《无名的裘德》是他最好的作品之一,然而哈代在书中对宗教和社会所持的复杂而尖锐的态度让它出版时大受冷遇。本文旨在探究其宗教方面的原因。除了简要介绍托马斯.哈代和《无名的裘德》这部作品,本文试图通过对书中人物的详细分析发掘哈代身上深刻的基督教烙印和明显的反基督教倾向。  相似文献   
On July 8, 2003, at Goree Island, Senegal, George W. Bush delivered the most important speech on American slavery since Abraham Lincoln. As an example of rhetorical artistry, the speech is a masterpiece, putting the brutality of slavery into historical, political, and theological perspective. Although the speech had deliberative effects—it grew out of, and contributed to, the Millennium Challenge as well as the administration's African AIDS initiative—it was primarily an epideictic speech that envisioned Providential history as its audience. By adopting the God of history as audience, Bush was able to confess the nation's original sin and to begin to make amends by directing billions of dollars to African development as well as treatment of AIDS and malaria. While largely successful with Africans, the speech left many African Americans both puzzled and angry. The Bush administration could have built on the initial success of the Goree Island speech by extending the internal logic of the address to the material conditions of African Americans, but it did not.  相似文献   
乾隆帝少年时代便密切接触佛教,通过同章嘉三世的交往,深刻领悟了佛教文化;在与超字辈僧人同参法会的过程中,逐渐了解了上层僧人的趋炎附势,对其投机钻营的行径产生了厌恶之情;而在他少年时代的诗文集《乐善堂全集》中,其对佛教寺庙的喜爱,对闲适生活的向往,对参禅悟道高僧的尊重多有描写。从这些诗歌中可以推断:弘历少年时代形成的佛教观具有理想主义倾向,这无疑影响了他即位后施行的佛教管理政策。  相似文献   
中国的民间道教俗信——黄大仙信仰从产生之初便被地方化利用,尤其是进入岭南之后,更是不断与当地地域文化发生互动。传说、祠庙的地方化不仅丰富了黄大仙信仰的内涵,而且使黄大仙信仰在岭南获得广泛的崇拜,并最终成为全球华人共同崇拜的文化符号。  相似文献   
The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is an evolutionarily conserved Ser/Thr protein kinase with essential cellular function via processing various extracellular and intracellular inputs. Two distinct multi-protein mTOR complexes (mTORC), mTORC1 and mTORC2, have been identified and well characterized in eukaryotic cells from yeast to human. Sin1, which stands for Sty1/Spc1-interacting protein1, also known as mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) associated protein (MAPKAP)1, is an evolutionarily conserved adaptor protein. Mammalian Sin1 interacts with many cellular proteins, but it has been widely studied as an essential component of mTORC2, and it is crucial not only for the assembly of mTORC2 but also for the regulation of its substrate specificity. In this review, we summarize our current knowledge of the structure and functions of Sin1, focusing specifically on its protein interaction network and its roles in the mTOR pathway that could account for various cellular functions of mTOR in growth, metabolism, immunity and cancer.  相似文献   
文章收录了魏源致宫保老伯大人的信的全文,考证了宫保老伯大人就是陶澍、写信的日期及魏源将务顶山之地让给了陶澍等3个问题,并提出值得商榷的意见。  相似文献   
在近一个世纪的中国现当代文学史上,女性文学是一朵绚丽的奇葩,而其表现女性对于自由解放的追求也成为一个永恒的主题。从“五四”觉醒的女性到当下“真实”的女人,无不在彷徨而执着中寻求着自身的生存状态和生命价值,然而由于历史沉积的原罪意识使得她们始终不能彻底地解放自己.  相似文献   
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