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明清之际法国耶稣会士的来华在中西文化交流史上占有举足轻重的作用,就法国耶稣会士来华的动机、传教的概况及影响作一初步探讨,以求教于方家。  相似文献   
在赴海外完成对外汉语教学的任务中,如何在异文化氛围中处理与当地文化的关系、如何亲和而有效地进行汉语教学与文化传播是海外对外汉语教师亟待解决的问题。文章通过梳理利玛窦在华传教的过程,总结其中的历史经验与教训,以为今日对外汉语教师海外文化传播提供借鉴。  相似文献   
晚清教会学校的商务英语教学是在社会对英语人才需求日盛的背景下所做出的一种世俗化和功利化的选择。其课程设置发轫于以内容为基础的专业英语教学,逐渐增设基于商务语言技能和内容的商务英语课程,并随着教会学校的发展而不断拓展和深化,最后发展为近代化职业教育基础之上的商务英语教学。教学方法从语法翻译法一统天下逐渐向语法翻译法与古安系列法共存的格局转变,且均与其世俗化和功利化的教学理念和目标相适应。尽管存在诸如教学宗旨的宗教属性及跨文化商务交际教学缺失等不足,但其英语与商务知识相结合的课程设置造就了大批商务英语人才。其旨在培养既熟练驾驭英语语言又掌握商务专业知识的复合型英语人才的教育模式,对当今商务英语教学具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   
张西平《传教士汉学研究》一书,为我们考察明、清两代中西初识时期两大思想文化传统之间的互动,提供了一个全面而又具体入微的双向视角。对中西交流史研究、西方汉学史研究、中国基督教史研究乃至"国学"研究,都具有重要的学术意义和参考价值。  相似文献   
以利马窦为首的传教士在明末来到中国,经过几十年的摸索,终于探讨出一条使天主教在华扎根的成功之路.而在明清嬗代之际传教士通过展示自己在火器、历法以及地理学等方面的知识优势获得了最高统治当局的赞许与支持,从而大张旗鼓地收徒传教.由于在整个传教过程中传教士始终紧盯着王贵与士林,并且一直以传播知识为旗帜,所以传教士的活动表现为知识传教的特征,与之相应,在社会政治与学术思想领域传教士所带来的主要不是宗教神学的影响,而是以科学技术为主的西学的影响.如果说这种影响在社会政治领域是短暂、浅显的,那么在学术思想领域就显得长久而深远了.  相似文献   
This study analyses the prevalence of sexting and the reasons and attitudes associated with its practice in adolescents with different cultural backgrounds (Colombia and Spain). The sample is made up of 489 Spaniards and 510 Colombians aged between 13 and 18 years. The results show that sexting is strongly influenced by gender and the country, in favor of men and Colombians respectively. The interaction between gender and country establishes that in Spain women and men practice sexting equally, while in Colombia men practice much more sexting than women. Although the practice of sexting increases progressively with age, the levels are higher among Colombian adolescents, especially after 15 years. According to the results, although both groups present a high risk for sexting, socio-cultural aspects and gender constitute differential variables to be taken into consideration. Therefore, it is necessary to design preventive strategies including cultural differences in relation to the sexuality.  相似文献   
The goal of this investigation was to examine intercultural knowledge development during a short-term study abroad program focused on language and cultural learning. Interviews with students were conducted at the beginning and end of the program, allowing for a qualitative approach to analysis, supported by quantitative measures. While previous investigations have relied on qualitative data, this is the first analysis of intercultural knowledge development based on a qualitative, pre- and post-program design. Intercultural knowledge development was identified considering the change and growth in student knowledge. Results indicated that students experienced a change in the salience of intercultural knowledge themes over the period abroad, focusing on City life and Schedule differences more at the beginning of the program than at the end. Such shift may be indicative of cultural adaptation during the program. Results also demonstrated intercultural knowledge growth over the period abroad, with the greatest growth being related to knowledge themes of Big C (e.g., culture and history), daily life, food and drink, and values and politics. These results led to a distinction between types of knowledge that traditionally have been included in definitions of intercultural knowledge, an analysis of context as it intersects with knowledge development, and a theoretical consideration of the relationship between intercultural knowledge and intercultural communicative competence. Furthermore, practical considerations for cultivating intercultural knowledge during short-term study abroad programs were discussed.  相似文献   
清末时期,在华基督教传教士以日本为典范,宣扬“西学”对日本社会变革影响的言论,对中国当时学习日本活动的兴起产生了一定的引导作用。然而在运动开始之后,传教士又作出了消极的反应,担心日本对中国可能产生重要的政治影响。  相似文献   
The Spanish Service was established in June 1939, two months after the end of the civil war in Spain and shortly before the start of the Second World War. Its implementation was strongly affected by these conflicts in the context of new international relations. Therefore, this study of the Spanish Service during 1939–1945 allows not only a better understanding of the communicational strategies developed by the BBC, but also of the complex Anglo-Spanish relations and the important role played by the Spanish-language broadcasts therein. The study is mainly based on archival documents from the National Archives in London and memoirs.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the various training initiatives available in some Spanish universities which aim to promote academic writing. It focuses mainly on three existing writing initiatives developed at the Ramon Llull University, the Faculty of Education of the Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Deusto. These initiatives aim to meet the needs of students who would like to improve the quality of their academic writing and are addressed to students in any degree programme, including undergraduate degrees, Master’s and doctorates. Feedback on students’ written work is essential in all three programmes. In addition, student support throughout the writing process is available, as are sessions where students can enlist the guidance of a tutor.  相似文献   
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